Heaven's Sinners Page 44

“So, you have to tell me....the spikes?”

I flush, and pour myself a coffee. “The stories are all true.”

“Oh god, did he make you take them out with your teeth?”

I giggle. “He didn’t make me...”

“You are such a rebel!”

I shrug. “What can I say, he brings out the best in me!”

Cade and Spike pull apart, walking into the kitchen. Spike walks up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I shudder, and lean into him. Mmmm, far out, he smells good in the morning. He leans down, and whispers into my ear, “Lookin’ fine in my shirt, Tom Cat.”

I grin, and meet Addi’s joyful expression. “Aw, you two!”

Spike chuckles, and Cade rolls his eyes. “Sugar, you’re too fuckin’ soft.”

“They’re adorable!” she says, leaning back into Cade.

“You ladies up for a ride today?” Spike asks. “We got club business to sort in the city.”

I feel my heart begin to thump. Spike is taking me on a ride? Oh hell YES! Addi grins, nodding her head enthusiastically.

“You know I love riding with the guys. Are your guys coming too, Spike?”

“Yeah,” Spike answers. “Got some shit we both gotta sort. We’ll go for a ride together.”

I know that’s odd, which tells me they’re up to something. Now isn’t the time to bring it up, though. I’m too excited about having the chance to get on the back of Spike’s bike.

“I’m in,” I say, sipping my coffee.

“Right, well, feed me, woman, and then we’ll hit the road.”

I drive my elbow back into his stomach, and he grunts. Cade laughs, no doubt loving seeing Spike receive a little pain.

“Make yourself some food!”

Spike wraps his arms tighter around me and leans down again. “Careful baby, I like it rough.”

“You like it all kinds of ways, you kinkster!” Addi says.

Spike laughs, and I roll my eyes, again. I turn, releasing myself from Spike’s arms to begin making us some breakfast.

“You guys hungry?” I ask Cade and Addi.

“Yeah,” they both say as soon as I pull out the bacon.

Typical. Whenever bacon and eggs are involved, everyone is suddenly hungry.

Can’t say I blame them.


We hit the road as soon as breakfast is finished and we’ve gotten changed. I climb onto the back of Spike’s bike, and Addison gets on Cade’s. We follow them back to the Hell’s Knights compound, and the guys are all waiting on their bikes, there’s about ten of them. They join the group and we proceed to the Heaven’s Sinners warehouse. Spike’s guys are ready, and they too join us. When we’re all on the road, flying down the highway, Cade, Spike, Jackson and Granger leading, I feel my heart swell. It’s an intense feeling to be in a group so powerful, so deadly, and so close. I grip Spike tighter, feeling a smile spread across my face. It just doesn’t get any better than this.

We arrive in the city after a few hours, and my butt is completely numb by the time I get off Spike’s bike. I rub it, groaning and pouting. Spike laughs, and I shoot him a look. “Don’t even think about saying anything.”

He flashes me a beautiful, lazy smile. “Need to paddle that ass a bit more, toughen it up.”

“You paddle my ass, and I’ll drop you on yours.”

He throws his head back and laughs, and the sound is like music to my heart. I haven’t heard him laugh like that since I’ve been back. I want to put my hand over my heart and burst into a fit of pathetic tears. Even his guys stop what they’re doing and turn to stare at him as though they’re looking at a ghost. When he stops laughing, he turns and stares at them all. “What?”

They all turn away, shaking their heads. I grip Spike’s jacket, pulling him close and bringing my lips to his. When we pull apart, I whisper, “You look so hot when you laugh.”

“Got a surprise for you after we’re done here, Tom Cat.”

“Oh?” I say huskily.

“Yeah, oh. I know you’ll love it, ‘cause you’re just like me.”

Just like him. Hmmmm.

“When do I get it?”

He leans down, pressing a hard kiss to my lips.

“Later, Tom Cat.”

I drop my bottom lip and he smirks, leaning in to run his tongue over it. I grip his shirt, pulling him closer and pressing my body up against his.

“Will you two get a fuckin’ room!” one of the guys yells out.

Spike throws the rude finger up, then grips hold of me and kisses me so deep and hard my legs begin to wobble. By the time he lets me go I’m panting, flushing and wanting to take him somewhere private and rip his clothes off. Dammit. He grins at me once more, then turns to the group. “Right, we’re gonna keep ridin’ from here. You ladies need to go and busy yourselves for a few hours. We’ll come back when we’re done.”

There are only two other Old Ladies on the ride today, aside from Addison and I. Though, technically I’m not an Old Lady.

The other two ladies walk off toward town, not even giving Addison and I a glance. Well, fine. Addi skips over to me, hooking her arm through mine. “We are going shopping!”

I smile at her, excited at the thought. I haven’t been shopping for a long time, and I’m quite excited at the thought of having a girl’s day out. It’s my only day off work this week, and I can’t think of a better way to spend it. Well, besides having Spike deep inside me.