One Sizzling Touch Page 7

Rochelle’s hand slipped to his butt and she pulled him even harder to her. If she continued like that, he’d come right here in the elevator. But he couldn’t let go of her. He didn’t have that much self-control left. Maybe it had just been too long since he’d been with a woman. His work had kept him too busy.

The elevator stopping on their floor was his salvation. When the soft ping announced their arrival and the doors opened, he finally managed to release Rochelle’s lips.

He looked into her lust-drenched eyes and liked what he saw there. She was just as drunk from the kiss as he.

“I’m glad I bought a three-pack. We’ll need it.”

Her eyes sparkled. “I hope it’s enough.”


Rochelle barely heard the door to the room fall shut, because Zach was already pressing her against the wall, continuing where he’d left off in the elevator.

Damn, the man could kiss. Like a conqueror he explored her with his tongue and his lips. Not to mention his hands that ran over her body in a sensual caress. Not like an awkward schoolboy, but an experienced man who knew exactly what a woman liked. Not too demanding so he didn’t come across as pushy, but not too hesitant either, rather in a way that awakened every cell in her body. His tender touch made her want to surrender to him.

When he stroked over her breast, he released her lips. “You like that, yeah?”

“Mmm.” She couldn’t even find her voice, because his kiss had robbed her of all her senses.

“You feel good,” he continued and covered her neck with kisses, while his hands were busy peeling her out of her jacket.

Impatiently she helped him and let the jacket drop over her shoulders and fall to the floor. Relieved, she took a breath of air. When she lifted her head, she caught Zach’s lusty gaze roaming her torso. Then their eyes met and she felt his hands on her, opening the buttons of her white blouse.

“Beautiful,” he whispered and finally released the last button, before freeing her of the garment.

With both hands he stroked over her bra-covered breasts and her exposed skin. The contact made her tremble with excitement. She barely had time to get used to the sensation, because he was already opening the zipper of her skirt. A moment later that piece of clothing dropped to the floor, too. On such a warm summer’s day, she didn’t wear any stockings, only silk panties.

Zach moved his face to hers and smiled. “May I ask you for something?”

She tilted her head to the side. “What is it?”

He reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out the condom package and tossed it on the bed. “I love to be stripped by a half-naked woman. It turns me on.” He took her hand and laid it onto his tie. “Would you do that for me?”

She had to smile and started untying the knot. Was it really so easy to arouse Zach? Whether it was true or not, the fact that he found her desirable made her feel like that: like a temptress. And maybe that was exactly what she needed tonight.

Slowly she loosened his tie and tossed it to the floor, then she slid the jacket over his shoulders and threw it on a nearby chair. Through his shirt, she felt his muscular chest, and it sent a shudder down her spine. She liked a man who took care of his body.

Button after button she opened and exposed more and more skin to her gaze. Only a light dusting of hair covered his chest, just how she liked it. His skin was lightly bronzed, and there wasn’t a single unnecessary ounce of fat on his torso.

Drawn to the picture of male perfection she lowered her head to his chest and brushed her lips over his perfect skin.

Zach moaned.

“You look good,” she praised him and caressed his skin with her lips and the pads of her fingers.

“Undress me all the way.”

She moved her hands to the waistband of his pants and eased the button open. The zipper slid down almost by itself. Rochelle pushed his pants down his slim hips and let them drop to the floor. He kicked off his shoes so he could step out of his pants completely.

Rochelle lowered her gaze to his black boxer briefs. The soft fabric hugged his body tightly, showing the erection hidden beneath. Big and long, his cock curved upward.

“All of it, please,” he demanded, his voice hoarse.

She covered the bulge with her palm and felt his hard-on pulse in her hand.

“Rochelle!” Zach ground out and threw his head back, while he pressed his cock harder into her hand. “Oh God, that’s good.”

“Skin on skin is even better,” she promised and pulled his boxer briefs down, until she’d freed him entirely and the garment joined the other clothing on the floor. But she wasn’t done yet. She crouched down and lifted his foot off the floor. She took his sock off, then repeated the same action with the other foot.