Fight with Me Page 33

He’s scary.

And he loves me.

Not a good combination.

“Caleb,” I try again, but Nate puts his hand up to make me stop and I frown at him.

“I am Julianne’s date today,” Nate states simply.

That’s a good way to put it.  I like it.

Caleb doesn’t seem to.

“I think we should take this outside.” Caleb turns toward the door, and Nate follows.

“With pleasure.”

“STOP!” I scream and both men stop and turn to me.  “This is not about you, Caleb.  Stop being a testosterony asshole.”  He frowns and starts to yell back at me, but I walk over to him and kiss his cheek and whisper in his ear, “Stop.  I love him.  He’s a good man.  If he fucks up you can kill him.”

Caleb pulls back and looks into my eyes, then his face softens and he tugs on my ear.  “Okay.”  He looks back at Nate, then to our brothers, who seem to give him some kind of weird subliminal message that I’ve never been in tune with, and then extends his hand to Nate.  “Caleb.”

Nate takes it and grips it firmly.  “Pleasure.”

Caleb laughs.  “Right.  Sorry I’m late, guys.  I’ve been packing.”

“Where are you going?” Natalie asks, tears in her eyes again.

Jesus, she never turns off the water these days. Is this what pregnancy does? Makes you a slow moving, emotional wreck? Ugh.

“I can’t tell you that.”  Caleb smiles at Natalie and hugs her close, rubbing his hand over her belly.  He always did have a crush on her.  “I’m afraid I won’t be here when the bambino gets here.”

“Oh.”  Natalie looks at me and back at him.  I know how she worries for all of us.  After losing her parents so unexpectedly a few years ago, she always worries.  “Please, be careful.”

“I’ll be fine.  Don’t worry about me.  I’ll be excited to come home and meet… what are you naming her, anyway?”

Natalie and Luke look at each other and grin.  “We’re not telling,” Luke responds.

“Fuck that, I won’t be able to be reached for a good three months, so tell me.”  Nate and I take our seats, he kisses my cheek, and I rub his thigh under the table.

“Watch your mouth!” Mom yells and Caleb rolls his eyes at her.

He’s so gonna get it.

“It’s a surprise.” Caleb frowns at Nat and we all laugh.  “No one is allowed to get on the phone and call TMZ, got it?”

“Whatever. Spill it,” Will calls out.

Natalie looks at Luke and he grins and nods his agreement to tell us.

“Her name is Olivia Grace.  Grace is for my mom.”  She rubs her belly and smiles and I feel tears start to roll.

“Hey, you okay?” Nate asks and wipes my tears off my cheeks.

“Yeah, Natalie’s hormone issues are contagious.”  I laugh and dab beneath my eyes with a napkin, careful not to smudge my makeup.  “It’s a beautiful name, sweetie.”


“So, Nate,” my father begins from the table next to ours, and Nate swivels in his chair to face him. “What is it that you do?”

I cringe inwardly. Of course this question was going to come up. Natalie and I share a look before I look back to Nate who smiles at my father.

“I work with Julianne.”

“What do you do there?” my dad asks.

“I’m a senior partner, sir.”

Dad nods and narrows his eyes at me. “So you’re her boss?”

“Yes,” Nate states, his eyes not leaving my dad’s.

The whole room has quieted now, and everyone is listening to the exchange happening between my dad and Nate. Dad’s not being a jerk, but we all know this is the official inquisition.

Nate laces my fingers with his and squeezes gently, reassuring me.

“And what, exactly, is going on between you and my daughter, son?” Dad leans back in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest, his handsome face neutral, but his eyes narrowed.

Without missing a beat, Nate states in a strong, sure voice, “A mutually respectful and loving relationship, sir.”


“Damn,” Matt mutters, and I look around the room to see the girls grinning and the boys looking at Nate with respect on their handsome faces and I feel a wide smile blossom on my lips. My dad continues to eye Nate, sizing him up, and finally nods once and grabs his beer.

“Okay then.”

He winks at me and I wink back and we all return to our lunch, chatter breaking out again amongst my brothers.

“So, Jules, I get to surprise you now.” Natalie wrestles her way out of her chair smiling at me and I look around the room, confused.


“Well, it was your birthday this week, and we didn’t get to throw you a party, so we’re celebrating now.” Natalie smiles smugly and walks into the house, Luke and Will following her, and I look around again, to find everyone grinning at me.

“You’re all in on this?” I ask.

“Honey, you didn’t think we forgot your birthday?” My mom grins at me and I frown.

“You all sent me flowers and texts and called me.”

“Those aren’t presents, kid, that’s just what you do on someone’s birthday.” Will states as he walks in the room, loaded down with gift bags.