Play with Me Page 29

He jerks me against him and kisses me roughly.

“Hey! I’m not clean. Let’s get clean before we get dirty again.”

He laughs down at me and finishes cleaning us both off, and then we take turns rinsing the suds off our bodies.

Will wraps me in a large bath sheet, warm from a towel warmer. “You’re going to spoil me, Montgomery.”

“Good.” He kisses my forehead and wraps a towel around his waist. “Let’s go back to bed.”

“My hair is wet.”

He frowns at my hair for a second. “Wait here.”

He marches out of the bathroom and I hear cabinet doors banging and then he’s back with a blow dryer. “Jules left this here a few months ago. She probably has ten of them.”

He plugs the blow dryer in and motions for me to stand in front of him, and he systematically blows my hair dry.

Well, shit. No man has ever done that before.

I meet his eyes in the mirror and he smiles contentedly, then concentrates again on my hair. When it’s dry, he turns off the dryer and lays it on the countertop to cool.


Chapter Ten

“Wake up, sweetheart.”

Will brushes my hair off my face and kisses my cheek.


“I have to go, babe, I need you to wake up.”


I open my eyes and take in the pretty. God, he’s a nice way to wake up. “Mornin,” I murmur and stretch.

“Good morning.”

I sit up and let the sheet drop to my lap and push my hair back over my shoulders. Will’s eyes are on my breasts and I grin. “Like what you see?”

“You have no idea.”

“Stay here and show me.” I lay back and open my arms to him. He climbs across the bed and kisses me, hovering over me.

“I can’t stay. I have to go train for a while. You can come with me if you want.” He kisses my nose as I laugh up at him.

“Honey, I don’t run. If you ever see me running, you’d better start running too ‘cause that means that something is chasing me.”

He chuckles down at me, kisses me again, and then sits up. “You’re funny. Okay, then lazy bones, stay here and look gorgeous in my bed. I have to go get tortured for a while.”

“I work tonight,” I remind him and he frowns.

“What shift?”

“Swing. I have to be there at two and get off at two in the morning.”

“How long does this shift go this week?”

“Just tonight, then I’m off three in a row.” I snuggle down in the comfortable white sheets and hug Will’s pillow to me as I talk to him. “This pillow smells like you.”

“Come here tonight after work.”

“I don’t know…”

“Please.” His hand glides from my knee, up my thigh and over my hip to my side. “I don’t want to be without you tonight.”

“Okay. No game this weekend? This is Sunday, isn’t it?”

“It’s Monday night this week. I was hoping you’d be off so you could come. I own one of the suites and the family usually comes and hangs out and watches the game.”

“Oh, that’s right. Jules and Natalie asked me to go out for a little shopping and happy hour with them Monday. They said the guys were going to the game and we should do the girl thing.”

“That’s cool too. We can meet up after the game.” He kisses my forehead and climbs off the bed.

“Are you really cool with me not going to the game?” I ask uncertainly.

“It’s fine. We’re still early in the season, there will be plenty of games for you to see. Have fun with the girls.”

This is so not the arrogant man that I thought he was, and the fact that I ever labeled him as an asshole shames me.

“What’s wrong?”

“You’re not an asshole.”

His eyebrows climb into his hairline and he stares down at me. “That’s a bad thing?”

“No, I’m saying I’m sorry for calling you an asshole before. You’re not.”

“Apology accepted.”

“Okay, go, before I pull you back in this bed and give you a work out myself.”

“I’ll be back before you leave for work.”

“I’ll probably just head home and get ready from there. I don’t have scrubs here. Shit!” I cover my face with my hands.


“I don’t have a car. You picked me up last night.”

“Take the Rover. Keys are in the mudroom.” He turns and leaves the room before I can argue.

“Have a good day, dear!” I call after him and hear him chuckle as he jogs down the stairs.

I climb out of Will’s monstrous bed and wince at my sore muscles. Will is an attentive and inventive lover. I was in positions and used muscles last night that I didn’t know were possible. The fact that he’s so strong and can just move me where he wants me is sexy as hell.

I pull on my dress from last night and head downstairs to gather my purse and shrug and head home.

Will’s house is simply stunning. There are large windows everywhere, letting in an abundance of light and a view of the beautiful water and landscape of the Sound. His furnishings are inviting and plush. I haven’t seen the whole house yet, but it’s definitely a home that’s lived in, and is comfortable and welcoming.

Like the man who owns it.