Play with Me Page 65

“I love this,” he growls and kisses me deeply, pushing harder and harder inside me.

“Will, I have to come.”



“Almost, damn it.” His hands on my ass tighten and I squeeze around him like a vice, my hands pulling on his hair. “Now!”

We both explode, our bodies shuddering and shaking with the force of our climax. Will leans his forehead against my shoulder, his whole body shaking.

“Hey,” I murmur, caressing his back gently. “Will.”

He pulls back, his eyes wide. “Are you okay?”

“Oh honey,” I grin. “I’m more than okay.”

His whole body sags in relief. “Thank God.”

He pulls out of me and sets me on my feet. “I want to carry you upstairs, but I don’t have any strength. You just decimated me.”

“Really?” Why this makes me so proud, I don’t know, but I’m preening.

“Oh yeah. Come on, let’s clean up.”

Before leading me out of the room and up the stairs, he leans down and kisses me softly, longingly. Beautifully. “You are mine, Megan McBride. Don’t ever forget that.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

“Seriously, guys, this is just way too much.” I gaze down at the red Louboutin stilettos with lust-filled eyes.

“Honestly, we wanted to do this for you today.” I look up at my three friends and giggle. I don’t remember the last time I giggled over shoes.

Maybe that’s a problem.

Because, holy crap, these are just to-die for, and are perfect for the dress Jules is lending me.

The dress that I’m going to beg her to will to me when she dies because it fits me like a glove and I want to wear it every single day.

And now I want to wear these shoes every single day too.

“But you already got me the gorgeous underwear and took me to the spa, and really, guys this is just crazy. Who lives like this?”

Samantha smirks and smooths lip gloss on her plump lips, her blue eyes smiling. “We do.”

“Meg, you were born for these shoes,” Nat sighs. “They’re perfect for the dress.”

We are in my bedroom, and they’re helping me get dressed. Jules has spent over an hour teasing and curling and fussing with my hair to make it look, well, hot. It’s all up, but it doesn’t look stuffy or serious.

It’s fun.

“I don’t know how I can ever repay you guys for all of this.”

“Oh please,” Nat waves me off and chuckles. “There is no need to repay us. We love you.”

“Well, there is one thing you could do,” Jules murmurs and bites her lip, her blue eyes wide.

“What?” I ask.

“Sing at my reception.”

“Jules…” I shake my head and prop my hands on my hips.

“Just listen,” she pleads and grabs my hand, holding on tightly. “Meg, I love your voice. I always have, and you know that. I was always your biggest fan.”

“Hey!” Nat protests, and I grin at her.

“Jules, I haven’t sang in front of an audience in years.”

“It’s not like you’ve forgotten how, sweetie. You don’t have stage fright. You will kick ass. Just one song, please?”

I bite my lip and look over to Natalie and Samantha who are both smiling at me.

“Who did you hire to play at the reception?” I ask.

“I don’t know, Luke took care of it.”

“Luke?” I ask, my eyebrow raised.

“Luke knows everybody,” Nat rolls her eyes. “I’m not sure who he got, but he wanted it to be our gift to Jules and Nate.”

“So it’ll probably be someone famous. Not a local band.”

Jules shrugs. “Probably just some up and comer band. But Luke knows the kind of music we like, so I’m sure they’ll be great. But you don’t have to sing with them. You can borrow a guitar and do just one song. I’d love for you to play the song for our first dance. Please, it can be your gift to me.”

Her eyes are pleading me. How can I possibly say no?

“What song?” I ask with a sigh and she smiles widely, her beautiful face beaming, and I can’t help but smile back as she hugs me tight.

“I Won’t Give Up by Jason Mraz.”

“I actually know that one,” I grin at her and then Sam and Nat. “I guess I’d better start practicing.”

“This is so awesome,” Nat hugs Jules. “I can’t wait to hear you.”

“And I can’t wait to hear you for the first time,” Sam says with a grin. “Sounds like it’ll be a helluva show.”

“I’ll do my best.”

I turn and take one last look in the mirror. “Are we sure about the dark lipstick?” It’s a dark raisin color, giving my lips definition and is a stark contrast to my white skin.

“Definitely. It’s hot. And it’s color-stay, so Will can kiss you all night and it won’t smudge or come off.” Sam winks at me.

“Okay. Wow, I clean up well, if I do say so.” The doorbell rings and I suddenly feel my stomach roll with anticipation.

“That’s Will.” The girls jump up and head out of my room. “Stay up here for a few minutes.” Nat kisses my cheek. “Take a deep breath. Let him wait for you. You’re stunning. Have fun.” And with a smile and a wave, she follows the other two downstairs to let Will in.