Rock with Me Page 47


“I’m not sure Sam should be having babies any time soon.” Meg announces with a laugh.

“Why not?” Luke asks.

“Well, there was a diaper…” Leo reaches over and covers her mouth with his hand, muffling the rest of the words and making them sound like the teacher on the Peanuts.

“I’m just definitely not ready.” I tell him quickly. “Not terribly maternal. You know.” I shrug and glance over at Nat to find her laughing, holding her stomach.

“Did Liv blow out her diaper when you watched her?” She asks and wipes tears from her eyes.

“What the hell do you feed her?” Leo demands.

“Stop talking about kids!” Jules interrupts. “And definitely stop talking about poop.”

“She said poop.” Will laughs.

“What are you, twelve?” Matt asks him.

“Like you didn’t snicker.”

“Shit, now I want chocolate,” Brynna bites her lip.

“Do you have chocolate?” Jules asks Natalie.

“I live here, girls, and I’m pregnant. Of course there’s chocolate! Follow me!” Nat jumps up and we all eagerly follow behind, taking our drinks with us, to the kitchen.

Natalie disappears into a pantry and then opens her fridge and begins piling goodies on the countertop. “We have chocolate ice-cream, kisses, brownies, and whipped cream.”

“I am so in love with you right now, I want to lay you out on this countertop and eat this shit off of you,” Jules hugs Nat tight and pulls down bowls, passes them around.

“Don’t mind us, we’ll just watch.” Nate calls from the living area.

“Oh my God, so good.” Brynna moans as she chews a chunk of brownie. I love Brynna’s body. Like Nat, she’s curvy, but more so. “I wish I had your boobs,” I tell her, not able to keep the envy out of my voice.

She smirks. “Right.”

“Dude, I do!” I take a sip of my drink, already happily fuzzy in the brain, and walk over to her and cup her size C cup boob in my palm. “See? You have the perfect boobs. Stace, have you felt her boobs?”

“Oh yeah.” Stacy waves me off. “She has great tits.”

“I wanna feel!” Jules bounces over to us.

“Give me more chocolate and you can touch all you want.” Brynna laughs. “This is the most action I’ve had in months,” she glares at Caleb and he swears long and loud.

“Your boobs are fine the way they are, sunshine.” Leo reminds me from the living room, and I blow him a kiss.

“I’m glad you approve, sexy man.”

We continue to gorge ourselves on junk, the guys are laughing and arguing about football and cars and other things that I just frankly don’t give a shit about.

“So, how’s the sex?” Jules asks me and glances over toward the other room.

“I don’t want to know.” Meg frowns. “Wait. Yeah, I do. Spill.”

I so want to tell them. I really, really do.

“And after you tell us about the sex, tell us how you are.” Natalie adds.

They’re all looking at me with a mixture of curiosity, sympathy and pure pride.

God, I love these girls.

“Sex is… amazing,” I admit and bite my lip. “I’m good. We’re still figuring it out.”

“Sounds about right.” Nat nods with approval. “He’s sexy, that’s for sure.”

“God, he’s sex on a stick,” Stacy agrees.

“I want to lick his stars,” Brynna adds and we all giggle.

“Dude, I do that all the time. They’re so lickable.”

“I hate you.” Brynna laughs. “I really hate you.”

“Yeah, ‘cause living with a hot Navy SEAL is so difficult.”

“Asshole won’t touch me, no matter how hard I try,” she whispers. Jules’ eyes go wide in surprise.

“Oh my God!” She gasps.

“Talk about sex on a stick,” Meg agrees. “Look at them. Goddam, we’re in the same room with what looks like an issue of People Magazines sexiest men alive.”

“I need an orgasm.” I sigh just as Leo looks in my direction and catches my eye. A slow, smug smile spreads across his handsome face, as if he can read my mind.

Probably because he can, damn him.

“I don’t know what else you guys are trying to figure out,” Meg comments and unwraps a kiss.

“It’s only been a few weeks,” I remind her.

“True.” She shrugs and pops the chocolate in her mouth.

My favorite Sara Bareilles song, King of Anything begins to play over the sound system. “God, I love this song.”

“I do too!” Jules toasts me and all of us girls begin to sing and dance around the kitchen, using forks for microphones, laughing and shaking what our mamas gave us.

Who cares if you disagree

You are not me

Who made you king of anything

The song ends and we high-five and spin around the to the sound of applause coming from our laughing men.

I don’t remember the last time I had this much fun and felt so… content.

We bow for the men.

“Encore!” Mark yells. “With less clothes. Except you, Sam, keep your shit on.”

“We’re a one-song show, guys. Sorry.”

“I think it’s time we head out anyway.” Isaac responds as the guys wander into the kitchen to join us. He wraps his arms around his wife and kisses her cheek.