The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window Page 24

I nodded. “Yeah. I don’t think he’d be best pleased if he came home and found out that you’d seen me with no top on, James,” I said with mock horror. He laughed and sat up, grabbing my shirt from the floor and passing it to me, kissing me again tenderly.

When we were both fully dressed again, we sat watching TV until Jake came home. I couldn’t keep the smile off of my face, Liam loved me and I loved him and everything was perfect. Jake came home and they played on the Wii while I did my homework, trying unsuccessfully, not to watch Liam’s ass as he stood in front of me. At ten he went home to change his clothes and see his parents for half an hour before he would sneak through my window tonight. I could barely contain my excitement at being with him again.

“So, how are you two getting on?” Jake asked curiously, when we were on our own.

I grinned happily. “Really good actually. Thanks for not freaking out and hurting him or anything,” I said, grimacing at the thought.

He smiled sadly. “That’s OK. Just be careful, he’s a player, I don’t want you to get hurt.” He looked at me worriedly. He always was overprotective, but I guess growing up the way we did he always felt he needed to protect me from our father. I guess that urge never left, even after my father did.

I smiled and shook my head. “He won’t hurt me,” I stated confidently.

He laughed. “Such confidence in a guy who’s never managed to hold down a girlfriend before,” he mused, shaking his head.

“Jake, Liam’s a great guy, he won’t hurt me. He loves me.”

He sighed and nodded. “I know he does.” He frowned disapprovingly as he said it. I don’t think that Jake would ever approve of anyone I brought home; he was just so damn overprotective. He’d always been the best brother a girl could ask for. “So, do you need to talk to me about Dad or anything?” he asked, wincing slightly as he said the word dad.

I closed my eyes; I had been putting off even thinking about that man coming back. “I don’t want to see him,” I said quietly.

He pulled me into a hug. “OK, then we won’t see him.” He rubbed my back soothingly, looking at me worriedly, as if he thought I was going to have another panic attack like the last time we spoke about him.

“You can see him if you want to,” I said, feeling a little guilty. I didn’t want to stop Jake from seeing him if he wanted to.

He laughed humourlessly. “Actually, I need to see him.” He shrugged, and my heart sank, I didn’t want Jake anywhere near that asshole.

“OK, well if that’s what you want….” I trailed off, trying not to cry.

Jake pulled out of the hug and looked at me sadly. “I don’t want to see him, Amber, I want to kill him,” he stated, shrugging casually, making me laugh. I slapped his shoulder making him laugh too. “I promise I won’t let him hurt you, never again.” He kissed the side of my head gently, his whole body tense. I knew Jake always felt guilty that he didn’t do something sooner. I don’t think he’d ever forgive himself for it, but it was an irrational belief, none of it was his fault, yet he took all the blame for it not ending before it did. I think he forgets that he went through it too; he only ever worries about me. He never really talks about the fact that he probably got hurt twice as much as I did because he was always protecting me. He always seems to forget that he was a child at the time too, that he couldn’t have done anything about it anyway because he wasn’t strong enough.

“You know you’re the best brother in the world, right?” I told him, smiling happily.

He nodded, smirking at me. “Yeah, I know,” he replied cockily, making us both laugh again.

I sighed, feeling exhaustion creep in. “I’m going to bed. Night, Jake.” I kissed the top of his head as I went to my room, locking the door behind me out of habit.

I put on my pyjamas and just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard my window open. I smiled happily as Liam climbed in the bed behind me, wrapping his arms around me. “Hey, you,” I mumbled sleepily.

He kissed the back of my head gently. “Hey, yourself,” he replied, as I snuggled back against him.

“I love you, Liam.” I grinned as I said the words; it just got easier and easier to say each time.

“I love you more, Angel.” I sighed and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep, safe and warm, wrapped in his embrace.

Chapter 15

~ Liam ~

I had been with Amber for a week now, and it’d honestly been the best week of my life - of anyone’s life, probably. She was just so perfect. I’d wanted her for so long that I was a little worried that if I ever did get her, that she would never be able to live up to what I had imagined. I’d put her on such a high pedestal that I was surprised she actually had enough oxygen to breathe. But being with her was better than anything I could have ever imagined.

I couldn’t wait for tonight. As usual, there was a party at Jake’s - the after game celebrations. I was definitely planning on dancing with my girl tonight. I pulled on a pair of ripped jeans and a white button down shirt and headed over to their house. I was so excited to see her that I could burst into song any moment. I still couldn't believe that someone like me would be lucky enough to have someone like her fall in love with them. She could have any guy she wanted; she was beautiful, smart, funny, and kind. Practically every guy in school lusted after her, not that I could blame them; her body was just out of this world, all that dancing…..

I struggled to watch her at her dance practice every Saturday, it was such a freaking turn on seeing her jumping around, shaking her ass. She honestly made my mouth water I wanted her so badly. It would be even worse tomorrow because I’d actually had my hands on that pert little ass that would be shaking around.

I went straight to their kitchen, helping Jake sort out drinks and snacks as usual. Amber was probably in her room making herself look unbelievable, just to tease the life out of me again. She’d insisted on flirting her pretty butt off with me every day at school for the stupid bet. Every day it got worse and worse as she bumped it up another gear. She was getting more confident now; she knew exactly how much she affected me, and definitely used it to her advantage. Not that I minded, she was having a good time doing it and seeing her enjoying herself made me happy.

Amber had been getting more and more into our relationship since she told me she loved me, taking things further and further. I was a little worried at first. I didn’t want her to think all I wanted her for was sex, I’d told her I would wait and I would wait as long as she needed. I truly loved her more than anything in the world. If I thought she would say yes, I would ask her to marry me right now, but I just didn’t want to rush her or pressure her into anything, we had all the time in the world.

Jake had been great so far too. He seemed to like the fact that Amber was happy so he didn’t give me too much flack about dating her. We did have a few words the day after he found out about us, but I’d never tell Amber about that. It was basically just threats of decapitation and castration - which I knew he meant. Not that it mattered, I wouldn’t be the one to hurt her or end this relationship, that was definitely up to her. All I wanted was to take care of her and make her happy.

An hour later, people started arriving for the party. I watched the hallway, waiting for her. Usually, she didn’t come out of her room until the party was in full swing, so I knew I had a little while. I spotted Jessica walk in and I groaned as I grabbed Casey, pulling him in front of me so she wouldn’t see me. She had been pissing me off so badly all week with all the flirting, well, they all had. I couldn’t believe that girls do that sort of thing, and jeez what they were offering, it was literally anywhere, anytime, and anything I wanted. I didn’t even want to think about what Jessica had offered me, the dirty little tramp. My subconscious mind wandered to the couple of times we’d been out and had sex, I shuddered a little at the thought.

Casey was laughing his ass off. “Seriously, Liam, just man up and f**k someone get it over with,” he said, laughing.

I rolled my eyes at his stupid comment. “Whatever, the only one I’ll be with is my girlfriend. I’m not interested in any of these skanks.” I waved my hand dismissively as a couple of girls eyed me from across the room. Someone grabbed my arm, squeezing gently to get my attention. Oh for goodness sake why can’t they leave the hell alone? “Look, I’m not interested! I’ve got a girlfriend!” I growled angrily as I turned around.

My breath caught in my throat, Amber was standing there in a little black dress that clung to her shapely body and came to her mid-thigh. Her hair was half up and curled, and her eyes were sparkling with amusement. I couldn’t breathe. She was so beautiful that it was unreal. All I could do was stare at her like an idiot. Oh crap, I’m staring! OK come on, Liam, say something.

Say anything.

Liam, freaking say SOMETHING!

“Um…. Hi, Angel,” I mumbled, my voice sounding tight. Wow, that was real smooth, Liam! God, I’m such a dick! I was so turned on it must have been obvious to everyone.

She grinned, her smile lighting up her whole face. “Hi, Liam,” she purred in her sexy voice. I mentally groaned. OK here it comes; she’s finally going to kill me. I really didn’t think I could take her flirting with me while she looks like that.

“You look beautiful,” I said honestly, looking her over again.

She grinned and did a little twirl, making the dress rise up a little. My heart started to beat faster. “You like?” she asked biting her lip. Did I like it? Was she kidding me?

I nodded and stepped closer. I could smell her perfume making my head slightly fuzzy. “I love,” I confirmed.

She giggled and closed the distance, pressing her chest to mine. I couldn’t help but put my hands on her hips, feeling the silky material under my fingers. “You know what? I think you’ll like what’s underneath even more,” she whispered in my ear.

I tightened my grip on her as she tried to step back, holding her to me tightly, not wanting to let her move away from me. “Don’t tease me tonight, Angel. Seriously, you look too hot, I can’t take it,” I pleaded.

She laughed and gripped the front of my shirt, pulling me impossibly closer to her. I looked into her eyes, feeling myself being drawn in. “I’m not teasing, Liam. By the way, your clothes look so damn hot on you, but I’ve got a feeling they’ll look even better on my bedroom floor later,” she said quietly, making me groan. I closed my eyes. Seriously, she was killing me. She kissed my cheek and pulled away quickly, heading off into the crowd of people, leaving me standing in the middle of the kitchen with a freaking boner as usual.

I turned back to Casey who was looking after Amber too. “Damn, she looks hot tonight. I think I might go see if I can tap that fine ass,” he said, waggling his eyebrows as he went to go after her.

I grabbed his arm and shook my head, looking at him warningly. “No way, Casey. Just stay away from her, she’s taken.”

He looked at me curiously, then his eyes went wide. “She’s not your….” he trailed off, looking at me shocked.

Oh crap. Oops, well now he knows! I nodded slowly. “Yeah,” I confirmed. I couldn’t help the proud grin that stretched across my face that someone finally knew about us.

He burst out laughing, shaking his head. “Jake is gonna have your balls when he finds out. Seriously, he’s going to tear you a new asshole.”

I grinned and slapped his shoulder. “He already knows.” I shrugged easily, smiling as his face turned to shock.

“No way! Did he beat the crap out of you?” he asked curiously.

I laughed and gestured down at myself. “Does it look like he beat the crap out of me?” I asked, chuckling.

He suddenly looked pissed off. “All that freaking time I never asked her out because I thought Jake would cut my balls off, and he didn’t do anything? Damn it, I knew I should have asked her out!” he grumbled, looking annoyed.

“Too late now,” I teased, slapping his shoulder again as I went to get a drink.

I grabbed two shots of vodka and went to go and find her and tell her that Casey knew. I didn’t bother telling him not to say anything; I wanted this out in the open. I couldn’t care less about the money. In a couple of years, when I was playing hockey professionally, that would seem like peanuts and I could give her anything she wanted.

I spotted her dancing with Kate and Sean off to one side. I grinned as I wrapped my arm around her waist, making her jump. “Hey, girlfriend,” I whispered in her ear. She smiled at me over her shoulder as she ground her ass across my crotch, making me yearn for her again. I pulled her tighter against me and danced behind her, I handed her one of the shots.

“Thanks.” She smiled gratefully as she downed it, wincing slightly.

“So, I’ve got something to tell you,” I admitted sheepishly.

She turned to face me. “What’s that then?” she asked, grinning. Her excited expression told me that she obviously thought it was something good.

“Casey knows you’re my girl,” I said quietly, bending close to her so no one could hear.

She gasped. “He does? How?” she asked, clearly shocked, as she looked around suspiciously.

“I told him by accident. He was going to come and make a move on you, I told him to stay away,” I admitted, smiling apologetically, hoping she wouldn’t chew me out for ruining her plan with Jessica and the bet.

She rolled her eyes and stepped closer to me. “Big mouth,” she scolded jokingly, as she wrapped her arms around my neck, dancing with me again. I pulled her closer to me wrapping her in my arms tightly, loving the feel of her body against mine. She smiled happily. “Well then, Liam, if people are going to find out, we might as well give them a show,” she flirted, raising one eyebrow playfully.