The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window Page 5

“Do what, Angel?” he asked, looking confused.

I pointed to the ice. “Skate around again. Why didn’t you just get off at the exit? You skated past it,” I explained, frowning, but smiling at the same time, this boy really is weird!

He looked slightly uncomfortable but then re-arranged his expression into his usual ‘make all the girls melt’ smirk. “You slowed me down the whole time; I just wanted one lap where I could skate forwards, that’s all.” He shrugged.

Right, now I feel a little guilty that I didn’t let him have any fun, he had to baby me the whole time. “Liam, you go on and skate some. I’ll sit here, it's fine. You should get to have some fun too,” I suggested, giving him a half smile.

He grinned. “I had a lot of fun.” His expression looked completely honest; he quickly stood up and went to get our shoes.

On the way back to school he pulled into the McDonalds drive thru. “Hi, can I help you?” the speaker asked.

“Er yeah, can I get a big mac meal with a coke, and a quarter pounder with cheese meal with a strawberry milkshake. Do you still do those cheese melt things?” Liam asked.

“Yeah we do,” the speaker crackled.

He grinned. “Great, a pack of those too then please.” I just stared at him, a little dumbfounded; he had just ordered my food and knew exactly what I would want. He turned back to me and frowned. “What are you looking at me like that for? Did I get it wrong?” he asked, looking slightly concerned and unrolling his window again, ready to change the order.

I shook my head, looking at him in amazement. “How did you know what I have?”

He just laughed and looked at me like I’d said something stupid. “You always have the same, Angel. And you love those disgusting cheese things too but they don’t do them all the time so….” he trailed off shrugged and pulled the car up to the next window.

OK, now he is starting to freak me out. First he knew my shoe size, now he knows what I order at McDonalds? I mean, I know I’ve probably been here with him and Jake a thousand times, but even Jake doesn’t know what I order and he’s my brother for goodness sake. Liam just laughed at me again and pulled the car into a space so we could eat.

He was chatting openly about some concert that he wanted to go and see and some movie that he saw last week about zombies that he said would have scared the life out of me. I was surprised how easy it was to talk to him; I’d never spent much time with him on my own before. He was usually always with Jake or a load of the boys, or had some skank draped all over him, or we were asleep. He was actually a really nice and funny guy. I couldn’t help but wonder why he hides his awesome personality behind the man-whore, male chauvinistic pig attitude; he should be like this more often.

“Can I ask you something, Angel?” he asked, looking at me seriously. I nodded and finished the rest of my milkshake. “Don’t you trust me? How could you think I would hurt you earlier at school? I’ve had plenty of opportunities to touch you or force you into something over the last eight years, haven’t I? Why would you think I would hurt you?” he asked, looking really sad.

I dragged in a deep breath. “You just took me by surprise that’s all; I do trust you, Liam, honestly. I know you wouldn’t hurt me, it’s just hard for me, I don’t like people touching me.” I frowned not really wanting to talk about it. No one ever pushed me for details of what used to go on with my father. I had refused to go to therapy after he left, my mom and Jake had tried to talk me into it, but I just didn’t want anyone to know. I was ashamed of it and what he used to make me do. No one ever forced me to talk about it though, and I loved them even more for it.

Liam took my hand. “I know you don’t, but I would never hurt you, I need you to know that,” he said, rubbing circles in the back of my hand. He still looked really hurt and upset, I wanted to make him feel better but I didn’t know how.

The only thing I could do was tell him the truth. “Liam, when people touch me my heart beats too fast and I start to feel sick and a little dizzy. It’s not something I have control over. The only people that it doesn’t happen with are my mom, Jake and you. I’m sorry if I upset you, but I can’t help it. I do trust you, honestly.”

This seemed to make him feel better and his face brightened. “OK good. Come on then, let’s get back before your brother has the attack dogs out waiting to rip my throat out,” he suggested, chuckling. I settled back into my seat as he drove us back to school. We pulled into the school parking lot five minutes before the final bell. “Er, Angel, it’s probably best not to mention today to your brother. I’m not supposed to hang out with you,” he said with a shrug.

Not supposed to hang out with me. What does that mean? “Why aren’t you?” I asked, confused.

He looked me in the eyes again, making my heart speed up a fraction. “Jake said so. And on account of me being a ‘disgusting man-whore’ as you so often put it. Apparently, I just want to tap your very fine ass,” he said with a smirk. “Which I would be more than happy to do, if you want. You know, as payment for the skating lesson,” he teased, winking at me.

I gasped. I had just spent the whole day with this boy and had a nice time and he can ruin the whole thing in one freaking sentence. “You really are a pig sometimes, you know that?” I growled as I stepped out of the car and slammed his door. I stomped off in the direction of the math building which is where I should be, at least I can make it look like I’ve been there if I walk from the right direction.

I saw Jake walking towards the car so I gave him a few minutes before I made my way up and got in the back like nothing had happened. “Hey, Ambs, you have a good day?” Jake asked as I got in the car.

“Actually yeah I did, right up until the very end when some slut hit on me,” I answered with a shrug. Jake immediately slapped Liam around the back of the head.

“Ouch, shit, what was that for?” Liam asked, rubbing his head.

“For hitting on my little sister.” Jake shrugged.

“How did you know it was me?” Liam whined. I giggled as Liam shot me a dirty look and pulled out my iPod.

“Ambs, seeing as its Friday……” Jake said, trailing off.

I groaned, knowing instantly what this was about. His weekly tradition. “No! No parties! Come on, Jake, seriously? Does it have to be at our house every week? There isn’t even a game tonight! It’s supposed to be an after game party. I mean, can’t someone else have it for a week so I don’t have to clear up after your drunken idiot friends?” I asked, glaring at Liam again.

“Hey don’t bring me into this; I always help to clear up!” Liam cried defensively.

I sighed, feeling defeated. My brother had a party at ours every Friday night because we had no parental supervision so it was easiest to have it at ours. I don’t know why I bothered whining about it, it happened regardless of whether I liked it or not. I turned my iPod up to drown out the boys taking about girls they were going to screw, and looked out of the window. I could see Liam trying to make eye contact with me in the mirror but I just ignored him and pretended to be completely lost in song.

Chapter 4

After dinner Jake and Liam went out and got some drink for the party as usual. So I took the opportunity and had a nice long bath, making myself feel relaxed and refreshed. I groaned at the thought of another party. They didn’t get too wild or anything like that, but they would last until two or three in the morning. On top of lack of sleep, there would always be a huge mess to clean up in the morning, both inside and out.

I sighed and wrapped myself in a towel. As I stepped out of the bathroom I walked straight into Liam. His hands shot out to steady me, grabbing my waist so I didn’t fall over. I clutched the towel tighter around myself as I tried to calm my shocked heart.

“Wow, I like the outfit,” he teased, looking me up and down, slowly. I slapped his hands away and stormed into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me.

As soon as the door closed, he knocked. “What, Liam?” I asked angrily, through the door.

“Angel, open the door please,” he requested, trying the handle.

“Liam, will you just go away? Seriously, I’m not dressed!” I frowned and stomped my foot, then immediately blushed and thanked God that he was outside the door, so he hadn’t seen that.

“Angel, please?” he begged.

I sighed; I hated it when he used that voice. That was his night-time voice and the one that I had trouble saying no to. I wrenched the door open and he smirked at me as he walked past me into my room. “Well, what the hell do you want?” I asked, going to my closet and pulling out my favourite t-shirt of Liam's that I'd found in the wash. I pulled it on, being careful to keep the towel wrapped tightly around me too.

“Hey, I was wondering where that shirt went,” he said, nodding at my t-shirt.

I gasped immediately thinking he was going to ask for it back. This was my favourite t-shirt. I put it on whenever I felt like being a slob and lounging around the house. “You’re not getting it back, I love this shirt,” I stated, waving my hand in a dismissive gesture.

“Fair enough. It looks better on you than it does me anyway,” he replied, with a grin, looking at my legs.

I sighed in exasperation. Why does he have to be such a flirt? “Seriously, what do you want?” I repeated, walking over to the door and putting my hand on the handle, ready to kick his butt out if he makes anymore of his flirty comments.

“I just wanted to drop off my stuff. A change of clothes and things for tomorrow seeing as I’ll be here tonight.” He shrugged, dropping his bag onto my bed.

“And you couldn’t just pass it to me, instead of coming in here?” I asked angrily. Why did he have to make everything so freaking difficult?

“I could have done, but then I would have missed the pleasure of seeing your hot ass in my t-shirt. I think it’s very sexy when a girl wears her man’s clothes,” he purred, raking his eyes over me again, making me squirm.

I wrenched the door open and glared at him. “You’re not my man, so get the hell out!” I shouted.

“Whatever you say, Angel.” He chuckled and left, but not before shooting me his flirty wink.

I dried my hair off, straightening it and applied my make-up. Again, I hardly ever wear any make up, even to parties, so I just added a little silver eye shadow and some mascara, switching my clear lip gloss, for pink. I pulled on my midnight blue lacy bra and thong and looked through my closet. Parties at our house were always incredibly hot. Jake and Liam practically invited the whole school and everyone crammed in, making everyone sweaty and hot so I didn't want to go for too many layers. I pulled out a pair of black fairly short shorts and a tank top, then slipped on my silver long necklaces and my silver strappy sandals with a little heel. I looked myself over in the mirror. I had a nice figure, toned, not too skinny and curvy in all the right places. I took after my mom and had long legs and curvy hips, a small waist and slightly bigger than average breasts. I wasn’t the most attractive girl around, but I was happy with myself and that was all that mattered to me.

Jake wouldn’t like this outfit though. It probably showed way too much skin for his liking, even though I was completely covered - and compared to the skanks he and Liam were used to hanging around with, I looked like a nun. I briefly considered changing before deciding against it, no it was hot and I wasn’t going to get all sweaty and wear jeans just because he doesn’t like guys to look his little sister.

I waited until the party was in full swing, that way Jake wouldn’t tell me to go change like some little kid, in front of everyone. After about forty minutes, I made my way down the hall. There were people everywhere, some people were staggering around already. They must have only been drinking for an hour - it was pathetic. Jake spotted me and gave me the death glare that ran in the family, and pointed for me to go back to my room, mouthing the word ‘change’ to me. I shook my head and smiled sweetly, mingling in with the party people, quickly heading to the other end of the lounge so he wouldn’t know where I was.

“Hey, Sean,” I chirped, as I spotted one of my best friends.

“Hey, girl. Wow, you are looking hot tonight,” he said looking me over, but not in the usual perverted way guys had. Sean and I had been friends for a long time; he had been dating the same girl for the last two years and was completely besotted with her, which was really sweet.

“Thanks. You look good too,” I replied, smiling and looking round for my other friends. “Where’s Kate and Sarah?” I asked with a frown. They never missed these parties, for them it was just an excuse to drool over all the hot guys at school, mostly Jake and Liam.

“They’re trying for your brother,” he stated, pointing to the kitchen, and laughing.

I looked where he was pointing, to see Kate and Sarah both giggling uncontrollably at something that Jake had said. Kate had her hand on his arm, and Sarah was pressed against his side. Jake looked completely uninterested but he was enjoying the attention, the same as always. He was used to the two of them hanging on his every word, whenever they came to my house they would flirt with him shamelessly, and he would walk around topless, chuckling at their lustful expressions.

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Sean. “No Terri tonight?” I asked, scanning the room for her.

Just then someone grabbed me from behind. I let out a little squeal before they spoke and I realised it was Liam. “You look incredible, but I definitely preferred the towel,” he whispered seductively in my ear. His hot breath tickled down my neck, making me shiver. I could smell the beer on his breath but he never got drunk, Jake did, but Liam always seemed to remain the one in control in case things got out of hand.