Quinn's Undying Rose Page 69

“As soon as our two agents have arrived.”

Rose got up from her armchair. “In the meantime, we’d better get those two looking like twins.” She pointed her finger toward Wesley and Blake.

Blake scowled. “No chance in hell. I’m taller than him and broader. He looks nothing like me.”

“Maybe not close up, but with the right kind of adjustments and the same clothing, you’ll look like you’ve come from the same womb,” Rose insisted.

Quinn nodded in agreement. Rose had told him about how the prostitutes she employed had helped her disguise herself and how they’d become decoys for her. It had given him the idea of how to get Blake out of the way of the impending attack.

“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Blake said skeptically.

“Upstairs, get changed,” Quinn ordered. “Rose, do you need me?”

She shook her head. “Trust me, I’ve done this for a long time.”

Rose ushered Blake and Wesley out of the room. When Wesley walked passed him, Quinn lowered his voice for only him to hear. “And keep your hands off Rose. Make sure Blake does the same. I’m holding you responsible.”

“I got the message the first time.”

When he heard them walk up the stairs, he looked back at his friends.

“Nice performance,” Amaury smirked.

Cain shoved a hand through his hair. “I still don’t understand why you don’t just tell him. He seems robust enough to get over it quickly. Hell, I bet he’d even find it cool.”

“Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about. But joke aside, Rose doesn’t want him to know.” If it was his choice, he would tell Blake what was really going on. But he had to respect Rose’s wishes. He was her grandson too.

“What do you need us to do now?” Oliver asked.

Quinn looked at him, noticing instantly that he seemed tense when he only knew the kid as relaxed. He shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the next, almost as if moving farther away from Nina. His nostrils trembled.

Concern for his prodigy made him furrow his forehead. He’d not spent much time with Oliver since they’d moved into the B&B two nights earlier. And by the looks of it, this fact wouldn’t change in the next few hours either.

“You okay?” he asked Oliver.

His prodigy straightened visibly. “Sure.”

“Good. I’ll have you three secure the house. Make sure no entry points are left open. Check all windows and doors; then give me your assessment of where they’ll try to attack. Find our weakest point.”

“How about me?” Nina asked.

“I don’t have an immediate need for you. However, once Blake and Wesley are gone, I’ll need you to do a perimeter check. It’s daylight, so whoever is out there watching us, is human. Stay away from any dark vans in case any vampires are hiding in them and might pull you in.”

He looked at Amaury. “You okay with that?”

Amaury nodded, then glanced at his mate. “Just don’t do anything rash. Just a perimeter check. You find something suspicious, you come right back. Don’t take care of it yourself.”

Nina waved him off. “I know the drill. So, if you don’t need me right now, I might as well help Rose, getting those boys all decked out.”

She took only one step before Amaury grabbed her from behind and pulled her back.

“Oh, no, you won’t!”

Quinn watched with amusement as Nina struggled in Amaury’s grip.

“What’s your problem?”

“My problem?”Amaury growled. “My problem is that Blake made a pass at you not an hour ago. Do you really think I’m so stupid as to let him get close to you again?”

Amaury glanced at Quinn. “Your grandson is a womanizer, and you would do the same if you were in my shoes. No offense.”

“None taken.” Unfortunately, Amaury was right: Blake was so much like him, or rather, like he’d been over the last two hundred years. All because he wanted to forget Rose. So what was Blake’s excuse?

“You big oaf!” Nina griped.

“You wouldn’t have it any other way!”

Nina pouted her lips. “As if!”

Instead of an answer, Amaury pulled her closer and sank his lips onto hers, shutting her up with a kiss.

While Cain chuckled, Oliver looked tense again.

Shit, he had to get his prodigy out of here, away from whatever temptation there was.

“Oliver, I want you to start with the garage and basement. Now.”