Fight with Me Page 74

Nate doesn’t meet my eyes when I enter the room.

“Miss Montgomery, please have a seat.” HR Lady motions to the seat opposite them at the table. Great, I get to sit by myself in front of all of them.


I take my seat and lay the iPad on the table before me, then link my hands together in my lap, looking back and forth between each of the people before me. Their faces are completely impassive, not giving any indication as to why I’ve been asked in here, but I know.

Carly must have told.

“Miss Montgomery,” Mr. Vincent begins. I’ve only met him once before, but he seems like a kind man. He’s older with gray hair and kind eyes. His eyes are still kind as he looks at me, his hands folded on the table, leaning toward me. “I have a question for you.”

“Yes, sir,” I respond, proud of myself for sounding confident and professional.

“How long have you been with my company?”

I frown slightly and glance over at HR Lady. Surely they have this information?

“Three years, Mr. Vincent.” I respond.

“And in that time, have you been given information regarding our policies and procedures?” he asks.

“Of course.”

“Good.” He nods and looks down at papers spread before him. “So you’re aware that this company has a no fraternization policy.”

“I am.” I will not wilt and crumble before these people. I knew this could happen, and I took the risk. I feel all four pairs of eyes on me now and I look at each of them, Nate last. His face is cold, his eyes gazing at me with no emotion. It’s the way he looked at me for eight months, after the first time we made love in his apartment and until he talked me back to his place right before my birthday.

“We have received information that you have been involved with another member of this company.” Mr. Vincent continues.

“You must have received a statement from Carly this morning,” I respond coolly, not breaking eye contact. Mr. Vincent’s eyes widen, and then he frowns and looks at his colleagues.

“Actually, no. Why would you suggest that?” he asks.

I frown and immediately hate myself for my big mouth. “It was just a hunch.”

“So you don’t deny this?” he asks.

“No, sir.”

Mr. Vincent sighs and leans back in his chair. “Miss Montgomery, you have an excellent employment record here. You’ve done very well in your three years with us.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“But, policy is policy.”

I glance over at Nate and his demeanor hasn’t changed. Isn’t he going to say something?

“We know that you and Mr. McKenna have been seeing each other for some time now. As a partner, Mr. McKenna is too much of an asset for us to lose. Unfortunately, I can’t break the rules of this company and keep you on as well, Miss Montgomery.”

He stops talking and all four of them stare at me. The only person who has spoken since I came in the room is Mr. Vincent. They are all so calm, impassive. Cold.

Especially Nate.

I look at him again and stare at him for a long minute. He doesn’t flinch. He doesn’t waiver. He’s not going to defend me, or offer to quit. And that hurts more than the fact that I’m losing my job.

“We have drafted up your final paycheck, cashing out your vacation and sick time, and Mr. Vincent has approved three months’ severance pay. You’ll be receiving information on rolling over your 401k at your leisure in the mail.” Miss HR speaks for the first time and hands me the check. “You have fifteen minutes to gather your things.”

Seriously? My eyes haven’t left Nate’s while she speaks. I stand and turn to leave, but Mr. Vincent’s voice stops me and I turn back to the table.

“Miss Montgomery, you have truly been an asset to this company. I will personally be happy to write you a letter of reference should you need one.”

I nod at him. “Thank you.”

I walk on numb legs to my office and shut the door.  Holy fuck. Did that just happen? Did I just get fired and my boyfriend did nothing about it? He just sat there and looked at me like I’m a stranger?

Like he hadn’t been inside me less than six hours ago?

I’ve never kept many personal items in my office, so I grab my purse, throw in my iPad, phone, a tube of lip gloss out of my desk drawer, and my coffee mug, and walk out of my office, mentally congratulating myself for keeping it together.

“Miss Montgomery,” I turn at Mrs. Glover’s voice and see Nate standing at her desk, staring at me. His jaw is clenched, but that’s the only emotion on his face.

“Best of luck to you, dear.”

And that’s all it takes to bring tears to my eyes. I don’t respond, I just walk straight to the elevators and push the call button. Carly appears at my side.

“Oh my gosh! I just heard the news. Are you okay?”

She had to have been behind this, had to have reported what she saw to HR first thing this morning, probably while Nate was making love to me.

I don’t look at her. I just watch the numbers above the elevator doors. I feel Nate’s eyes on my back.

Fuck him.

Fuck all of them.

“Jules, are you okay?” Carly asks again in her disgustingly fake sweet voice.

The elevator pings and the doors open. I step inside and turn around, my eyes meeting Nate’s and I answer Carly without looking at her.

“Fuck you.”