Fight with Me Page 81

“Yeah, when I get home.”

“Good.” He kisses my head and I pull back. “Come over for dinner next week. I’ll cook.”

“Gag,” I roll my eyes. “I’ll cook. You’ll poison me.”

Will grins and lifts my suitcases and follows me out to my car.


I haven’t been home in four days, and it feels good to be here. I grab a water from the fridge and unpack my things, knowing that I’m procrastinating. I want to call Nate. I want to hear his sexy voice. But I don’t know what to say.

Finally, when laundry has been done and put away and there’s nothing left to do, I pick up my iPhone and sit on the couch, staring at it. I bring up Nate’s number on speed dial and my thumb hovers over the green send button but then I decide against it and power down the screen.

This needs to be done in person.

I climb the stairs to my bedroom and carefully choose an outfit of dark denim wide-leg jeans, a cornflower blue blouse that matches my eyes, and a black belt, cinching the blouse around my waist. I add my birthday diamond earrings, and black Louboutin stilettos.

I paint my clean face with a small amount of makeup, accenting my eyes and lips, and curl my hair in loose waves framing my face.

I drive to Nate’s without giving it too much thought so I don’t chicken out and go back home. His car and the bike are both in their parking spots, telling me that he’s home.


I use my usual parking space and take the elevator to his floor.

I pause at his door, my stomach suddenly full of those mutant butterflies again. God, what if he’s decided he doesn’t want to see me?

Instead of knocking, I use the key Nate gave me a few weeks ago and open the front door, stepping inside. The lights are on in the kitchen and living areas, and there is a fire roaring. There are several bouquets of pink roses throughout the space, on the breakfast bar, on the dining room table, by the sofa.

No Nate.

Then I hear the voices.

I walk back toward the bedrooms and the voices get louder. They’re coming from Nate’s office. I stop, just out of sight, and listen.

“This is it, Audrey. This is the last time.”

“Sure,” she snorts. “You won’t be able to stay away from me for long, baby.”

“After this, I want you to change your name.”

“Change my name?” she asks incredulously. “What the fuck?”

“I don’t want you to have it anymore. I’ll make the arrangements; you’ll just have to sign the papers.”

He’s making her change her name!

“Is this about that blonde tramp you’ve been fucking?”

And… that’s it.

I turn the corner so I can get a look into the room, and I’m transported back to Nate’s office last month. Audrey is perched on his desk, he’s scowling up at her, and she’s about to run her perfectly manicured hand down his face.

“Touch him and see how fast I have you on the ground,” I warn quietly.

Both of them whip their heads toward me in surprise. Nate’s face registers shock, hope, and then wariness as he realizes what I’ve just witnessed.

Audrey grins and lets the palm of her hand make contact with his face.

I grin back. Nate backs out of Audrey’s touch and stands quickly.

“Goddamn it, Audrey…”

“I warned you,” I murmur as I stalk toward her. She hops off the desk and faces me head on, her brown eyes glaring at me.

“I’m not afraid of you.”

I smile and cock my head to the side. “You should be.”

Her eyes go wide for a moment and then she glares at me again. “Nate doesn’t want you. You left him, remember?”

I slide my eyes over to Nate just as he balls his hands into fists, his molten gray eyes on mine, and I know.

“Audrey, Goddamn it, shut the fuck up…”

I pivot on my heel before he can finish the sentence and stalk out to the living area.

“Julianne!” Nate’s voice is panicked as he follows me but I ignore him. I hear Audrey’s heels click on the hardwood as she follows after Nate.

I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge. Chocolate cheesecake and lobster are staring back at me along with my favorite champagne. I turn around and take in the room, the flowers, the fire, and I look into Nate’s gray eyes for a long minute.

Audrey is fuming, shooting daggers at me, then gazing longingly at Nate, and I almost feel sorry for her.

“I understand.” I tell her calmly. “I understand how easy he is to love, Audrey.”

Nate swears under his breath and pushes a hand through his hair. Audrey’s lip quivers.

“But none of this,” I wave my hand at the room, “is for you. He isn’t yours. I suggest you take whatever he offered you and run with it, because it’s all you’re going to get.”

Her eyes narrow and she smiles slyly. “He just offered me his cock, like always.”

“What the fuck, Audrey!”

I walk casually over to her and look her straight in the eye. “If you ever touch him again, I’ll rip your tongue out of your pretty little head.”

Audrey looks over at Nate. “This is who you want?”

“With every breath I take. Get the fuck out of our home, Audrey.”

The breath leaves me as I stare at him. Our home? He stares back at me, his jaw clenched, his gray eyes burning with need and love.