Heaven's Sinners Page 24

She huffs and crosses her arms. “Do you ever smile?”

“Not much.”

“Well, I’ll make you smile.”

I raise one brow at her, and she flashes me yet another grin before taking a big sip of her beer. Then her eyes move to the corner of the room, and she brightens. She lifts her hand, waving and calling out, “Ciara!” Well fuck. I thought Ciara wasn’t on tonight. Mother. Fucker.

“Hey Addi.”

I hear Ciara’s voice behind me, and my entire body stiffens. I can’t sit here and be an absolute ass, I have to turn. So, I slowly do.

When my eyes settle on her, I want to hiss in anger. I fuckin’ hate the outfits these girls dress in. More, I hate it on her because she can fuckin’ rock it, and half the bar notices. Her long blonde hair is cascading down around her shoulders, and her yellow eyes fuckin’ pull at my heartstrings. She places a hand on her flat, smooth belly and smiles over at Addison.

“I thought you weren’t working?” Addi says.

“I wasn’t meant to be, but Jenny called in sick.”

“Aw, that sucks.”


“Spike, are you going to say hello?” Addison says, smirking at me.

I shoot her a truly disgusted glare, and then I look up at Ciara. “Hey.”

“Hey Danny.”

Fuck it. She knows it gets to me when she calls me Danny. She’s the only person in the world who would still call me that, and it burns every time she does.

“Well, I’m going to get another beer,” I say, standing.

“I’ll get it for you,” Ciara says, turning and walking towards the bar.

I flop back down onto my ass and watch her leave. That skirt really is too fuckin’ short. Jesus. It puts me into a place I haven’t been for a long time. It makes me want to smash every fucker that looks her way. I turn to Addison again, and she’s smiling over at me.

“She has a nice ass, right?”

“Shut the fuck up Addison.”

She bursts out laughing.


This is going to be a long night.



His eyes are on me. Everywhere I go, they are on me. I can feel them burning into my back when I’m not facing him, and when I am they’re all over me, piercing into me, saying so much, showing so much. I want him. I’m sick of denying everything that’s raging between us. I hurt him. I know I did, but I’m beyond trying to figure out how I can fix him. I’m so tired of fighting.

I grip another round of drinks and walk them over to a table of young men. I can hear Addi’s booming laugh across the bar, and I can’t help but smile. I’m glad to see her and Spike getting along. I’ve even seen him crack a smile once or twice. He needs someone like her in his life, someone to just tell him how it is and take no shit.

“Hey there princess.”

I spin around to see Muff leaning against the counter, grinning over at me. I smile, unable to stop myself.

“Hey Muff,” I say, walking around the side of the bar and pulling out a beer. I toss it to him, and he catches it.

“Busy night?”

“You know, the usual.”

“Saw your boy starin’ at you. Still hasn’t given in I see?”

I chuckle softly. “He’s not my boy, and no, he’s as stubborn as they come.”

“You’re tellin’ me.”

“What brings you to this fine bar tonight, anyway? I haven’t seen you for a few days?”

He cracks open the beer and takes a long swig before putting it down onto the counter. “I came here to see a fine bar bitch...”

I roll my eyes at him. “Most girls would be offended by that statement, but coming from you, Muff, I think I’m flattered.”

He throws his head back and laughs, causing Spike to turn in his chair and stare over at us. His eyes narrow, and I give him a quick glance, before turning back to Muff.

“You wanna know a secret, princess?” Muff says, leaning close.

“I do.”

“Come closer.”

I giggle. “That’s kind of creepy. You’re not going to kiss me are you?”

He gives me a lazy half-smile. “Would it be so bad if I did?”

“No, of course not.”

I lean in and he tilts his head so his mouth is near my ear. “Prez told me to back down.”

“Back down?”

“He told me to stay ‘the fuck’ away from you.”

Spike said that? This surprises me. Maybe it’s just the lifestyle he doesn’t want me in, or maybe it’s for his own benefit. Either way, it sends shivers up my spine. Good shivers.

“He did?”

“Oh, he did. Told me if he ever sees my lips on you again, he’ll cut my dick off and feed it to me.”

I raise my brows and Muff pulls back, grinning. “So go on, princess. You play him. Make it burn.”

“You’re a bad man, Muff.”

He chuckles and lifts his beer. “Thrills me bein’ bad. I’m goin’ to play some pool. Check you later, little lady.”

“Later Muff.”

When he’s gone, I can’t help but swing my eyes to Spike. He’s not sitting any longer, and Addi is walking over to me, a massive grin on her face. I smile back at her, wondering where Spike has disappeared to. She stops at the bar, leaning over it and placing her head in her hands.

“So, how’s your night?”