Enslaved by the Ocean Page 54

How is that revenge?

I like his lap.

He leads me over and takes a seat at the head of the table, before pulling me down onto his lap. GG slides me another rum, and I give him an enthusiastic grin. Hendrix reaches out and wraps his fingers around the glass and slides it back, lifting it and bringing it to his lips.

“Hey!” I pout. “That’s mine.”

“Mine now, baby.”

I purposely shift on his lap, making sure my bottom grinds against his cock. He tenses up, and puts a hand on my leg, squeezing it.

“Behave,” he murmurs into my ear before starting.

“You boys know the drill, it’s our usual weekly meeting. I want ideas on stock, where we’re at with navigation, any other shit that has gone down. GG, go…”

GG begins speaking, and for a moment I listen. That is, until Hendrix slides his hand up my leg until he reaches the hem of my dress. I stiffen. He wouldn’t do that here? Would he?

He would. He slides his fingers up the inside of my thigh. When I go to shift, he wraps his hand around my middle and holds me tightly against him. His fingers skim my panties, and then he gently pushes my legs open a little, all the while he’s nodding and answering GG as though he doesn’t have his fingers against my pussy.

“So that’s it for stock,” GG says.

“Lenny?” Hendrix asks, slipping his finger into my panties and finding my slick pussy.

Oh. Shit.

Lenny begins talking, and Hendrix continues to act like nothing is happening. Me, I am struggling to stop myself writhing against him and crying out his name. He slides his finger up and down my slit, gathering moisture then making little circles on my clit. I tense up, chewing on my tongue to stop any sounds coming out. I pretend to focus on the glass in front of me, but it soon becomes blurred as my vision swims. Pleasure swells in my womb, and I continue my struggle to keep quiet.

“What about you, Indi?” GG asks. “Have you got everything you need?”

He’s talking to me? Oh no.

“Yeah Indi,” Hendrix purrs into my ear. “Better give us a list or you’ll miss out.”

I hate him right now, and I can’t even tell him that because I’m afraid if I open my mouth the only thing that will come out is a pathetic cry.

“Well?” GG asks.


“You got enough of all that girly bullshit?”

Hendrix places his thumb on my clit and uses his forefinger to thrust into my pussy.

“Girly shit?” Hendrix encourages.

“I…um…I think I’m okay,” I whisper, still focusing on the glass.

“No shampoo, or hair brushes…”


God, he’s thrusting deeply, slowly, oh God, it feels so good.

“Y…y…yes,” I say, though I’m sure it’s more because of the pleasure than an answer to his question.

“How about you just order everything for the girls that they need,” Lenny adds.

“Right,” GG says, writing a list of things down.

Hendrix keeps thrusting and rubbing until I’m trying desperately to stop the orgasm that’s hanging on the edge. It’s there, just waiting to be released, needing to be let go, but I refuse to have it here in front of a group of pirates. As if Hendrix realizes this is what I’m doing, he begins to rub harder and harder. Dammit, I can’t hold it back, I’m trying but I can’t…it feels so good. So fucking good. With one last thrust of his finger, I’m coming, hard. I cough loudly, and cover my mouth as if pretending to contain it. I drop my head and force another cough as my body shudders.

“You okay lass, drink too much rum?” someone asks.

I can’t answer. If I lift my eyes they will see the pleasure in them. I just nod my head as the last shudders leave my body. Hendrix rubs one last time before sliding his fingers out and pulling my skirt down. Then, as if no one else is in the room, he lifts his fingers above the table and puts one in his mouth. My cheeks flame with heat as I hear the soft suckling sound at my ear. The man has no shame, none at all.

“I should…go,” I whisper.

“I’ll be in soon,” Hendrix growls into my ear.

I slide off his lap, and with shaky legs I leave the dining room.

Damn him.

I’ll get him back for that.

Code of Conduct

I know Hendrix is a pirate, but I’ve never seen him in action. I’ve seen him kill a man, and I’ve seen the dominant side to him, but that’s as far as it goes. I have no doubt that he’s as utterly terrifying in battle as I would imagine, and I often wonder how many people he’s killed out here. He’s been out here for so long, delving into illegal things, there has to be a list. Part of me doesn’t want to know because reality can sometimes make us question ourselves, but the other part is desperate for answers.

I get my answer.

We’re sleeping. It’s late, and Hendrix is pressed against me. I’ve just dozed off when I hear the ear-piercing boom. As if he’s been trained, Hendrix leaps out of the bed. He doesn’t stop and think, or take the time to wake, he just gets up and yanks on the closest clothes. I’m still blinking sleep from my eyes when he picks up his gun and loads it. Another boom fills the air, and his eyes dart to the door. This isn’t good. Something tells me it won’t end well, whatever it is.

“Go into Jess’s room, she knows what to do. Take this, kill anyone you don’t know,” he says quickly, showing a gun at me and pulling me out of bed.