Quinn's Undying Rose Page 82

Quinn’s eyes shimmered golden as he expelled a hasty breath. Rose smiled, relishing the power she had over him. To turn him into a man controlled by his desire made her feel strong and desirable. How had she ever managed to live without him for so long?

“Are you busy right now?” she husked.

His lips moved closer, hovering over hers. “I’ve got all the time in the world.”

Sliding her hands down to his buttocks, she dragged his hips against hers, enjoying the hard outline of his flesh rubbing against her stomach.

Everything else was forgotten. Quinn’s presence, his arms around her, the evidence of his desire pressing against her belly, sent her back to her wedding night. She’d been scared; yet at the same time, she’d been curious. And when he’d revealed his male glory to her, she had salivated. She’d never seen anything more exciting. And it remained true until today. Quinn was still the only man who could make her feel like a real woman. It didn’t matter that she now had the body of a vampire.

“Take me now,” she whispered and slanted her lips over his mouth.

Somebody clicked his tongue, making Rose snap her head to the side and step out of Quinn’s embrace.

Zane leaned against the door to the living room, arms crossed over his chest, eyes rolling.

“Get a room.”

Quinn gave him a sideways grin. “Good advice.” Without being the least bit embarrassed, he took her hand and turned toward the door.

Rose avoided Zane’s assessing gaze as she walked past him, feeling more than a little flushed. The fact that Quinn’s colleague knew exactly what they were about to do shouldn’t bother her, after all, she was no blushing debutante anymore. However, it made her nervous.

“Maybe we’d better go over our plan of action before Keegan attacks again,” she said quickly, trying to slip her hand from Quinn’s. But he held on, as if he’d foreseen her action.

One side of Zane’s mouth pulled up slightly. He seemed to enjoy her discomfort. “I can cover you for a half hour.”

Winking at her, Quinn addressed his friend. “Make that an hour. And thanks. Appreciate it.”

Less than a minute later she found herself outside the door to her room on the second floor, Quinn’s hands all over her, his mouth kissing her greedily.

“God, woman, if you keep playing me like that, I’ll lose all respect of my colleagues.” Despite the complaint, there was no reprimand in his voice.

“Do you care?”

“Right now? Right now, all I care about is getting inside you.”

The feral look in his eyes sent a lightning bolt through her core, making her body hum with excitement. His hands were already on her jeans, reaching for the top button, when she turned the door knob and pushed the door inwards.

They tumbled into the room. Quinn slammed the door shut with his foot and pressed her against it, when a movement caught her eye.

“What the f—?”

Pushing Quinn away from her, she glared at the two intruders: Thomas and Eddie. Their guilty conscience was pasted as thickly on their faces as makeup on an old whore. Thomas held a device in his hand that looked like a wand of some sort.

“What are you doing here?” Rose tried to keep the rage under control that started boiling up in her.

Thomas and Eddie exchanged terse looks.

“Answer her!” Quinn demanded. “Because I’d like to know too.”

“Crap,” Eddie cursed.

Thomas straightened his shoulders. “We’re sweeping the room for bugs; standard procedure.”

Rose narrowed her eyes. She’d never heard such bullshit in her life. “Bugs, my ass! You’re looking for the flash drive, aren’t you? Go on, admit it!”

“Fuck!” Quinn hissed, making her shift her attention to him.

“Did you know of this? Did you?”

He glared back at her. “No, I didn’t! You should know me better than to think I’d go behind your back.”

He held her glare for several long tense seconds without wavering. Satisfied that he had told the truth, she nodded.

“If I’d known about it, I would have stopped it,” he added and turned to his two colleagues. “I want an explanation. And I want it now. Whose idea was this?”

“Samson ordered it,” Thomas admitted grudgingly.

Rose felt suspicion about the owner of Scanguards rise in her. “Why?”

Did he want the list for himself, knowing how valuable it was to anybody who had it in his possession? Did he want the power that came with it? So much for trusting Scanguards and their high ethics. Clearly, no such thing existed in the vampire world.