Under the Mistletoe with Me Page 17

Suddenly he pushes me back, buttons his jeans and yanks me out of the seat, pulling me behind him to the isle and down the steps.

“Where are we going?” I whisper loudly.

He doesn’t answer until we’re out of the theater and walking down the sidewalk.

“Eyes, what are you doing? The movie…” He pushes me up against the wall and pins me with his body, holds my wrists up at the side of my head and he kisses me voraciously, consuming me and making love to me with his mouth.

“Blu Ray,” he growls, his eyes molten blue and he’s pulling me behind him again to the car. “I need to get you home and naked. Now.”

“Well, okay then.”


Where did all these packages come from? I’d just poured myself my first cup of coffee and was headed back upstairs to shower and get ready for the day before Sophie wakes up, but when I pass by the Christmas tree, there are at least a dozen brightly wrapped gifts with big bows added to the gifts I’d already wrapped and placed under the tree last week.

Setting my coffee on an end table, I kneel on the floor and reach for a big red box with a gold bow.

“Hands off.”

I snatch my hand back and sit on my heels and look back at Isaac guiltily. “I didn’t touch anything.”

“You were about to.”

“Where did these come from?” I ask and gaze back at the pretty boxes.

“Uh, Santa?” I glare back at him.

“It’s not Christmas morning, smart ass.”

“Calling Santa a smart ass is not being a nice girl. Keep being naughty, and you’ll get coal.”

“I’ll show you naughty…”

Sophie’s whimpers come through the baby monitor, and I know I only have twenty minutes, tops, to shower before she’ll insist that it’s time to get out of her crib for the day.

“I’ll take a rain check,” Isaac murmurs and pulls me against him as I climb to my feet. “Later tonight?” he asks just before his lips brush over mine.

“It’s a date.” I grin and kiss his lightly stubbled chin, enjoying the way it feels against my lips.

“What are you up to today?” he asks.

“I’m taking Sophie to my mom’s this morning. She asked if she could keep her for a few hours, so I thought I’d take advantage of it and go to the grocery store and maybe get a pedicure. Your coffee’s on the kitchen counter.”

“Thanks, baby. Enjoy your quiet time.” He grins and kisses me on his way out the door to work.

“Don’t work too hard.”


“But, I don’t understand,” I reply to nurse Kimberly. “Why do I need to come back in? I was just in yesterday.”

“The blood work we ran yesterday has come back from the lab, Stacy, and the doctor would like to go over some things.”

What things?

“He said that everything was okay, and you’d be calling to let me know that the labs were normal. You can just give me the results now.”

I’m on my way from the grocery store to the nail salon to get that pedicure I so desperately need. Another unnecessary trip to the doctor seems ridiculous and a waste of time.

“I’m not at liberty to discuss the results of the tests over the phone. Dr. Wilson needs to see you. He has an opening in an hour. Can we expect you then?”

Well, hell, there goes the pedicure.

“Yeah, I’ll be there.” I hang up the phone with a scowl. More doctor appointments. Isaac talked me into going yesterday because I’ve still been having headaches. They’re not debilitating, but they are frequent. The doctor suspected that they were due to stress, but ran labs just to make sure everything was on track.

Everything had better be on track and this is just routine or I’m gonna punch somebody in the throat. I’m done with doctors for a while.

My phone rings again, and I smile when I see it’s Brynna.


“Hey, I’m leaving your mom’s. She has Sophie and offered to keep the girls for me too. Where are you?”

“I was going to get a pedicure…” before I can finish the sentence, Brynna gasps.

“Without me? What the fuck?”

“It’s a good thing the girls aren’t with you,” I reply dryly.

“I know. I try to get all the swear words out when they’re not around.”

“As I was saying, I was going to get a pedi, but my doctor just called and they want me to go in for a follow up instead.”

“You’re still having follow-up visits at almost five months post-partum?” she asks.

“No, I went in because I’ve been having headaches. I guess there’s some blood work they want to talk about.”

“Oh. Well, since I don’t have the girls, want company? We can do lunch after.”

“Sure, thanks. I’ll meet you there.” I rattle off the address to her and end the call. I pull into the office parking lot and wait for Brynna in my car. It doesn’t take her long to join me.

“Hi, Fran,” I greet the receptionist. “Dr. Wilson wanted to see me again today.”

“He’s expecting you. Thanks for coming on such short notice. No Sophie today?” she asks with a smile.

“No, I had a babysitter today.”

Nurse Kimberly comes around the corner and smiles at me. “Oh great, you’re here. I’ll take you back.”