'Til Death: Volume One Page 15

“I’m looking for Candice. I have something for her.”

“Of course, she’s upstairs in the break room.”


“Ah, can you perhaps give it to her?”

He waves a hand. “Go on up, it’s not a problem.”


I walk to the lift, angrily. I punch in the second floor, still shocked there’s a damned lift in Marcus’s house. I step in when the door dings open, and wait as it takes me up. When I step off, I see another few offices. There’s a large one with the title Conference Room and another massive one that has, gulp—Marcus Tandem written in gold letters on the door. I hurry past these and to the room I can see people coming in and out of, with food and coffee.

I step in and see Candy right away, leaning against the counter chatting to a few girls. She notices me and her smile widens. “Oh shit, sorry Kat. I didn’t realize you would be here so soon.”

“Here’s your USB,” I say, thrusting it at her. “I have to leave.”

She laughs, hugs me and I turn, rushing out. I don’t have time to stay here. I am hurrying towards the lift when a door opens, and I kid you not, Marcus and a group of men step out. I skid to a halt, squeak and then throw my hand over my mouth as those gorgeous, dark brown eyes turn to me. I jerk. He jerks and then I do something incredibly stupid.

I run away.

I leap into the lift, shutting the door without looking back. By the time I’m at the bottom floor, I’m shaking. I run through the office and make it to the reception when a booming voice sounds out. “Katia, stop.”

God dammit.

I leap behind the reception desk, ducking down quickly. The blonde girl stares at me, her mouth opening and closing. I press my finger to my lips, urging her to be silent. I hear footsteps, the front door opens, then closes. A moment later, the same thing happens. I’m staring at the ground, hands clasped, horrified when I hear the sound of a throat being cleared.

Slowly, I look up. Marcus is staring down at me, arms crossed over his broad chest, a blank expression on his face.

“Marcus,” I squeak. “Hi. I was, ah, I thought there was a mouse and—”

“A mouse?” he mutters.

“You work here,” I say, changing the subject. “Wow.”

He cocks an eyebrow and I mentally berate myself for being so damned stupid.

“Stand up, Katia.”

“Okay then,” I mutter, standing.

He reaches over, taking my elbow. Then he leads me back to the lift, up, and to his office. I pass Candy as we go, and her mouth drops open. I glare at her, a truly scathing glare, and mouth horrible things I’m going to do to her. She simply smiles, waves and disappears. That bitch.

Marcus closes his office door and I peer around the room. It’s very professional. A large wooden desk, sofa, bookshelves, a big floor-to-ceiling window, and its very own bathroom. Fancy.

“Nice office.”

“Thanks for the shag.”

I cringe.

“The note said,” his voice is like ice, “Thanks for the shag.”

It was funny at the time. Now, God, now it sounds like I paid him to fuck me. I turn, staring at him with a sheepish smile.

“Ha-ha,” I force a smile.

He glares at me. “Thanks. For. The. Shag.”

“It’s apparent you’ve never been snuck out on in your life, I’m extremely sorry to be your first, however I’m really busy and I have to—”

“Stop speaking, Katia.”


I bite my lips and stare at his tie. Dark blue this time. Hot.

“You came into my house. You fucked me. You ran out before I woke up.”

“Wrong,” I point out. “You brought me into your house, you fucked me, and then I ran out.”

The look he gives me tells me he doesn’t, not even a little, find my sass funny.

“You always fuck men and run?”

“That’s rich, coming from the king of fuck and run.”

The corners of his eyes crinkle slightly.

“Don’t smile, Marcus,” I mutter.

His hard expression comes back. “Dinner, tonight at seven.”

I blink at him.

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”


“Marcus, seriously. It was fun and all but—”

“Tonight—” he continues.

“Marcus!” I cry. “This isn’t going to happen.”

“At seven,” he finishes.

“Are you mental?” I cry, crossing my arms.

“I’ll pick you up.”

“Jesus!” I snap. “You are mental.”

“Be careful, Katia,” he warns.

I narrow my eyes at him. “We had fun, really. You were great in bed, but I don’t have time to date and I certainly don’t have time to date someone like you.”

“Dress nice,” he says, turning and dismissing me.

My mouth drops open. “Seriously?” I squeak.

Suddenly the door opens and two men step in.

“Escort her out.”

“Marcus!” I snap.

“Tonight, Katia. Don’t be late.”

Then, just like that, I’m dismissed.

Fucking Marcus Tandem.




“Is he back yet?” I cry, jumping up and down from side to side.

“He’s just pulling in.” Candy laughs. “Deacon called half an hour ago and told me they’ll be here, and I just saw the car coming through the gates.”