Luther's Return Page 71

“Didn’t mean to wake you,” he whispered.

“Perhaps you should make it up to me,” she said without opening her eyes.

He smirked. “Any preference how?”

“I don’t think you need any directions from me.”

“Guess not,” he agreed and slid his hand underneath her T-shirt, moving north. She wasn’t wearing a bra. He cupped one breast, loving how it spilled over in his palm. “You have gorgeous boobs. I’d love to sink my fangs into them again.”

Katie opened her eyes. “Have you always done that? Drunk from women there?”

He shook his head. “Vivian preferred the neck. And the women before her never made me want to take blood from there.” He squeezed her breast and teased the nipple, eliciting a soft moan from Katie. “But when I look at you, I can’t help but want to bury my face in your breasts and gorge myself on you.”

Katie winked at him. “Just as well that I stuffed myself with pizza and feel strong enough to feed my ravenous vampire.”

Luther groaned. “Katie, you’re not supposed to be so accommodating.”

“Why not?”

“’Cause you make it doubly hard for me to keep from mauling you like a hungry beast.”

“Stop talking, Luther, and kiss me.” She pulled his face to her.

Resigned to the fact that he had no willpower when it came to resisting her, he slanted his lips over hers, when suddenly the ringing of a telephone interrupted him.

He lifted his head, while Katie turned and reached for the phone on the side table next to the sofa.


“Katie, it’s Blake.”

Luther had no problem hearing the voice of the Scanguards man through the line, just as he picked up on Katie’s heartbeat accelerating.

“Anything new?” Nervousness was evident in Katie’s voice.

“The kidnapper contacted us. He’s made demands. You need to come to HQ. Now. Have Luther drive you and park in the garage. I’ll open the gate for you when I see your car on the monitor. Hurry.”

There was a click on the line before Katie acknowledged the order.

Luther took the receiver from her and replaced it on the cradle, noticing that Katie’s hand was trembling. He clasped it, but didn’t say anything, only conveyed with his eyes what was on his mind: whatever the kidnapper wanted, Luther wouldn’t allow Katie to be harmed in the process.

Five minutes later, after changing into different clothes, Luther drove Katie’s Audi out of the garage, Katie in the passenger seat. The sun was just setting over the Pacific, and by the time they got to Scanguards’ headquarters in the Mission district, night had descended.

Katie directed him to the entrance of the parking garage beneath the building, and when they reached the gate, it magically opened. Luther glanced at the camera and the red light on it that indicated that somebody was watching them. He drove into the garage.

“Second level, spot B5,” a male voice said over a loudspeaker.

Luther followed the instructions and parked in the indicated spot. When he killed the engine, it was silent for a few moments, and all he could hear was Katie’s thundering heartbeat. He met her eyes.

“I won’t let you out of my sight,” he promised.

He opened the car door and exited, waiting for Katie to do the same. The elevator doors opened when they reached it. Taking Katie by the hand, Luther entered and looked at the buttons. The one to the top floor was already pressed, and the doors closed.

In silence, they ascended. The elevator barely made a sound. After a soft ping, the doors opened, and they stepped into a hallway.

Before Luther knew which way to turn, a male voice penetrated his skull like a dagger. “What the fuck are you doing here?”


Luther whirled around, instantly ready for the coming assault, and saw Samson rushing toward him. He looked as if he hadn’t slept in days, but that didn’t diminish the murderous look in his eyes.

“I warned you!” Samson growled, almost upon him.

“Samson, wait, I can explain!” Luther lifted his arms in defense.

Though Samson aimed his fist at Luther, it didn’t land in his face, because Katie jumped in front of him, blocking Samson’s approach, shielding Luther with her body.

“Katie, nooooo!”

In horror, Luther grabbed her shoulders and jerked her to the side just in time to prevent Samson’s claws slicing into her. Instead, the blow hit its intended target after all, if only marginally. Samson’s fist swiped Luther’s shoulder, just as he turned his back toward Samson to protect Katie.