Hell's Knights Page 54

“Fuck, sugar, careful.”

“Fuck me, nice and slow.”

“Can’t here. That old nurse will come in and bust my bare ass in the air.”

“The bathroom is private.”


“There’s a chair in there. I could ride you gently.”


I shove his chest gently and get out of the bed. My body is feeling better and better with each day that passes. My leg still gives me a little pain but mostly, it’s all ok. I hobble a little as I walk towards the bathroom, and Cade follows with no hesitation. When we get in, I close the door and lock it. Then I grip him, pushing him towards the large chair in the corner of the room. It’s a chair I imagine people sit at while keeping an eye on someone in the shower. Cade drops his ass down onto the vinyl covering, and looks up at me, reminding me of a little boy on Christmas with the expression he’s giving me. It’s that of pure excitement.

“Ready for this? We have to be quick.”

He snorts. “Ain’t gonna be long, baby, I can assure you.”

I lift my hospital gown and drop my panties, and then I reach over and grip Cade’s jeans. He’s already bulging against them. Licking my lips, I release his cock. When the warmth of him fills my palms, I groan. God, I’ve missed him. I climb over his lap, and straddle him.

“Do I get a kiss before I get fucked?”

He grins, grips my hair, and brings my lips down over his. He kisses me deeply while he gently lowers me over his hard length. I whimper into his mouth as he fills me, causing little stings of pain to shoot through my body. The pleasure far outweighs the pain though, and so I keep sliding down. When he’s inside me, filling me, I begin a gentle rocking motion. I tear my lips away from Cade’s mouth, nestle my face into his neck, and breathe him in. His hands go around my waist, and he supports me, helping me lift up and down. I go easily, sliding over his length.

“Fuck, baby, not gonna last long. Missed your sweet pussy.”

“Me either,” I whisper. I close my eyes and bite his neck.

“Fuck, harder, baby.”

I bite him harder and he growls, erupting inside me. At the feel of his pulsing, and the sounds of his groaning, I come hard. I clench around him and cry out into his shoulder as quietly as possible, as my much needed release rips through me. We rock like that for long moments, just enjoying the feeling of being so close, so together. I lift my head from his shoulder and look him right in the eye. “Well, now we can say we’ve done it all,” I smile.

He grins and wraps his arms around me. “There’ll be plenty more for us to discover, now you’re free.”

Being free is so completely overwhelming. I never imagined this was the path my life would take, but I’m certainly grateful it did. Now Cade and I can start creating something worth fighting for. Speaking of, I have noticed he and Spike don’t seem as tense. I really hope they can find it in themselves to forgive and forget.

“You and Spike seem to be getting along better,” I mention casually, but my heart is thudding with curiosity.

“Yeah, he even sat down and had a beer with Jackson and I the other night.”

“I hope one day you two can sort it out.”

He nods, grinning at me. “Yeah, sugar, me too.”

“Did Jackson deal with Britney?”

When Jackson and Cade found out Britney was the one to give away my location, they were furious. I was too; she nearly had me killed, and for what? The chance to be someone’s Old Lady. I guess it goes to show how desperate some people can become.

“He threatened her within an inch of her life. If she wasn’t a girl, she’d be dead.”

I have no doubt about that. I am still in mild shock over the fact that she would do something so low. Britney is very lucky she’s alive right now, and I know she wouldn’t dare show her face on the compound again.

“Did he order her out of town?” I ask.

Cade nods. “Fuck yeah, and she wouldn’t dare come back.”

I sigh deeply, relieved. “Well, at least it’s all over now.”

He nods. “Sugar, much as I love ya, it’s kinda gettin’ a bit slippery in there, if you know what I mean.”

I laugh and lift myself off him. We both straighten ourselves up and head back out. I walk over to the large window, take a seat and stare out at the hills I can see over the tops of the hospital. That’s the good thing about being on the top floor. Cade kneels in front of me, reaches up and takes my hands.

“Fuckin’ love you, sugar. You know that, yeah?”

I nod. “Cade, I know that. I’ve known that for a while now. The thing is-”

“I want you to know how much.”

Stubborn man is cutting me off at the one moment I want to tell him I love him.

“I know how much, the thing is-”

“Sugar, you’re fuckin’ changin’ everything I am.”

“You’re changing everything I am too, that’s why I wanted to-”

“Sugar, fuck,” he growls. “Do you ever stop talkin’ for five minutes?”

“I’m trying to-”

“Sugar!” he says, tugging my hands. “Shut the fuck up!”

“Why?” I cry.

“Because I’m tryin’ to fuckin’ ask you to marry me.”

My entire world stops. I feel like I’ve been punched in the chest, but in the best possible way. He wants to marry me? Cade Duke – big, bad biker – wants to marry me? I feel my eyes burn with unshed tears, as a feeling of pure joy rushes through my body.