Come Away with Me Page 59

“Ah!” I lean my head back against his chest, pushing my breasts into his hands.

“You made me crazy watching you in all those poses, baby. I don’t know how I managed to control my hard on.”

I gasp and smile at him in the mirror.

He glides a hand down my side, tracing my tattoo, over my hip, across my buttock and finds my center.

“Fuck, baby, you’re so ready for me.”

His lips are on my neck, nibbling, sending shivers down my spine.

Suddenly, he pulls back on my hips so I’m bent over, bracing my hands on the bar, and he smacks my ass hard before slamming his cock into me.

“Oh, God!” He grips my hair in one hand and my hip in the other and pushes into me, faster and faster, harder and harder, his stormy eyes on mine in the mirror.

Fuck, it feels so good! I push back on him and feel the orgasm rip through me, fast, hard and I explode around him.

He thrusts twice more and shudders in his own release.


As we leave the yoga studio, I get a text from Jules.

Birthday dinner at the folks’

tomorrow night? Bring Luke.

I frown. How do I bring this up?

“What’s wrong?” He ushers me into his car and leans in to kiss me before getting behind the wheel.

“Nothing’s wrong.”

He raises an eyebrow at me and I squirm.

“Talk to me, baby.”

“Jules’ parents have invited us over to their place for dinner tomorrow night.”

“Oh? What’s the occasion?” He starts the car and pulls out of the lot toward his house.

“My birthday,” I whisper and bite my lip.

“What?” He glances over at me, his eyes wide, then back to the road ahead.

“Well, it’s not really until Saturday, but they want to do a birthday dinner tomorrow night.” I twist my fingers in my lap and gaze down. This is uncomfortable.

“Are you close to her family?”

“Yeah, they pretty much adopted me after my folks passed.” This is much easier to talk about. “Her parents are great. She has four older brothers. The oldest, Isaac, and his wife just had a baby. I haven’t met her yet.”

“So it’ll be a family thing.” Oh, what is he thinking? He doesn’t look mad, but he doesn’t look pleased.

“Yes. Will you go with me?”

“Of course. Sounds fun. But when were you going to tell me your birthday is this weekend?”


I shrug and look out the window. “I hadn’t really thought about it, honestly. I don’t make a big deal out of it.”

“Maybe I want to make a big deal out of it.” His voice is deceptively soft.

“Don’t be mad,” I whisper. “It would make me feel stupid to say, ‘So, let’s go to yoga, and by the way, my birthday is Saturday.’”.

“No, that would have been helpful.”

He pulls up to my house, dropping me off so I can work. He grabs Jules’ dress and my shoes out of the back and we go inside.

“So, I guess we’re going to the dinner tomorrow night?”

“Yeah we are.” He hugs me tight.

“Thank you. Do you have much work today?” I ask, trying to distract him.

“Yeah, some. You?”

“I have two sessions, and I have to take Jules’ dress to the cleaners.”

He frowns deeply. “Jules’ dress?”


“Yeah, she lent it to me.”


“Because I don’t have any formal wear.” I shrug. “It’s no big deal.”

“I don’t want you to have to borrow clothes.” He narrows his eyes and plants his hands on his hips.

“Luke, that’s what girls do. We borrow each other’s clothes. It’s no big deal.”

“I want to take you shopping for your birthday.”

“No.” I shake my head emphatically and walk toward the kitchen.

“Why ever not?”

“You do not need to buy me clothes. I can buy three thousand dollar shoes without batting an eye, Luke. I don’t need you to clothe me.”

“I didn’t say you needed me to. I’m your boyfriend for Christ sake. That’s what we do. Let me spoil you.”

“You do spoil me.” I smile as I remember the flowers, the coffee, dinner last night. “You spoil me in all the ways that matter.”

“Nat, I’m very wealthy. I can afford to spend money on you.”

“Ditto.” I cross my arms over my chest.

“You are so fucking stubborn!” He shakes his head and runs his hand through his hair and I can’t help but be amused.

“Are you smirking?”

“Kind of. You’re funny when you’re irritated with me.”

He laughs and looks at the ceiling.

“God you’re frustrating.”

“I know. But I love you.”

His eyes soften and he pulls me into his arms. “I love you too.”

I lean up and kiss him sweetly on the lips, then the corner of his mouth.

“I’m serious, baby. Take my credit card, grab Jules and go shopping. Both of you, on me, for your birthday.”

I open my mouth to argue but Jules breezes into the kitchen. “Okay, don’t have to tell me twice. Thanks.” She winks at him and grins.

“Hey! No way. I mean it.”

“Jules, do you have plans tomorrow before dinner at your parents?” Luke is talking to her but looking at me, his jaw set.