Angels in Leather Page 56

“I’m real sorry, darlin’.”

I shake my head, standing. “I just...I need to go for a walk.”

I turn before he can answer, and I rush out of the room.

“Meadow,” Axel calls, but I don’t stop.

The minute I get outside, I fall to my knees and I cry.



When will you break, how much more can I take?

I see the flashing blue and red lights long before it registers. The minute it does register, though, I am scrambling to my feet and running inside the clubhouse. I’m not stupid; I know cops are never a good thing. I skid into the main area, and shove past people, running down to Axel’s office. The minute I swing the door open, I see him. He gets up, his eyes fierce as they search my expression. Then he grates out, “What’s wrong?”



He tears past me, and runs out into the hall. “Boys in blue, make sure nothin’ can be found. Move!” he roars.

The men kick into gear, suddenly sobering, and running down the halls. They’re moving things quickly, barking orders at each other. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. One moment, they’re men fucking women against counters; the next, they’re up and running, fully alert, ready for action. Axel disappears down the hall, and comes back a moment later with something clutched in his hands. He takes my arm, pulling me into a nearby room.

“Need you to do somethin’ for me. It ain’t real nice, darlin’, but I need you to do it all the same.”

“What?” I ask, feeling my eyes darting around frantically.

He opens his hand to reveal the USB and a condom. What the hell?

“Need you to put this...”

His voice trails off, and his eyes flash with desperation. It clicks to me then, and I gasp. “You want me to insert that into myself.”

“If they search us, Cricket, they’ll search this entire place, including me.”

“They can’t just search you,” I protest.

“They’re cops—they do whatever the fuck they want to the club. They’ve been out to get a warrant for long enough that they’ve probably got one. But to have rights. They can’t touch you without permission, and if they come looking in here...for this...they won’t be able to find it if it’s on you.”

I shake my head, trying to process what he’s just said. I lift my eyes, and nod quickly. I don’t really have time to argue. I don’t want just anyone to get hold of that USB. I’ve not finished piecing the story together yet, and until I do, I don’t want it taken. I’ll do it, no matter how awkward. Axel nods his head toward a bed, and I scurry over.

“You want me to?” he asks.

“Um, yeah.”

I take my shorts off, and heat floods into my cheeks. I lay back, trying to think of anything else. I feel like a drug smuggler, and it takes a lot to lie still while Axel unwraps the condom, and puts the USB inside it. Then he kneels in front of me. His eyes connect with mine for a moment, reassuring me, and then he gently parts my folds. “You ok baby?” he asks.

“Just do it, Axel.”

He slips the USB inside me, just enough that it sits much like a tampon would. Part of the condom hangs from my depths, and I feel sick that I’m here, smuggling information in my goddamned private areas. It’s not easy to process, and it’s certainly not easy to lie through. I’m hiding something, just in case the club gets raided. That’s basically what’s happening, only I’m hiding it in a part of my body that is really not awesome.

“I’m real sorry...”

“Just don’t,” I whisper, putting my hand up as I pull myself up and yank my shorts up. I can feel a pressure down below, and I want to scream.

“Meadow¸ I know a lot of shit has happened today, and you’re tryin’ to deal with it all, but after this...I wanna finish it. Once and for all.”

I meet his gaze. He’s staring at me with a firm expression.

“Can we just deal with what’s happening right now?” I ask.

He nods, and we walk out of the room. Cobra stops in front of Axel the minute we reach the front door.

“Bud, I don’t know if you’re gonna like this...”

I hear the skid of tires, and the distinct sound of doors slamming outside.

“Don’t have time,” Axel mutters to Colt. “You got that girl secured?”

“She’s secured. Ain’t gonna talk.”

“Right, then let’s deal with this shit.”

We walk out front, and I see three cops standing in front of the car, all decked out in blue, hands on their guns as if they’re expecting to get shot at. I narrow my eyes, and stare at the one in the middle. He’s tall, and extremely handsome. I mean, the kind of handsome that takes your breath away. He’s got emerald-green eyes, and dark, messy hair. He’s bigger in build, with wide shoulders and long, sinewy arms. I drag my eyes away from him, and notice that Axel has stopped moving.

I turn to stare at him. His mouth is slightly agape and his fists are clenched. I didn’t pick Axel to be one that was intimidated by cops, yet something about his stance is saying he’s shocked, confused, worried. I look back toward the cop who is walking forward, his eyes pinning Axel. He’s scary, and not even in the kind of way that is bad, or dangerous. He’s just leaking dominance, like he’s the kind of man that could bark one word, and you’d crumble.