The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window Page 10

“Liam, why don’t we just leave that for a while, and then maybe in a couple of weeks, if everything is going well, then we can talk to him together. I mean, we don’t even know if it’s going to work out, do we?” I asked with a shrug. I didn’t really see the point in talking to Jake and upsetting everything if this wasn’t going to work out. In reality, how long would it last once he realised that I really wasn’t planning on sleeping with him anytime soon? When he got bored or desperate, he would run away from me to the nearest easy lay, screaming as he went.

He looked a little scared. “You don’t think it’ll work out?” he asked, his voice sounded hurt.

“Honestly? I just don’t think that you can wait, Liam. How long is it going to be before you decide that you’ve had enough and sleep with some bimbo?” I replied, hating the hurt expression that crossed his face.

“I promise I will never cheat on you, ever. I’ve waited too long for this chance; I’m not going to screw it up.” He took my hand and I could see the honesty in his eyes, he truly believed that he wouldn’t cheat, but he was a boy after all and his body would say something else eventually.

“Let’s just wait a while, OK?” I suggested, pulling my hand away and waving for the waiter. He came over immediately. “Hi, can we get the check please?” I asked with a smile, he nodded and walked off.

“I’m just going to go to the bathroom. If he comes back before I’m back, then use this, OK?” Liam instructed, handing me his wallet and walking quickly to the bathroom.

I winced; I think I really hurt his feelings saying that. Damn it, I could be so stupid sometimes! I watched him as he walked away, my eyes unconsciously focused on his ass. Wow, he really does have a nice ass! Someone cleared their throat next to me making me blush because I had just got caught staring. I looked up and the waiter was standing there with the check.

“Oh, sorry! I didn’t realise you were there,” I muttered, embarrassed.

“Don’t worry about it.” He handed me the receipt and bent down next to me so we were at the same level. He put one hand on the back of my chair and one on the table so I was trapped. My heart started to race. He was too close. “So, I’ve not seen you around here before. I definitely would have remembered a face as beautiful as yours,” he said, his eyes were boring holes into me, as he looked like he was imagining me na**d.

I squirmed in my seat. “Er no, I’ve not been in here before,” I muttered uncomfortably, looking at the amount that was due and grabbing Liam’s wallet from my lap.

“I’m Simon.” He held out his hand for me to shake. I looked at it and gulped; I really didn’t want to touch him so I just fiddled with Liam’s wallet and pretended to be looking at something. I felt him playing with my pony tail and I felt sick. “So, what’s your name?” he asked, with a flirty smile.

“Her name’s touch her again and I’ll break your face,” Liam growled possessively from behind me. I physically relaxed.

The guy stood up immediately. “Sorry, I was just talking to your girlfriend that’s all. No harm done,” he said innocently.

“Right,” Liam replied, sounding really annoyed. He reached out and took the receipt and his wallet out of my hands, looked at it and then handed the guy the money still glaring at him. My breathing still hadn’t returned to normal, my heart was still racing. Liam held out his hand to me. “You ready, Angel?” he asked, not taking his eyes off the waiter. I took his hand and stood up, following him as he led us out of the restaurant. Once he closed the door he turned to me. “You alright? You look a bit pale.” He stepped closer to me and put his lips on my neck. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed myself against him, letting his smell fill my lungs, his breath blew down my back and shoulders, making everything in my body relax.

I pulled away after a couple of minutes. “I’m fine now.” I smiled at him reassuringly and he stroked the side of my face lightly. “Come on let’s get back. I need to help Jake clear up so he’ll buy pizza tonight,” I teased.

He smiled and as we walked to his car, he slipped his hand in mine. I couldn’t help but smile. It felt right for some reason; his hand just seemed to fit mine perfectly. It was so natural that it was almost too easy.

Chapter 7

It took a long time to clear the house. Someone had been sick in the back yard so I sent Jake out to clear that, while I worked on the kitchen, collecting all of the empty cups and bottles. It seemed like the party had gotten a bit out of hand when Liam and I had gone to bed, and my drunken ass of a brother hadn’t bothered to stop it.

“This is the reason why I stay sober,” Liam stated, scrunching his face up in disgust at the vase full of urine on the windowsill in the lounge.

“You stay sober to stop people from peeing in my mom’s ornaments?” I asked, laughing hysterically.

He nodded. “Surprising, but true. There’s always one who can’t be bothered to walk to the bathroom,” he joked, making me laugh harder.

He smiled at me, making my heart melt, and Jake walked in. “Wow, did I actually hear you two laughing at something together in here? That’s a first,” he said, looking at what Liam was holding and flinching.

“I’d better go sort this out,” Liam muttered, walking off quickly. I could tell he was a bit uncomfortable lying to Jake, but I was really sure that a couple of weeks would be best, just to make sure this was what we both wanted.

“Jake, can Kate stay this weekend? Her parents are out of town and she doesn’t want to stay in the house on her own,” I asked, giving him my puppy dog face.

He grimaced. “Ugh! That girl does nothing but flirt with me, I wouldn’t mind so much if she was older, but I mean jeez, she’s my little sister’s age! Ew!” he said with a fake shudder.

“So, you don’t think a sixteen year old should go out with an eighteen year old?” I asked, trying to be casual.

He didn’t buy it, he looked at me sceptically. “You’re not interested in any eighteen year olds, are you?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at me. I saw Liam coming back down the hall way from the corner of my eye.

“No, I was talking about Kate,” I lied.

He nodded, seeming satisfied. “No, I don’t think they should. I mean, what sort of an eighteen year old would even look at a sixteen year old that way?” he asked, glancing at Liam as he walked past looking a little sheepish.

“It’s only two years, Jake, no big deal. You’re only freaked out because that’s the same age as me. Just because you wouldn’t date someone who’s my age doesn’t mean other guys feel the same way, right, Liam?” I countered, still trying for casual even though my voice cracked a little when I said Liam’s name.

“Right. I know a lot of hot ass sixteen year olds,” Liam replied, winking at me behind my brothers back.

“Yeah, but you can’t date any of them!” Jake growled, turning to look at him and slapping him on the back of the head as he walked past. I met Liam’s gaze and was a little shocked. Wow, Jake really did know he liked me, and by the look of it, he was very opposed to the idea of us being together. This could be even more complicated than I first thought.

Kate let herself in about an hour later. “Hey, Jake. Hey, Liam,” she purred as she walked in, giving them both a flirty smile. I saw Liam chuckle under his breath as he smiled back.

“Hi, Kate.” Jake smirked, giving her a flirty wink. He really didn’t help himself, if he wanted her to leave him alone, then why did he encourage her?

“Come on, let’s leave the man-whores alone,” I joked as I grabbed her hand and dragged her to my bedroom. I saw Liam smirk at me from the corner of my eye and I stifled a laugh.

“I can’t believe I get to spend the whole weekend here with you and your brother. Do you think Liam will stay here too?” she asked, her eyes sparkling.

“I don’t know, maybe you should ask him.” I smiled a little uncomfortably. I could just imagine her flirting with Liam right in front of me; I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about it.

She dumped her stuff on my floor and threw herself down on my bed. Suddenly she rolled over and grabbed my pillow off of my bed frowning at it, looking confused. “Amber, why does your pillow smell like cologne?”

I could feel my nerves bubbling up. “Er…. well I…. er…. Oh! Liam borrowed it when he stayed here, so it must smell like him,” I lied, stumbling over my words.

She buried her head in the pillow. “Mmm, I’m sleeping with this one tonight,” she stated, holding the pillow tight.

I choked on my laughter. “Whatever, Kate. Let’s go eat I’m starved.” I pushed myself up off of the bed and walked towards the door so we could get the food ordered.

“I got this!” she chirped, waving a DVD in front of my face. Even the cover scared the heck out of me. I rolled my eyes and stalked out of the room plopping down onto the sofa next to Liam. He put his hand down onto the sofa next to mine and discreetly rubbed his little finger across mine when no one was looking.

“Have you ordered the food, Jake?” I asked, shifting sideways on the seat so that my knee touched Liam’s thigh. I saw a smile play at the corner of his mouth.

“Yep, done. It’ll be here in ten,” Jake said, shifting up the other sofa a few inches because Kate had practically sat herself on his lap.

“So, Liam, will your fine ass be staying here tonight too? I’m more than happy to share my bed if you want. I may be scared from the movie, maybe I’ll need someone to make me feel better in the night,” Kate purred seductively.

I felt him shift his weight closer to me so my leg was on top of his more. “Nope, I can’t. I'm busy tonight. You’ll just have to manage without me.” He shrugged and looked away to the TV.

“Oh well. It’ll have to just be you then Jake, if you’re interested,” she purred.

I didn’t hear his reply; my ears had started to ring. I actually started to feel jealous. It was the first time I had ever felt anything like that before, I wanted to stand up and shout at my best friend to leave Liam alone. I burst out laughing and then bit my lip to stop.

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. “What?” Jake asked confused.

I shook my head, smiling. “Nothing, I just thought of a funny joke that’s all,” I lied getting up. “Anyone want a drink?” I offered, needing to change the subject. They all said yes so I made my way to the fridge grabbing four cans of Pepsi. As I shut the fridge door, Liam grabbed me from behind and made me turn around to look at him. He was standing so close I could feel his breath blow across my face.

“I’m missing you already,” he whispered, kissing me lightly. I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him to me, deepening the kiss, tangling my hands in his hair. He stepped forwards making me move back, so my back was against the fridge as he pressed his body against mine. “I think we should just talk to your brother now,” he murmured as he pulled away a couple of minutes later.

I shook my head, looking at him pleadingly. “No, just a couple of weeks that’s all I ask.”

He smiled a small smile. “OK, whatever you want. But can you stop your friend flirting with me? Tell her I’m taken.”

My breath caught in my throat at his words. “Are you taken?” I whispered shyly.

He kissed me again, making my body tingle and yearn for more. “I’m definitely taken, if you’ll have me,” he replied, looking me straight in the eye. My insides were jumping for joy, my heart beating so fast that I could almost hear it in my ears, but my head was still telling me to be careful.

“I’ll have you, if you’ll have me,” I bargained.

He gave me a wicked grin. “Absolutely. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll have you all the time,” he said suggestively, waggling his eyebrows at me. I gasped and slapped his shoulder, making him chuckle. “Oh come on, I’m allowed to make slutty comments to you now, surely? I mean, you’re my girlfriend so I have to use all my best moves on you,” he said, faking hurt.

Did he just call me his girlfriend? My heart melted at the sound of that word coming out of his mouth. “Say that again,” I whispered, pulling him closer to me.

“I’m allowed to make slutty comments to you?” he asked, looking a little confused.

I shook my head. “No, not that. The next bit,” I murmured, putting my mouth inches from his.

“You’re my girlfriend?” he asked. I nodded, my breath coming in small gasps, the sound of it made me feel like I was flying, I honestly can’t remember the last time I was this happy. He smiled. “You’re my girlfriend, Angel,” he purred seductively, kissing my lips lightly. “My girl.” He kissed me again. “The only one I want.” He kissed me again, this time I didn’t let him pull back, I held his head to mine and kissed him passionately, making him moan slightly and grip me tighter to him. Suddenly, he jumped away from me and moved to the side. I looked at him confused, had I done something wrong?

Just then Jake came round the corner, giving me a stern expression. “You need to have a word with your friend, seriously, she just grabbed my dick!” he whisper yelled at me. Liam and I burst out laughing at the same time. The doorbell rang and I ran to get it, needing to be out of the room, I didn’t really like being around the two of them together, it was kind of awkward.

After the food, Kate put on the stupid scary movie. I sat next to Liam. Which meant that Jake had to sit next to Kate on the other sofa - much to his obvious annoyance. The movie was awful; Liam slung his arm casually over the back of the sofa and was playing with my hair discreetly which made it slightly more bearable. About half way through I was honestly so scared that I scooted right up next to Liam and buried my face in his chest. I could feel Jake shooting daggers over at us but I couldn’t help it.