Luther's Return Page 65

Luther felt a chuckle build in his chest and didn’t stop it from coming over his lips. “Soft, huh?” He ground his pelvis against her. “Does that feel soft to you?”

“Thank God, no.”

“Good, ‘cause the only thing that’s soft around here, is your delicious body. Now, if you want me to go all bad vampire on you, fine, but personally, I’d rather make love to you slowly and gently. I’d like to take my time, draw out the pleasure.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.”

He pressed her back into the sheets and rolled over her. Braced on elbows and knees, he began to plant soft kisses on her face and neck, dipping lower to her enticing cleavage.

“Has anybody ever told you that your blood tastes of sin and innocence all at once?”

“Nobody ever drank my blood before today.”

At that admission, male pride rose in him, and he hummed his approval against her flesh, teasingly biting her without breaking her skin.

“I’m not just talking about your blood, Katie. Your skin, your hair, your lips, all of it tastes of that same sin and innocence. Inviting and forbidden at the same time. I’m surprised no other vampire has ever bitten and tasted you.”

He licked over her breasts and captured one nipple in his mouth.

Katie moaned and arched her back, thrusting her tantalizing flesh deeper into his mouth. “Maybe they were all afraid of my witch blood.”

For a second, he let the tasty nipple pop from his mouth and chuckled. “Or one of your brothers.”

“Neither of them is here now.”

“We’d better take advantage of that then,” he teased and headed for the other breast. He licked over the hard nipple, before closing his lips around it and pulling on it.

Beneath him, Katie sighed, and he realized how much his body responded to her sounds of pleasure. He filled his hands with her breasts, squeezed and sucked, until Katie was twisting underneath him, her body glistening, her heartbeat pounding against her rip cage. Like a drum, it beat in his ears, communicating with his own heart.

Farther below, his pelvis rocked against her center, his hard cock sliding against her sex without entering. Just teasing her and himself. The scent of her arousal filled the room now.

“You should be made love to twenty-four hours a day,” he murmured. And maybe that’s what he should do: make love to her until neither one of them could move another limb. Until they were both completely sated.

“Let me feel you,” she begged, her hands reaching for him, pulling him closer.

He complied with her wishes and aligned his cock with her drenched sex. The tip of his erection touched her entrance, and a moan came from Katie.

“I’ve got you, baby,” he assured her and drove into her, descending into her warm cave slowly and evenly, inch by inch, without haste. He felt her more intensely now, partially because he’d had her blood, but also because he wasn’t rushing it. He perceived every muscle inside her, relishing in the warm wetness of her inner sanctum. She trusted him with her body, and he sensed that trust physically.

Seated to the hilt, he gazed into her face. “Look at me, Katie.”

Her eyes opened wide. “Luther.” She traced his lips with her finger. “Show them to me.”

“My fangs?” he asked, though he knew what she meant.

“Yes. Let me see them.”

He couldn’t have stopped them from descending even if he’d tried. Peeling his lips back from his teeth, he presented them to her. “Aren’t you afraid when you see me in my vampire form?”

“No,” she said in a breathy voice and lifted her pelvis to force him deeper into her, while she pulled her lower lip between her teeth.

“My God, it turns you on, doesn’t it?”

The green in her eyes suddenly seemed to sparkle. “Yes. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful or exciting.” Her hand trailed down to his marred chest, and she caressed it lovingly, as if she were touching the softest silk. As if she didn’t even feel the ugliness under her palm.

“Don’t you see my scars?” he asked, wanting her to acknowledge them.

“They’re part of you.” She met his eyes. “I wouldn’t want you any other way.” Then she laced her hands behind his nape and pulled him down for a kiss.

Her lips were demanding this time, and he knew playtime was over. It was time to satisfy the woman in his arms, to give her what she so desperately needed: beautiful memories to replace the horrible ones.

“I’m all yours,” he assured her and started to move inside her.