Gabriel's Mate Page 103

“You can have more of that later,” she coaxed him, “but right now, just give me what I want.”

He glanced up at her, and his eyes blinked in agreement. “Only because you’re asking so nicely,” he joked.

Gabriel shifted his body, and suddenly his lower cock nudged at the entrance to her moist channel, while his upper cock was poised at her curly triangle. With his finger he touched her folds. “So wet, baby.” Then he dipped into her wetness and spread the moisture over her clit, eliciting a strangled moan from her throat.

But before she could press against his finger, he’d withdrawn his hand. Instead, he guided his upper cock to her clit and rubbed over the now moist button. “Now I’m ready.” His voice was a rough rumble coming deep from within his chest.

The moment he thrust forward, his cock drove deep into her, while the second one slid over her clit, stroking her with perfect pressure. He filled her, stretching her so she could accommodate his size. He felt larger than he’d felt that time in the living room, but maybe it was just the position she found herself in: imprisoned underneath his large body, his thighs rubbing against her, his cocks thrusting in concert with each other.

She’d never felt anything this perfect. With wonder, she felt her body join his in perfect synchrony. Her breathless moans mingled with his, their bodies writhing against each other, dancing on a cloud of weightlessness. She felt like falling, yet knew she was safe in his arms, safe underneath his strong body as his thrusts intensified and his rhythm became faster.

With every stroke and every slide, her core heated, her heartbeat raced in a frantic beat toward the inevitable. Gabriel never once broke eye contact, but kept his gaze locked with hers as if to assure her that he could read what she wanted, what she needed from him.  His skin glistened with sweat, and his hand came up to stroke her face. “Maya, baby.” It looked as if he wanted so say more, but didn’t.

Maya felt her clit swell further with every slide of his cock over it. She sensed the start of her climax in the soles of her feet. And as the ripples traveled upwards, her breath came in shallow pants. She caught Gabriel’s smile a moment before the waves of her orgasm hit her. Of its own volition, a scream left her throat. She’d never before screamed during sex. And she’d never come with a man’s cock inside her. “Oh, God.”

On the last wave of her climax, she felt him stiffen, and a moment later his cock pulsed violently inside her, shooting his seed into her. At the same time, she felt a wetness on her stomach and registered that his second cock had exploded at the same time.

“Oh, God, baby!” he ground out, his eyes mirroring the disbelief in his voice. Even as he collapsed on top of her, he braced himself so she wouldn’t carry his entire weight.

He leaned his forehead to hers and breathed heavily. “I had no idea. Maya, I’ve never come like that. Never so intensely.”

She smiled and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. “Neither have I.”

Gabriel kissed her deeply, his tongue sweeping against hers in long and commanding strokes. When he released her lips, his mouth trailed down to her neck again, suckling at the same spot where he’d suckled before. But this time, his teeth gently grazed against her skin. Out of nowhere a vision entered her mind: of him sinking his fangs into her and drinking her blood.

She gasped and felt him pull back. “Did I hurt you?”

Maya looked into his passion-clouded eyes and swallowed hard. And before she could stop herself, she expressed her deepest wish. “Bite me.”


Gabriel groaned. She wanted him to bite her? She was dangling his greatest temptation in front of him when he had no right to take this much from her. Not with what was going on inside him right now, not with the urge that had started boiling up in him, the urge to do unspeakable things to her. Things no decent woman would allow a man to do, things even most whores would refuse.

“Oh Maya, you have no idea what you’re offering me.” Conflicting emotions warred in his mind: desire on one hand, caution on the other. He couldn’t bind her to him when she might be running from him, recoiling from him when she found out what he wanted from her. To fuck her in the most bestial way. She couldn’t possibly want that.

“What’s wrong?”

“If I bite you while we have sex and you take my blood at the same time, we would create a blood-bond—Maya, a blood-bond is forever. There’s no way out.”

Her response came faster than he’d expected. “You don’t want forever?”

He recognized the disappointment in her eyes, the hurt. He couldn’t let her believe that, not even for a second. “I want forever, but there’s something you have to know about me first.” He paused and closed his eyes before he spoke again. Laying himself bare was the hardest thing he’d ever done, but she deserved it, deserved honesty about the darkness inside him.