Hell's Knights Page 8

I am mid-way through cleaning some glasses when a cool, smooth, sexy voice fills my ears. My body shivers. It’s an automatic reaction to a voice that sounds like his. I lift my eyes to see Cade, the man I met yesterday, leaning over the bar.

“Hello there, sugar, got a beer for me?”

I stare at him for a long moment, then I turn and grip a beer from the fridge, tossing it at him.

“Ain’t ya gonna open that for me?”

Smart ass. I turn with a silky smile and uncap the top. He grins at me, showing those devastating dimples. His green eyes look divine under this light, so bright, so clear, anyone would get lost in those eyes.

“How’s your first day goin’?” he asks.

I raise my brow at him. “You’re not interested in my first day. What is it you really want to ask?”

He grins again, like he’s completely amused by every single word that leaves my mouth.

“You got a man?”

Seriously? I put my hands on my hips and shake my head.

“Does that line work on women?”

“I don’t have to use lines on women, sugar.”

I bet he doesn’t.

“Then why the question?”

“Curiosity, see, I know you’re runnin’ from somethin’. I’m figuring it’s a man, but I could be wrong.”

“You’re wrong, and I’m not running.”

He raises a brow. “No?”


“Think you’re fuckin’ lyin’ now.”

I snort. “And you know this because you know me so incredibly well that you can see I’m lying?”

He chuckles. “Sugar, you’re lying, I can see it written all over you. The way your eyes twitched when I said that, the way your body stiffened just a touch. So, I assume I’m right about one thing, you’re runnin’ from somethin’. Not a man, but somethin’.”

“My life,” I grind out, hating that he is so right, “is none of your fucking business.”

“A reaction, you know what that means, yeah?” he teases.

“It means if you don’t shut up, I’ll dive over this bar and give you something to talk about.”

He stares at me a long moment, then throws his head back and roars with laughter. My fists clench, I’m so damned angry right now. I want to punch that beautiful jaw. I want to grip his hair and tug until he growls. I just want to hurt him.

“Sugar, you’re extremely entertaining, by all means, keep goin’.”

I glare at him. “Can you leave? I’m busy.”

He looks at the empty bar. “Oh yeah?”

“Fuck off, Cade.”

“Ouch, you wound me.”

I sigh, giving up on my attempt to get rid of him. I pick up the dish towel and continue drying the glasses. For a long moment, he watches me, just letting his gaze run over my body. I feel every second of it too.

“Where you from?”

I look up at him, brows raised. “None of your business.”

“Can’t a man even have a conversation with you? Didn’t anyone teach you manners, sugar?”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Where are you from?” I throw back.

He smirks, “I’m from here, now it’s your turn.”

I roll my eyes at him. “I’m not telling you where I’m from.”

“Running from something?”

“Are we back to that again?” I say, placing the glass down and picking up another one.

“Well, tell me where you’re from and we won’t be back to that.”


“Fine, tell me about yourself.”

I give him a sharp look. “Do you ever give up?”

“No sugar.”

My mouth twitches, and I can’t stop it. He notices, and a broad, beautiful smile stretches across his face.

“Girl, you would look real pretty if you smiled.”

“Smiling is over rated.”

He chuckles softly. “Yeah. How’s things going with Jacks?”

I shrug. “Awkward. We hardly know each other.”

“He’s a good man.”

I put stack the glasses and put them into the shelf nearby. “I never said he wasn’t.”

“He’s real proud of you.”

I flinch, and then slowly turn back to Cade. “I doubt that.”

“He looks at you with pride. We all see it.”

I ignore him. There’s no point in arguing. If that’s what he thinks he can see, then so be it.

“You’re safe here, you know that right? Whatever you’re running from, it can’t touch you here.”

I stiffen, but before I can answer him, a sexy female voice fills my ears.

“Cade, there you are.”

I peer over my shoulder to see an attractive blonde walking over. She’s gorgeous, tatted up and completely rocking the biker chick look. Her tight leather pants fit around her ass like they’ve been glued on, her top, don’t get me started on her top. She might as well take it off; it would probably be less erotic. She saunters over to Cade, grips his shirt and pulls him in for a kiss that has my cheeks flushing. I turn away, not wanting to witness this public display of affection.

“Britney, not now, babe. I’m busy.” I hear Cade grunt.

“You said that yesterday, and the day before, there a problem?”

I can’t help but listen in, it’s hard not to. Is this girl Cade’s old lady? It would make sense; she’s certainly gorgeous enough to be at his side.