Come Away with Me Page 69

The furnishings are plush, expensive and inviting. The master bed is large with soft white sheets, duvet and pillows. The common area has plenty of color; oranges, yellows and reds. It’s truly beautiful.

“Have you been here before?” I ask as I pull out my dress and heels.

“No, first time. You won’t need the heels.”

“Oh, okay. Flip flops?”


“Are we going somewhere in the sand?”

He smiles and winks. Okay, not gonna tell me.

“Are you going to change?”

He pulls on a white short sleeved button down shirt and leaves it unbuttoned. “There, all changed.”

I laugh and reach behind me to pull the strings on my bikini, letting it fall in my hands. Looking down, I do the same to the bottoms. I walk naked to the dresser and reach in for a thong.

“No underwear.” I turn and gape at him. His eyes are smoldering.


“No. Underwear.”

Jeez. He’s so bossy. And I like it.


“Okay.” I pull the black tank dress over my head and smooth it in place and slip my feet in my black flip flops. I run my brush through my hair vigorously then tie it in a simple braid down the left side so it rests over my left breast. I brush on a light coat of mascara and turn around to find Luke watching me, his expression unreadable.

“I’m ready.”

He shakes his head as if pulling his thoughts together and smiles at me tenderly. “Let’s go.”


“So what has been your favorite part of our trip so far?” I ask Luke as I take a bite of my steak. He’s surprised me with dinner, in the water on a private tiny island. The resort boated us over, where the small table was already set with our meals and drinks, the table and chairs sitting in the shallow, perfectly clear water on pure white sand.

This almost rivals the vineyard on the romance scale.

“Snorkeling today was fun.” He takes a sip of wine and shrugs. “My favorite part is being here with you.”

I shake my head and smile.


He laughs and continues with his meal. “How about you? Favorite part?”

“I also enjoyed the snorkeling today.

The manta rays were incredible. But I really enjoyed exploring the town yesterday too. Thank you again for the anklet.”

“It’s beautiful on you.”

“What are we doing tomorrow?” I ask. I’m moving my feet around in the water, back and forth. It feels good between my toes.

“I seem to remember you saying something about spending a whole day in bed.”

“Oh.” My eyes go wide.

“Tomorrow is the half way mark of the trip, seems like a good time.” He raises an eyebrow at me and I grin.

“Skinny dipping! We can scare the fish.”

“And our neighbors.” He smirks.

“Nah, the back of our room is secluded. I already checked.”

He looks up at me, startled, and then breaks out into laughter. I smile smugly back at him and drink my wine.

“This is beautiful.” I look out over the water and sigh. The sun is starting to set, and we’ve finished our meal. “Do you mind if I snap some pictures?”

“Go ahead, baby.” He pours himself another glass of wine and sits back to watch me. I sling my camera strap around my neck – I wouldn’t want to drop it in the water – and stand up, wading through the shallow water. It’s warm around my ankles, the sand is soft, and the light is perfect.

I take about a hundred shots, of the water, the trees and of the tiny island itself. It’s something out of a tropical island calendar. Then I turn the lens to my relaxed boyfriend and take a few shots without him seeing me. He’s looking down at his wine, his expression thoughtful. He glances up at me and gives me that sexy half smile, and he’s perfection. Open white shirt, black shorts, blonde hair and golden skin, sitting casually at a romantic table set for two with a single red rose in a vase.

The sight is devastating.

Suddenly, he stands and walks toward me through the water and takes the camera from me. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me to his side, turning the lens toward us and snaps a picture of the two of us together.

For the past three days, when we were out, if I had my camera with me he would ask someone to take a photo of the two of us together.

Yes, we are capturing lots of memories, and it makes me smile.

He places the strap back around my neck and kisses my forehead.

“Thank you for dinner. It was delicious, and romantic.”

“My pleasure.”

“When are we being picked up?” I run my hands up and down his chest, under his open shirt.

“In about twenty minutes.”

“Okay, let’s go for a walk around the island. It’s small, it should only take about ten minutes.”

“Let’s go.” He links his fingers through mine and we set off, wading through the ankle-deep water.

When we make it back to the table, our ride to the hut is pulling up. We board the small boat and set off across the darkening water.


I wake to the sun across my face and no covers over my naked body. Luke’s face is between my legs.

“Holy shit!” I come up off the bed, bracing myself on my elbows, and gaze in pure shock at Luke tilting my hips up so he can bury his face in my pussy, licking and teasing my clit.

“Good morning, baby,” he whispers against my core and blows on that most sensitive spot.