Enjoying the Chase Page 2

Holy shit, she did it again! Another brush off. Had I lost my Nate Peters magic? Or was I actually dreaming? She wasn’t even looking at me; her eyes were firmly locked on the baby in my arms. I frowned, disgruntled. It was a little scary how uninterested this girl actually was in me. She stepped closer, and her sweet perfume enveloped me.

“One date and he’s all yours.” I grinned, hoping to convince her and win her over.

She took her eyes off Cameron long enough to look up at me then. “Sure, how about February 30th? I’m free that day.”

I stared at her, digesting her words. Now that the shock of her knock-back had faded slightly, I realised that I actually quite liked her turning me down. It was a definite first for me.

Without waiting for me to agree, she slipped her hands under Cameron’s body and plucked him effortlessly from my arms. I laughed; still a little bemused by how unaffected she was by me.

“You’re funny and hot, I like it,” I admitted.

She didn’t respond, just looked down at the cute little bundle in her arms. Her face softened, her eyebrows knitted together and tears swam in her eyes. Her lips pursed as she let out a breathy sigh.

“Hi, baby,” she whispered, stroking Cameron’s face with the side of one finger. “Oh, he’s so beautiful.” She shook her head in awe as she sat down on the edge of the bed and stared at him adoringly. “I want one!” She laughed breathlessly.

I decided to turn on my A game. This approach never failed, girls loved commitment comments. “I could help you out with that if you want,” I offered.

She grinned up at me. “Sure. You gonna steal me one from the nursery?”

“Yeah. You want a boy or a girl?” I subtly let my eyes slide over her. “So how come we’ve not met? Who are you, by the way?”

Anna answered before the hot girl could even open her mouth. “This is Rosie, my best friend from college. Rosie, this is Nate Peters,” she waved her hand between us in introduction.

I nodded in understanding. I’d heard of Rosie before; she and Anna had met at school and had been friends ever since but didn’t get to see each other very often because Rosie lived a couple of hours away. Had I known she was this hot I would have paid more attention to Anna when she talked about her.

Talk then turned to the baby and his name and how they came up with it. When Anna and Rosie started talking about the birth, I tuned out, not wanting to know details. While they talked, I kept stealing little glances at Anna’s friend, watching as she spoke and laughed. After a little while, Anna yawned but put her hand over her mouth, trying to cover it up. I instantly felt bad; she’d been through a lot today and probably just wanted to rest, not to have to talk to us.

“I’m gonna let you guys have some peace.” I stood up and looked at Rosie. “Want to get some late dinner or something?”

She smiled up at me and stood too. “Sure, I’m pretty hungry actually.”

She leant over, hugging both Anna and Ashton before bending over and kissing my little godson.

When she was out of the way, I shook Ashton’s hand, beaming at him proudly before kissing Anna’s cheek. I turned back to Rosie and she smiled, heading out of the door. I followed eagerly, watching her pert behind sway as she walked.

Damn, that is one fine ass, and I am definitely going to tap that!

Chapter Two

As soon as we were outside of the door, I spotted Rick still sitting exactly where I’d left him earlier. “Hey man, still here?” I asked, frowning.

“No, I left an hour ago.”

“Hilarious. Go call the night guard and ask what the hold-up is,” I suggested. “You definitely sure you can’t come out Saturday night for Seth’s birthday?”

He shook his head in answer. “Definitely. I have family over. Next time though, for sure.”

I nodded absentmindedly as I glanced up at Rosie. She was frowning down into her purse. “I’ll catch you later, Rick.” I walked over to Rosie, glancing over her shoulder and seeing that she had just over four dollars in her purse. “Ready?” I smiled.

As she jumped and looked up at me, her frown left her face and a teasing smile graced her lips. “Actually, I can’t. I’ve just remembered that I have to go and wash my hair. Sorry.”

Brush off number four, why the hell do I like this? “Baby, I’m going to have sex with you tonight, so you might as well be there.” I smiled at her and tried to go for the confident look that told her I knew how to show her a good time. I’d definitely never had any complaints before.

She laughed, shaking her head and wrinkling her nose in distaste. “That’s not happening, sorry. Thanks for the offer and it was nice to finally meet you.”

Her sneakers squeaked on the polished floor as she spun on her heel and walked off. I stared after her in shock. Rejected, five times. This was getting a little worrying, but the annoying thing was, I was actually starting to like it. I’d never really had to try to get a girl before and Rosie’s disinterest was actually proving to be quite fun. Most guys complained about having to chase girls, but in reality, having it handed to you on a plate was boring after a while. This was all totally new to me, and certainly enjoyable.

A smile slipped onto my face as I ran to catch up with her. I wasn’t willing to admit defeat yet.

She didn’t look at me as I matched my pace to hers, keeping my eyes straight, purposefully walking a little close to her side but not touching her. I ignored her completely, trying desperately not to smile as I saw her glance at me quickly, obviously wondering what I was doing by walking so close to her and not speaking. We walked silently down the corridors, working our way out of the building. Every couple of seconds she would glance at me slyly; she actually looked a little worried.

“Which way are you going?” she asked, as she stopped, frowned and stepped away from me slightly. I was obviously encroaching in her personal space and making her uncomfortable.

I pursed my lips, pretending to think. “Not sure yet, I’ll let you know.”

She scowled at me and clutched her purse closer to her side as she walked off. I grinned and matched my stride to hers again; we were almost at the main exit now. She stopped just inside the door and gestured for me to go through first.

“Ladies first.” I shook my head and pushed the door open, standing there, smiling politely until she sighed and marched through it, turning right towards the street. I quickly caught up with her, again walking that little bit too close for comfort.

She stopped and scowled at me. “What the hell are you doing?”

I shrugged casually. “Stalking you.”

A smile twitched at the corners of her mouth and her eyes softened slightly. “How’s that working out for you?”

I scrunched my nose up. “It’s a little boring actually. You think maybe you could do something to liven this up a little?” I asked, trying to keep my expression serious.

She burst out laughing and I smiled proudly. “Are you gonna leave me alone?” she asked when she had calmed down somewhat.

“Not until after we’ve eaten.”

She sighed and shook her head. “I really can’t.”

“Come on, Rosie, I need to celebrate the fact that my best friend in the world just had a baby. Don’t make me do that on my own. I’m buying. You can order the most expensive thing on the menu just to spite me if you want,” I offered.

Come on, say yes. One little word. Y.E.S. Just say yes! She didn’t look like she was going for it, so I decided maybe I’d try and make her go for it. There were a few people around, smoking and talking outside the hospital.

I dropped down onto my knees and grabbed her hand before she even had a chance to react. “Please come out with me. Please, I’m begging you, please! Don’t leave me hanging like this in front of all of these people,” I begged dramatically, gesturing to all the people who were now watching me make a complete and utter dick out of myself.

A blush rapidly spread across her cheeks.

“Please, Rosie, I’m begging you to give me a chance! I can’t sleep because I’m always thinking about you. I can’t eat. I don’t even see other girls any more; all I see is you. Please, you’re killing me,” I continued, getting louder. I turned to the middle-aged woman standing staring at us, shocked. “You think she should give me a chance, don’t you? I’ve been in love with her for the last ten years, and she won’t give me a shot. Why, Rosie? Why?” I wailed dramatically, fighting to keep the smile off my face. The gorgeous little brunette was now a bright shade of red as she tugged, trying to get her hand out of my grip.

The lady watching put her hand over her heart. “Aww, honey, give him a chance. If a handsome man begged me like that I’d sure as hell give him a shot,” she gushed, nodding in encouragement.

Rosie shifted on her feet uncomfortably, ducking her head in embarrassment. “Get up!” she hissed.

I raised a challenging eyebrow. “Oh no. This continues until you agree to come to dinner with me,” I whispered. “Please, Rosie, PLEASE?” I begged, loudly.

She winced and looked around quickly with a horrified expression on her face. “Fine, just get up!”

I jumped to my feet, grinning triumphantly. “See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” I gloated. I turned towards the people who were watching the scene in shock and amusement. I held my hands up above my head in celebration. “She said yes!” I shouted excitedly for the benefit of the crowd. Some of them cheered, a couple applauded; I smiled and gave a little bow as Rosie practically ran away from me in the direction of the parking lot.

I caught up to her easily and winced as her purse slapped me in the stomach. “That was so freaking embarrassing!” she groaned, slyly glancing over her shoulder to see if the crowd of people was still watching us.

I threw my arm around her shoulder. “Oh, you loved it.”

“Asshole,” she muttered under her breath. “I’m so ordering the lobster.”

“Yeah, me too,” I joked, winking at her when she looked up at me. Judging by her playful and amused eyes, she wasn’t angry with me for making a scene. When her elbow jabbed into my ribs warningly, I let my arm slide off her shoulder and grinned. “I actually like it a little rough,” I joked, rubbing my side as she rolled her eyes at me. This was the most fun I’d had with a girl for a long time. She reminded me a little of Anna – spunky and game for a laugh.

“Are you trying to talk me out of this?” She raised one eyebrow in warning.

“No way, muffin. I can’t wait to embarrass you in the restaurant too,” I teased.

She closed her eyes and groaned as I closed my hand over hers and pulled her in the general direction of my car. On the way to the restaurant, she barely spoke to me. I purposefully chose a fairly nice one so she could put a dent in my credit card like she obviously wanted to as payback for the little scene outside the hospital.

“So, where do you live? I’ve heard Anna mention you’re a couple of hours away?” I asked curiously, as we scanned the menus.

“Barstow, San Bernardino,” she answered. “But I’m moving to LA next week for my job.”

“Yeah? What’s your job?”

“I’m a teacher; well, I will be a teacher when I move here anyway. At the moment, I work three jobs to pay the rent.” She shrugged easily.

A teacher? Wow, there certainly weren’t any teachers that looked like her at the school I went to.

“You’re going to be a teacher? What grade?”

“Second,” she answered, shrugging.

“That’s good. I felt sorry for the poor kids for a minute then, having to try and concentrate with a hottie teacher. I guess in second grade they won’t be daydreaming about what colour panties you have on instead of listening to your lesson.” I smirked confidently as she laughed and shook her head at me.

“You really are a flirt. I give you ten out of ten for the attempt, but seriously, if you’re expecting me to sleep with you then you’re going to be really disappointed.” She looked at me challengingly as she sat back in her chair.

“Oh, now I get it. You’re a lesbian,” I replied, trying to look serious.

Her hard exterior cracked and she burst into laughter. “So you think the only reason that a girl would turn you down, is because she’s a lesbian?”

“Hell yeah, no girl can resist me,” I replied, only half joking, she was actually the only girl that had ever turned me down. Hopefully she actually was a lesbian and then I could relax, safe in the knowledge that my sex appeal was unquestioned.

“I’m not a lesbian and I can resist you, trust me. You really aren’t my type,” she stated, looking me over in a disinterested manner.

“Not your type? What the hell does that mean? What’s wrong with me?” I asked, genuinely wanting to hear what she’d say.

“I don’t go for cocky, overconfident guys that care more about how they look than whether they have anything interesting to say. Players just don’t do it for me.” She shrugged taking a drink of her water, her amused eyes not leaving mine.

“I have plenty interesting to say,” I countered.

She leant forward in her chair. “Okay, let’s hear it.”

Fuck it. What the hell do I say to that? I frowned, wondering what she would find interesting. I needed to actually think of something that she would be impressed with. Panic bubbled in my stomach as nothing sprung to mind. Thankfully, the waiter came over and took our order, so I got a few minutes reprieve. Surprisingly, she didn’t order anything too expensive like I thought she would.