Play with Me Page 22

I look up into his deep blue eyes and offer him a shy grin. “Was that okay?”

“Sweetheart, if that had been any more okay, I would have died.”

I laugh as he tucks himself back in, and then he leans over and kisses me hard and fast.

“Stay with me tonight.”


“Not for sex,” he continues. “Although I’m about to kill someone if I don’t get inside you soon. I just don’t want to be without you tonight. You can stay in my spare room if you want.”

“Can I sleep with you?”

“If you wear one of my shirts, yes.”


Chapter Eight

I wake with a start, sitting up in bed, disoriented.  I’m swimming in a huge football jersey and boy boxer-briefs, which immediately throws me off. I take in the large room, bathed in moonlight, and remember I’m in Will’s room.

In Will’s bed.

The sexy man is sleeping soundly next to me, on his side, facing me. His handsome face is relaxed in sleep and there is stubble starting to grow on his firm, square chin. His hair is messier than usual, begging my fingers to run through it.

So I do.

He’s also in a t-shirt and pajama pants, and when he brought me here, to his beautifully decorated bedroom, and bed the size of a small country, he’d been tender and sweet and the perfect gentleman.

I love it and I hate it.

I’m ready to give my body to him. Hell, I think I’ve already given him my heart, and that scares the hell out of me.

I lie like this for a long while, gently brushing his soft almost-brown hair with my fingers, memorizing his sleeping face. He shifts slightly and reaches up to take my hand in his, kisses my hand, and without opening his eyes, pulls me against his chest, wraps his arms around me and holds me close.

“Go back to sleep, sweetheart,” he whispers and kisses my hair.

My eyes close, and I fall asleep to the sound of his heart against my ear.

* * *

“Do you know how to drive a stick?” Will asks me nervously as I adjust the driver’s seat in his sexy Mustang.

“Of course I do. Don’t insult me,” I shoot him a mock glare and then smile widely, jumping up and down in the seat. “Gimme the keys.”

“You’re adorable.” He’s grinning at me, enjoying my enthusiasm. He’s letting me drive his car to our date tonight.

“I’m ready to drive. Hand them over, Montgomery.” I hold my hand out, palm up, waiting for the keys. He kisses my palm, and then drops the keys in it.

“Okay, let’s go.”

I press on the clutch and start the car. It purrs to life and I sigh in happiness.

“I might have an orgasm while I drive,” I mention casually.

“I’d rather you didn’t,” Will laughs. “Let’s get there in once piece, sweetheart.”

“Where are we going, anyway?” I ask and start to pull into his driveway, but kill the car, making it jerk frantically.

“Holy shit!” Will exclaims, gripping onto the car door.

“Sorry. Just getting used to the clutch.” I start the car again and pull into the drive, ignoring the glares coming at me from the passenger seat.

“Don’t kill my transmission.”

“Oh, calm down. It’s just a car, right?” I bat my eyes at him and giggle when he twists my ear in his fingers. “Where are we going?”

“Bowling. The Alley not far from your place.”

“A couples date?” I ask incredulously.

“No, a family date,” Will clarifies.

I stare at his profile for a second and then look back to the road and can’t help but laugh. “Is this your plan to keep your hands off me until the official end of the third date?” I ask.

He smirks and then rubs his hand down his face. “Fuck.”

“We almost had sex with your family sitting twenty feet away before, Will.”

He glares at me and then smirks again. “You were hot for me even then.”

“Whatever, don’t flatter yourself.” I smother a happy smile and focus on the conversation at hand. “Why bowling?”

“Well, a few times a year we all like to get together and go.”

I gape at him, trying to wrap my head around Luke Williams, movie-star, bowling.

“It’s okay, sweetheart, I’ll show you how.”

This time I can’t stop my smug smile. I bowl quite well, thank you very much, but I choose to let him think he’ll be giving me instructions.  Hmm… Will, pressed up against my back, showing me how to roll the ball down the lane… yes, this has possibilities.

“So, who’s going to be there?” I ask and purposely swerve on the two-lane side street, just to get a rise out of Will.

“Hey! Stay in your lane!”

“You have insurance,” I smirk at him, earning another glare. I laugh out loud, enjoying both him and the car.

This car is fucking amazing.

“Who’s going with us?” I ask again.

“Jules and Nate, Luke and Nat, Brynna, Isaac and Stacy, although she’ll just watch because she’s miserably pregnant at this point.” He offers me a wide smile. “And I think Matt and Caleb and Luke’s sister Sam are even coming tonight, so we’ll have everyone accounted for.”

“I’m going to need some drinks,” I mutter and Will scowls.

“No, no alcohol for either one of us tonight.” He shakes his head adamantly.