Come Away with Me Page 84

Luce, you are my best friend, the love of my life, and I would do it again every single day. Thank you for putting up with my shenanigans, for our three gorgeous children, and for teaching me how to cook a steak.”

As we all laugh, Lucy wipes a tear from the corner of her eye and grins at her husband.

“Happy anniversary, my love. Here’s to thirty five more.” Lucy stands amongst the applause and Neil kisses her soundly.

The band starts to play a bluesy tune and a delicious dinner is served.

“So, Natalie, how was Tahiti?” Lucy smiles warmly across the table at me.

“Warm, romantic, and completely perfect.” I respond with a wink. “I didn’t want to come home.”

Luke kisses my fingers. “We’ll go back.”

The band begins to play At last by Etta James, and Neil stands. “I believe this is our song, beautiful.”

He takes her hand and we all watch as he moves her effortlessly across the dance floor. They are gazing at each other as though they’re the only two in the room.

“Your parents are so in love,” I murmur to Luke.

“Yeah, it gets a bit gross for a kid to watch.” He shakes his head, but his eyes are full of humor. “Shall we join them?”


As he leads me out to the dance floor, I see other couples, including Jules’

parents; get up to dance to the sweet song. Luke pulls me into his arms and we glide around the floor.

“I love dancing with you.” I run my fingers down his cheek and his blue eyes light up.

“We should do it more often then.”

“Yes, we should.” I smile up at him and his eyes are suddenly so serious.

What’s wrong? Is he still nervous about the crowd?

“Nat, I…”

Jules sweeps by on the arm of one of Luke’s cousins. “Definitely glad I came stag,” she mumbles to me as she passes, smiles and shrugs, then gives us a finger wave, clearly enjoying her night.

“You were saying?” I ask Luke.

He exhales and pulls me tightly against him, nuzzles my ear with his nose, and whispers, “I love you.”

The evening moves quickly, and magically. Luke keeps me tucked close to his side all night, glaring at anyone who dares ask me to dance, and I can’t help but laugh at my possessive man.

No one asks for an autograph, and Luke poses politely for the photographer Samantha hired for the occasion, knowing the photos will be the property of the family.

“There you are!” I turn at Stacy’s excited voice and hug her tightly.

“Well, hello pretty girl! I told you when we bought it, that dress is a knockout.” I stand back and admire her beautiful white off the shoulder dress. It fits her body perfectly and she glows with happiness.

“Thank you. Yours is stunning too.”

Isaac pulls me into a hug. “Hey, brat.

Thanks for helping Stacy find that dress.

It’s torture. I have two more weeks before I can touch her and I think I’m going to die.”

We all laugh at his pained expression and I pat his cheek. “Poor boy. I think Sophie’s worth it.”

“Yeah,” his face transforms into a sweet smile. “She is. Hey, dance with me?”

I look up at Luke and he shrugs and turns to Stacy. “Do me the honor, beautiful?”

Stacy blushes bright red and takes his hand as he leads her onto the floor. I know how she feels, he’s a heart throb.

Isaac isn’t too bad himself. He’s tall and toned and tan, with dark blond hair and killer brown eyes. I had a crush on him for years.

“Are you having fun?” I ask him.

“Yeah, Stacy is especially, so I can’t complain. Luke’s a good guy. I wasn’t so sure about him at first, but I like him.”

“What brought that on?”

“Dad and I had a conversation with him the other day.”

“What?” Why didn’t I know about this?

“Yeah, you were working, and he invited all of us guys out for lunch.” He shrugs and smiles like he’s hiding something. I know Isaac. The man is like Fort Knox. If there’s a secret, he won’t spill it.

“Oh. He didn’t mention it.”

“Didn’t he?” he shrugs again, like it’s no big deal. “Well, my point is, I like him.”

“Wow, am I getting the big brother stamp of approval?” I widen my eyes and drop my jaw sarcastically.

“As long as he minds his manners, yes.”

“I like it when he doesn’t mind his manners.” I wink at him and laugh as he cringes.

“TMI. Jesus, I don’t want to know that. Are you happy?” He peers down at me, serious now, and I can’t help but feel loved.

“I am. He’s a good man, Isaac. He loves me. It’s not about what he does for a living, or what I’ve done in my past, or how much money either of us has. It’s about who I am when I’m with him.” I shrug, a bit embarrassed. “He makes me feel special.”

“Ah, Nat. You are special, honey, I’m just glad you finally figured it out. It’s a pleasure watching you fall in love.” We winks down at me. “Now, before I get too mushy, can you babysit one of these nights? I need some serious alone time with my wife.”

I laugh. “Sure, shall we say in two weeks?”

“Oh, God, yes. Thank you.”


As the evening draws to a close, Luke pulls me out on the dance floor for one final dance. My feet are killing me, but I can’t refuse him. I love swaying in his arms.