The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window Page 42

“OK?” I asked, squeezing my arm around his waist tighter. I couldn’t keep the smile off of my face. I loved him so much that it was almost painful.

He gulped and nodded, pushing open the door. I looked in to see the room was in semi darkness. There were hundreds of little candles all scattered around, making the room flicker and look beautiful, the candles were reflected in the wall of mirrors. There were red and pink balloons floating along every single inch of the ceiling and some tied to the backs of chairs. There were bunches of red roses everywhere, red and pink rose petals scattered all over the wooden floor. It was beautiful.

I looked at him, shocked; he smiled and pulled me into the room, closing the door behind me. As he pulled me into the middle of the room I could feel my heart trying to burst out of my chest. This whole situation was so romantic that it made my stomach flutter and my skin prickle.

He kissed me softly before bending down on one knee in front of me. I felt my eyes filling with tears and I resisted the urge to shout yes before he even asked me.

He pulled out a little black ring box, lifting the lid to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring that must have cost him a fortune. “Angel, I’ve loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you. It’s only ever been you. It will always be you. Will you marry me?” he asked, looking really nervous. Did he really think I would say no?

I swallowed noisily. God, could I even speak? “Yes,” I whispered. He smiled a heart stopping smile and pulled the ring from the box, taking my hand and slipping it on my finger, where it fitted perfectly.

He jumped up and grabbed me, kissing me fiercely. I smiled happily against his lips and he pulled back to put his forehead to mine. “I love you so much,” he whispered.

“I love you too.” Those words just never seemed enough to me. Three little words, how could they possibly cover everything that I felt for this amazing boy?

“Please can I have the first dance in your dance studio, future Mrs James?” he asked, his eyes dancing with excitement.

I grinned, oh God I loved the sound of that name! “Absolutely, future husband,” I answered. My heart was beating way too fast. Liam still had the power to set my body on fire with one of his smiles, even after all this time.

He pulled a little remote from his pocket and pushed a couple of buttons, making the music start up. I gasped as the song started. It was our song. Amazed, by Boyz II Men, started and he pulled me closer to his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around me.

Could this boy be any more perfect? I couldn’t take my eyes from his as we danced. He held me tightly, one hand moving up to the back of my neck, his fingers weaving into the hair there. My breathing was coming out in small gasps as I took in every inch of his gorgeous face, my fiancé’s face. I pressed myself closer to him, feeling his gorgeous body pressed tightly against mine.

Everything about this moment was beautiful and I never wanted it to end. “Liam, could you get any more romantic?” I breathed, rubbing my hand over his chest lightly as we swayed slowly to the song.

He smiled. “I’ll try. Ask me again in fifty years,” he whispered and he bent his head and kissed me softly, stealing my breath and making my heart crash in my chest.

Surely no one had ever been happier than me in this moment. I had the perfect family, a new dance studio which had been my dream since I was little, and the man of my dreams had just asked me to be his wife. Life couldn’t get any better than this; I honestly felt like the luckiest girl in the world.