Play with Me Page 60

What the fuck?

I turn the key, but there’s absolutely no response. Not even a clicking noise.

Goddamn car!

I hit the steering wheel in frustration and then lean my forehead against it. Fuck.

Well, I can’t sit here in the middle of an intersection all night. I make sure the car is in neutral, open the drivers’ door, get out and push it to the side of the street, park it and climb back in, locking the door.

This is downtown Seattle in the middle of the night.

I call Will’s number and cringe. He’s going to have to get up in a couple hours to go train.

“Hello?” he answers sleepily.

“Hey, babe. I’m sorry to wake you,” I murmur.

“What’s wrong?” I hear him sit up. “Why aren’t you here?”

“Well, I was on my way there, but my car broke down.”

“Where are you?” He’s moving around, probably looking for clothes, and I sigh.

“I’ll call a tow-truck, Will. I just didn’t want you to worry when you woke up and I’m not there.”

“I’ll come get you. Where are you?” he asks again.



“I’m downtown. In fact, I should call Jules. Their condo isn’t far from here.”

“Hell no, I’ll be there in ten minutes. Call a tow. I’m on my way.”

He hangs up and I rest my forehead on the steering wheel again. He sounded mad. Well, screw him! He didn’t have to come get me. I told him I’d call a tow.

Speaking of a tow, I call a local company, give them my location and my insurance information, and wait.

Less than ten minutes later, Will pulls up behind me in the Rover. I get out of the car and slide into the passenger side of his SUV.

“Thanks. You didn’t have to come get me.”

“Like I’d let you sit out here by yourself, Meg. How long did the tow company say they’d be?”

“About a half hour. They’ll be here soon.”

He just nods and looks straight ahead, jaw tight.

“Will, seriously, I’m sorry. I know you have to get up early…”

“That’s why you think I’m upset?” His head whips around to look at me. “Because I’m going to lose a couple hours’ sleep?”

“I know you have a busy schedule today…”

“Stop talking.” He runs his hands down his face and my jaw drops. Did he really just tell me to stop talking?

“Megan, I’m not mad at you for waking me up, or for having to come get you. You’re mine. This is part of my job. I’ll gladly come get you every night after work and bring you home, just so I know that you’re safe.”

“You don’t have to…”

“What pisses me off,” he continues, ignoring me. “is that I’ve told you that your car isn’t safe, especially for driving alone in the middle of the night, and I’ve offered you this car to keep.”

“Will, I can’t just take a car from you.”

“Why the hell not?”

“Because it’s a goddamn car!” I yell back to him. “It’s not a pair of shoes or taking me out to dinner, Will. It’s an expensive car.”

“A car that I barely use.” His voice is calmer now. “Megan, I rarely drive this car. Seriously, just use it. If it makes you feel better, just borrow it indefinitely.”

I frown at him.

“You don’t have much choice. I have a feeling that thing is past the point of return.” He points to my little red car and I sigh.

“I know.”

He takes my hand. “I’m sorry I yelled at you, but babe, this is silly. Just use this car, okay?”

“Why do you always get your way?”

“Because I’m charming and handsome and rich.”

“And so incredibly modest.” I shake my head at him and then climb over the console into his lap. “Thank you for coming to get me and for letting me borrow your car.”

“You’re welcome.”

“How can I ever repay you?” I ask and weave my fingers into his soft dark blonde hair.

“Hmm… I think we can work on payment when we get home.” His eyes are happy now, a smile plays on his lips and I tip my head to lay my own on them.

“You smell good,” I whisper.

He wraps his arms around me and kisses me softly, nibbling my lips playfully, then across my jawline and over to my ear where he knows I’m ticklish.

“You taste good,” he murmurs.

Just then a tow truck pulls in front of my car and backs up to my front end.

“Stay here,” Will instructs me as he gets out of the car. “And lock this door behind me.”

“Yes, sir,” I respond playfully.

“I’m gonna spank you later.”

“Oh, good,” I grin at him and he shakes his head as he meets the driver by my car, giving him instructions.

Chapter Twenty-One

“Who called them?” Natalie asks and points a drunk finger toward the door. We follow her manicured hand to find Caleb and Matt sauntering to us, trying not to smile.

Gosh, the Mungumrys are pretty.

“We don’t want to go home yet.” Jules pouts.

“The bar is trying to close, Jules,” Matt tells her. “We need to start taking you guys home.”

“I’ll call Nate and have him pay them to stay open longer,” Jules reaches for her phone, but Matt just laughs at her.