Lawful Escort Page 62

His arm went around her waist as he pulled her into the curve of his body, crushing her breasts against his chest. With his other hand, he caressed the nape of her neck, angling her head to allow for a deeper kiss.

Her lips parted with a deep sigh and invited him in. He explored the deep caverns of her mouth, dueling with her waiting tongue. Everything in his kiss screamed of passion, love, and possession.

Her hands tugged on his shirt to pull it out of his pants. She needed to feel his skin. As soon as she slid her hands underneath his shirt, he moaned.

“Sabrina, I missed you. No more separations, not for a single night.” His eyes locked with hers.

“I signed the contract, didn’t I?”

Daniel smiled. “Yes, you did.”

“How did you know I would accept?”

“I didn’t. Frankly, at some point I thought you’d throw the contract at me and tell me to get lost.”

She raised her eyebrows. “And then?”

“I would have gone to plan B.”

“What’s plan B?”

He smirked and shook his head. “Since you’ve accepted plan A, I guess you’ll never find out.”

“I suppose I’ll just have to make the most out of plan A then.” She laughed and removed her hand from his chest only to place it onto the familiar bulge of his pants. Sabrina could clearly feel the heat underneath her hand.

“What are you doing?” Daniel asked slowly.

“Collecting on paragraph eleven.”

“Paragraph eleven?” he asked and moaned when she stroked his growing erection through the fabric.

“Daniel, do you even know what’s in the contract?”

“Remind me since my body is busy with other things right now.”

She laughed. “Paragraph eleven, and I paraphrase: the employer is required to sexually satisfy the employee at all times.”

“At all times?”

She nodded. “At all times. And I believe that includes now.”

“Here?” He gazed around the office.

“Here. Now.” She felt for the desk behind her. “Feels pretty sturdy to me,” she commented on Merriweather’s desk.

“Good thing Merriweather is neat and keeps his desk uncluttered,” Daniel responded with a sparkle in his eyes as he hitched up her tight skirt. “How about you lose those panties?”

“I don’t remember getting my other ones back from you.”

“I’m starting a collection. Care to make a contribution?”

Sabrina stepped out of her panties and handed them to him.

“What do I get in return?”

He lifted her onto the desk and spread her legs as he stepped into her center and held her close. “You choose.” His voice was low, and she felt his breath on her face as his lips descended on hers for a tender kiss.

Slowly, her hands went to his pants, first opening the button then pulling down the zipper. She heard his appreciative sigh when she pushed them over his hips and let them fall to the floor. As soon as she’d done the same to his boxers, her hand reached for his erection which jutted out proudly.

“Perfect,” she admired him and stroked her soft hand over his shaft.

“It’s been so long, baby.” His eyes looked at her with unconcealed desire. Just the way she loved it. Pulling him closer by his shirt, she brought him flush against her body, his erection nudging at her warm and moist entrance.

“I want you, Daniel, all of you.” She was full of the love she couldn’t speak of yet. She couldn’t say the words yet, but she knew he would wait until she was ready.  In the meantime she’d be his escort, exclusively his.

“Please take me,” she begged him and pressed her lips on his, kissing him passionately.

Sabrina let out a deep moan when she felt the head of his cock breach the tight entrance to her core. Seconds later, Daniel severed his lips from hers and looked into the depths of her eyes.

“Now you belong to me, and I belong to you. Per sempre.”

And then he sliced into her, ramming his eight inches of hard flesh into her wet and warm center, claiming her as she claimed him.