Come Away with Me Page 46

Luke glances at me, but seems to find his balance quickly and pastes on a dazzling drop-your-panties smile, just for Miss Gushy, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, and I know that this is the smile he uses for fans.

It’s fascinating.

“I’m sorry, I don’t give photographs, but I’m happy to sign something for you.”

“Oh great! Here.” She shoves her notepad and pen at him.

“What’s your name, sugar?” Oh, he is really laying it on thick.

“Hilary. Oh my gosh, wait until my friends find out I met you! They will be so jealous.” She’s practically jumping up and down and Luke’s smile never falters.

“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed the movies. Here you go.” He passes the pad back to her and she clutches it to her chest, her face all gooey and swoony and I have to look down to keep from laughing and rolling my eyes at her.

After a few lengthy seconds of her just standing there, staring at him, I decide to rescue him.

“So, um, we’d like to order now, if that’s okay with you, Hilary.”

She shakes herself out of her trance and blushes, but doesn’t meet my eyes.

“Oh, of course. What can I get you?”

She stares expectantly at Luke and he smirks.

“What would you like, baby?” And my man is back.

“I’ll just have the salmon Caesar salad, please, with extra lemon on the side. What kind of white wines do you have?” I am still staring into Luke’s eyes and am relieved to see that his eyes are dancing with humor.

“Oh, um…” She rattles off the white wine list and I order a sweet Riesling to go with my salad.

“And what can I get you, Mr.

Williams… er… sir?” Her face is on fire.

“I’ll actually have the same as my girlfriend. Sounds delicious.”


“Okay, let me know if I can get you anything else. Thanks again for the autograph!” And off she goes.

“Are you okay?” I ask when we’re alone.

“Yeah, that wasn’t so bad. How are you?”

“Amused. I didn’t know whether to laugh at her or feel sorry for her.”

“Hey, are you saying that I’m not a heart-throb? I’m hurt.” He sits back and clutches his chest, right over his heart.

“Oh no, you definitely make my heart throb, along with a few other areas, Mr.

Williams… er… sir.”

“You have a sassy mouth, Natalie.”

“I’m glad you noticed.”

We settle in to enjoy our lunch, but other waitresses and kitchen staff keep stopping by the table to get autographs or gush about how much they loved his movies, and ask him why he’s not acting anymore. Thankfully the restaurant isn’t terribly busy, so there aren’t many customers bothering us.

Finally when I’ve lost count of how many employees have come to interrupt our lunch, I excuse myself.

“You okay?” Luke asks me.

“I’m fine, I’ll be right back.” I give him a bright, reassuring smile, and leave the table.

I find Hilary near the bar. “I need to speak with the manager, please.”

“Oh, sure. I’ll grab her.” She disappears into what I assume is the kitchen and reappears with a tall redhead, about my age, who hasn’t managed to make it to our table yet.

“Can I help you, ma’am?” Jeez, when did I become a ma’am?

“I hope so. Luke Williams and I are having lunch here, and your staff has been interrupting us to ask him for autographs and to speak with him. I’d really appreciate it if you’d ask them to stop.”

She frowns as she listens to my complaint. “I’m sorry, they shouldn’t have approached you at all. That’s against policy. Can I comp your lunch?”

“It’s not about the money, it’s about the lack of privacy. I’m sure he’s not the first celebrity to come to your restaurant.”

“Of course not. I’ll take care of it. I apologize on behalf of the staff.”

I walk back to our table and overhear Hilary apologize to her boss.

There’s a bus-boy standing next to our table when I return and I tap him on the shoulder. “Your boss would like to see you.”

“Oh! Okay. Thanks for the autograph!” He grins and leaves.

“That won’t be happening again,” I inform Luke.

“What did you do?”

“I went to management. Other customers are one thing, but it’s not appropriate for the staff to interrupt us every five minutes.”

“Nat, this is just how it is sometimes.”

“Well,” I shrug. “They’ve had enough of you. This is my lunch date with my boyfriend, and I’m done sharing him.”

His eyes light up and the smile he gives me is even brighter than the drop-your-panties one he gave the waitress and I melt just a little inside.

“Your boyfriend is enjoying this lunch date with you.”

“I’m glad.” I smile shyly and take a sip of wine.

The rest of the meal is delicious and we aren’t bothered at all, unless it’s to ask if we want more wine or dessert.

Hilary places the leather check holder on the table and walks away.

Luke opens it and frowns, then smiles and passes it to me. Instead of a check, there is a note.

We appreciate your patience and generosity toward our staff. Today’s lunch is on the house, and please accept this $250 gift card to join us again, uninterrupted, soon.