Rock with Me Page 80

“Ah, shit,” I mutter and strain against his hands, but he holds me strong, his gray eyes pinning me in his gaze, and pumping into me, over and over, harder and harder. His breath is coming hard and fast, and finally he clenches his eyes shut and lets go, shuddering as he spills himself inside me.

“Love you,” he whispers and kisses me softly.

“Love you back.”

He kisses me once again and then lifts off me, pulls out and staggers off the bed to walk into the bathroom to clean up.

I watch him leave, happily admiring his tight ass, when his shoulder catches my eye.

“What the hell is that?” I demand and pull myself off the bed. He reappears in the doorway, wiping his hands on a towel.

“A tattoo,” he replies.

I roll my eyes. “Clearly. When did you get it? You didn’t have it when you left last night.”

“I got it this morning. Kat got me in early.”

“Kat?” I frown and then my eyes go wide. “That Kat?”

“I know people.” He turns to walk back into the bathroom and I follow him, inspecting the new ink in the mirror.

It’s spectacular in the light. It’s a yellow and orange sun, outlined in black. The rays look like they’re moving in a riot of color. Surrounding it, and between the rays, is a vibrant blue, like a blue sky.

“It’s beautiful,” I breathe. “I hope I didn’t hurt it when I hugged you.”

“I’m fine.” He smiles. “She did a great job.”

I can’t look away from it.

“The blue is your eyes,” he murmurs and turns to me, cupping my face in his hands.

“You put permanent ink on you that reminds you of me?”

He frowns for a moment and then sighs. “Yes.”

“Is it okay if that freaks me out a little?”

“Yes.” He laughs and nods.

“Good, ‘cause it freaks me out a little.” I look at it in the mirror again and warmth spreads through me, knowing that he wants something of me on him, but at the same time, it’s a big commitment.

“Tell me why you’re freaked out.” He’s watching me closely.

“It’s permanent,” I whisper and he just nods, waiting for me to continue. “Shit, Leo, it’s more permanent than a ring.”

His eyes narrow. “Trust me, when I get a ring on your finger, it’ll be there permanently.”

When he gets a ring on my finger?!

“Leo.” I begin and pull out of his arms. “I thought we were on the same page. I’m not interested in having a ring on my finger.”

“What are you talking about?” he scowls.

“You said that marriage doesn’t interest you. It doesn’t me either.” I shake my head and cross my arms over my chest. “We can be committed to each other without rings on our fingers.”

“Samantha, I was a different man then.” He props his hands on his hips, just over his low-hanging jeans and boxers. “Meeting you, falling for you, has changed that. You’re mine.”

“Yes, so you keep reminding me. Often.”

“Because apparently you need the reminder. You’ve marked me, and this tat is me showing the world that I’m yours, permanently.”

I continue to scowl at him, but holy shit, he’s mine. Permanently.

“Leo, I am committed to you, but marriage…”

“Jesus Christ,” He interrupts. “It’s not like I’m down on one knee with a ring.”

“Okay.” I frown.

He closes the gap between us and pushes his hands into my hair, holding me still. “I’m yours, sunshine. Get used to it. The rest will work itself out.”

“You are so mine,” I agree and feel my insides loosen.

“God, you’re fucking stubborn. Most women would be thrilled that their man inked himself for her.”

“At least you didn’t have my name tatted on your neck.” I shiver as he laughs.

“Not really my thing.” He shakes his head and sighs. “What am I going to do with you?”

Just keep loving me. I don’t say it aloud. Instead I stand on my toes and press my lips to his.

“Your new tattoo is pretty,” I whisper.

Chapter Twenty-Five

One Month Later

“You don’t have to walk me to the door. I remember where Jules and Nate live.” I smirk at Leo as he walks me down the hallway of Jules and Nate’s building to their door.

“I don’t mind. So, you are all going to meet us guys at the venue at six thirty, right?”

“Yes.” I nod and roll my eyes. This is the third time he’s reminded me since we left my place, and I only live four blocks away. “Why are you so worried about us being there on time?”

“Because women have a tendency to be late as it is, six of you getting ready together and getting somewhere on time? Impossible. The show starts at seven.”

“Oh ye of little faith.” I laugh and ring the doorbell. “We’ll be there in time. We have like three hours to get ready.”

“Hey! You’re here!” Jules opens the door, dressed only in short red cut-off sweats and a tight black tank. “We’re doing hair now. I already have an idea for you.”

“Thanks for the lift.” I turn to follow Jules, but Leo snags my hand and pulls me back to him, kissing me deeply and possessively, before pulling back with a smug grin.