One Sizzling Touch Page 4

No, she shouldn’t think about that. That was crazy. She wasn’t here to pick up a stranger.

“May I sit next to you?”

Rochelle whirled around on her barstool and stared directly into the deep blue of his eyes. She opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

“Let me introduce you.” Lance suddenly said from behind the bar and set a drink before Zach. “Zach, Rochelle. Rochelle, Zach.”

Zach gave her a charming smile. “Well, now we’re almost friends.” He pointed to the barstool next to her. “May I?”

She nodded quickly and swallowed in order to bring some moisture to her dry throat. “Sure.”

He sat down next to her, turning so that he was facing her with his body. Involuntarily, her gaze dropped to his partially opened legs, but she caught herself quickly and reached for her glass. She tried to play down her nervousness and looked for something to say.

“Do you work in the area?”

“Not far from here.” He lifted his glass. “Shall we toast?”

“To what?”

He leaned in. “To countless possibilities.”

She almost choked at his words. This man oozed sex appeal like it was going out of fashion, and he knew it, too. Or was he behaving like this because he’d noticed her ogling him earlier? It was probably her own fault.

Rochelle clinked her glass to his and decided to go on the offensive, because something about this man awakened an urge to confront him. “I’m assuming that’s your usual pick up line?”

Zach grinned and tossed Lance a look. The bartender laughed and shrugged.

“You’re seeing me all wrong, Rochelle.” Zach took a sip from his whiskey. “As my friend Lance can confirm, I don’t come here to pick up women. I’d rather not do that at my local joint. I come here to relax.” Then he winked at her. “Though I’m not opposed to making an exception.” He roamed an appreciative glance over her body. “Particularly if the woman is stunningly beautiful.”

Rochelle sensed a prickling sensation travel over her skin. And even though she assumed that he didn’t really mean it and probably paid every woman the same compliment, she felt how her body reacted to his charm.

She tilted her head. “Thank you, but I would never want you to break your rules because of me.”

“Now you make me look like I’m set in my ways and not interested in change. Believe me, I do like change; a lot. It only depends on what’s expected of me. I’m very versatile.” He winked at her.

She should be shocked at the way he talked to her, but oddly enough that reaction didn’t come. Instead, she looked at him with interest. Many men had tried to pick her up, but Zach was different. He wasn’t overbearing or slimy. On the contrary, he seemed to be having fun, as if he didn’t expect that their exchange would lead to anything.

“How versatile?”

The words had just slipped out. She wanted to slap her hand over her mouth, but instead she felt paralyzed.

Zach laughed out loud and threw his head back. “Touché!” His laughter was as disarming as his next words. “Thank you. Sometimes I need somebody to put me back in my place.” He exchanged a look with Lance. “Right, Lance?”

Lance grinned and then addressed her. “Even he can’t always get what he wants. About time somebody told him.” He started to draw a beer from the tap. “Even though he’s a nice guy.”

Zach rolled his eyes. “Really, Lance? A nice guy? After all the money I’ve spent here, you stab me in the back like that?” Despite the accusatory words, Zach smiled and bent closer to Rochelle, lowering his voice in a conspiratorial tone. “Don’t listen to him. I’m not nice. I’m a real bad guy without manners or sophistication. No woman is safe from me.”

Rochelle couldn’t suppress her laughter.

“Do you see, what you’ve done now?” Zach mock-complained to the bartender. “Now she isn’t even taking me seriously.” Zach emptied his whiskey.”Do you understand now, why I never try to pick up a woman in my local bar?” He jerked his thumb in Lance’s direction and grimaced.

Rochelle grinned at Zach. “Yeah, with that kind of hurdle it’s totally a waste of time. I understand.”

When he grinned at her mischievously, she ran her eyes over him once more. Yes, he was hot, good looking, but there was something that was even more important: to laugh and joke with him had pushed her problems into the background for a moment. And that was exactly what she needed right now.