Fight with Me Page 38

“Business trips don’t hold the same allure as they used to.”  I look up at him and he’s frowning down at his plate.

“Hey,” I take his hand and squeeze his fingers.  “This is part of the job.  You couldn’t have a more understanding girlfriend in this area, Nate.  I know this is part of who you are.”

“I can’t take you with me.  I don’t need your help for the work, and it would raise eyebrows.”

“I know.”  I shrug and keep eating, proud of myself for maintaining a calm expression on my face.  “When will you be back?”

“By Thursday.  I’m leaving tomorrow morning.”

“Okay.  Need a lift to the airport?”

“Thank you.”  God, he’s so serious today.

“Don’t worry,” I kick him playfully under the table.  “I’ll be here when you get home.”

Chapter Fifteen

I’ve discovered that work is easier with Nate gone.  I’m only half way through the work day, and I’m already more at ease.  I don’t have to worry about anyone noticing anything different between us; a look or coy smile.  I pray to God no one can read my mind because I’d be escorted to the sidewalk with all of my belongings in a box in the blink of an eye if they could.

Nate emailed me a list of things to do for him from this end to send back to him via email and fax for his presentation in New York tomorrow.  He’ll be in the New York office preparing all day today.

He was really very cute this morning when I dropped him off at the airport.  It makes me a little giddy that he didn’t want to leave me and will miss me.

I’m going to miss him too.

Sleeping alone for the next few nights doesn’t appeal to me in the slightest.  I got lucky with Nate; he doesn’t snore or hog the bed, and he’s a really good cuddler.

Who would have thought?

But in the office, I feel more relaxed with him gone.

I finish typing a very dry, professional email to my handsome man with the completed requests he sent me this morning, expecting to receive an email back with more revisions and requests.

Meanwhile, I pick up my iPhone and send him a sexy, non-professional text.

Hey, handsome.  Did you land safely?  Would have loved to join the mile-high club with you today.

I turn my attention back to a report I’m working on when my phone chirps with a response.

Arrived safely, baby.  Wish you were here.  We will take a trip soon.  I promise.

I like the sound of that.

It’s a date.  Be safe, I’ll talk to you tonight.  xo

His response is a simple xo.

When did I turn into such a sap?  I miss him already.

There’s a knock on my door and Carly Lennox breezes into my office, leaving the door open behind her, thank goodness.  She’s dressed in a black suit with the skirt too short and white shirt unbuttoned too low for my taste.  This is an office, not a club.

“Hi, Jules,” she purrs.

“Carly.  What can I do for you?” What the fuck does this bitch want?

“Well, I could use some help with an account today.  I’m trying to get some work done early because I don’t want to work late.  I have a date, and I figured, us girls have to stick together.”  She smiles sweetly but her eyes are shrewd.

I don’t trust this woman, but I’m curious what her game is.  She hates me.  So I decide to play along.

“You have a date?  That’s great.  Anyone I know?” I paste on the smile I use for people who recognize me from the magazine; sassy and completely fake.

“Well, don’t tell anyone,” she lowers her voice to a whisper and leans down like we’re old friends sharing a secret.  “but I’ve been seeing Nate.  He’s taking me out to dinner and dancing tonight.”

I want to laugh.  I really do.  But I give an award-winning performance, frowning with fake concern.

“Oh, Carly, he must not have thought to call you this morning.  He had to go to New York on business.  He’s going to be gone for a while.”  I’m deliberately vague on the timeline, interested to see her reaction.

I’m not disappointed.

She blushes scarlet and her smile disappears for just a second as she processes the information, then her fake smile is back.  “Oh, I haven’t checked my messages this morning.” Her phone chirps from inside her suit jacket pocket, and she pulls it out to check a text message. “Oh, there he is now! Looks like an itinerary for New York. I guess I’ll be joining him.” She smiles sweetly. “Never mind. See ya!”

She waves and hurries out of my office and I’m struck dumb. Carly is going to New York? She’s not even on his team. If he needs help, I should be the one to join him.

Maybe he sent for her because he knows that I have to be here in case Natalie goes into labor?

And what in the hell is up with Carly wanting me to think she’s dating Nate?  There’s no way she could possibly know that he’s been seeing me, every day, for the past week and a half.  She knows about the no fraternization policy here, it’s drilled into us during orientation.  Why would she tell me, the one person she hates here, that she’s dating a partner when she knows I could get her fired with that information?

Either she’s really stupid, which I know she’s not, or she’s setting me up for something.