Fight with Me Page 21

With one arm wrapped around my waist and one hand in my hair, he pulls me hard against him and takes control of the kiss. He’s kissing me as though he needs it, as though he’s dying of thirst and I’m the first drink of water he’s seen in days. It’s thrilling, intoxicating, and I wrap my arms around his neck and hang on for the ride. After long minutes of being in Nate’s arms, I remember what my original plan was for this lunch meeting and I stand up off his lap.

“Where are you going?” He grabs for my hand, but I pull it out of his reach and kneel on the floor between his legs.

“Not far.”

His eyes widen. “Julianne…”

“Shh,” I press a finger against his lips to silence him. “Just sit back and enjoy, babe. Nothing like a blow job to brighten up a Monday.”

I unfasten his pants and pull his large, hard dick out of his boxer-briefs and immediately wrap my lips around the head, teasing his apa with my tongue and Nate’s hips surge up in his chair.

“Holy fuck, baby!” He grabs my hair in his hands and holds onto me as I move up and down his beautiful cock, gripping him with my lips, sucking up on him and then sinking back down until I feel that metal in the back of my throat.

I moan against him and jack him with my hand while cupping his scrotum with my other hand. I’ve never felt sexier, more powerful, more in control, and I love it. I love making Nate mad with lust for me.

“Oh God, yes Jules… suck it… Oh my fuck, baby.” His naughty words urge me on and I move faster, harder, until suddenly he stands, picks me up by my shoulders, bends me over and is suddenly inside me. He grips my hair in one hand, pulling me back until it’s just this side of painful, and grips my hip tightly as he slams in and out of me, over and over, before grunting as his climax claims him, pulling me with him.

He slips out of me and steps back and I feel the wetness ooze down between my legs. Nate gasps. “That’s the sexiest fucking thing, baby.”

I grin and stand up, shimmy my skirt down, and kiss his chin as he tucks himself away and zips his pants. “Can I use your bathroom, please?”

“Of course, help yourself. He gestures to the door that leads into his private bathroom and I walk inside and clean myself up.

“Well, looks like we’ve got about ten minutes left of this lunch meeting, Mr. McKenna.” I saunter back into his office and find him standing at his window, arms crossed, gazing out at the view of the Sound and the Space Needle. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around him, pressing a kiss to his back.

He covers my hands with his own and we stand there for a long moment until I finally ask, “What’s wrong?”

“Absolutely nothing.” He turns to me and presses a soft kiss to my cheek. “That was a nice surprise.”

“If you keep sexting me the way you do, I’ll give you a nice surprise every day.” I wink at him and he grins delightedly at me.

“How’s your day so far, baby?”

“Long. Yours?”

“The same. Better now, though.” He kisses me and sits in his chair, pulling me back into his lap. “I’m going to be in meetings the rest of the day, so I won’t see you until tomorrow.”

I wrap my arms around his shoulders and bury my face in his neck. “Okay.”

“Come to my place after work. You can stay with me tonight.” He’s rubbing my low back in a rhythmic circle and I want to purr.

“You have a late meeting, remember?”

“I want to come home to you.”

I lean back and search his sincere eyes. I don’t want to tell him no. Last night without him was horrible.

“I don’t want to sleep without you,” he whispers. How can I resist him?

“Okay,” I whisper back and bury my face in his neck again, enjoying these last few minutes with him before we have to go back to work. “I’ll be there.”

Chapter Nine

Today is my birthday.

I fire up my computer to get the work day started when there is a knock on my door.

“Come in,” I call out.

Mrs. Glover comes breezing efficiently into my office, carrying a large bouquet of colorful mixed flowers.  “These just came for you, Jules.”

“Oh, thank you!”  She places them on my desk and leaves my office, shutting the door behind her.  I greedily pull the small white card out of the bouquet and open it, praying they’re from Nate.

They aren’t.

Happy Birthday, baby sister.  Have a good day.  Love, Will

He’s sweet.  Will is the closest to me in age.  I pick up my phone and send him a text to thank him for the flowers then get back to work.

An hour later, there is another knock and Mrs. Glover comes back into the room carrying a large bouquet of pink roses.  “I think you should just leave your door open today, Miss Montgomery.”  Her tone is dry and full of humor and I laugh.

“Good idea.”

I read the card, knowing these are from Natalie.  She always sends me pink roses.

Happy Birthday, best friend.  We love you, Nat, Luke and Baby

Oh, that makes me cry.  I love them too.  I fuss over the pretty blooms and set the bouquet on the window sill behind me.

By noon I have six bouquets of flowers spread all over my office, with wonderful, sweetly written cards from my family.

None from Nate.

Maybe he’ll bring me something tonight.  I shrug.  We’ve really only been seeing each other for four days.  He’s not required to get me anything.