Step-Lover Page 14

“Stop calling him that. He’s not that person anymore.”

“Sad sack, get dressed. I want to go and find some sexy boy toys to play with.”

She turns and I quickly get changed. When we’re done, we load up our towels and head out. We’ve just reached the patio when a low whistle catches our attention. We both turn to see all three brothers sitting on the patio. It’s Blade who catches my attention. He’s wearing a pair of dark swimming shorts and nothing else. He’s staring at me, his eyes intense, and his jaw tight.

“You guys wanna join?” Mel calls out.

“Hell to the fuckin’ yeah!” Ripley cries, leaping up.

“Jesus,” Blade mutters.

“Ain’t my brother,” Brody adds.

Ripley joins us and we all turn, walking down past all the houses until we see Bryce and a group of people standing by another jetty. There are three across the whole lake. When he sees us, his eyes light up and he runs over. I notice he too is wearing only a pair of swimming shorts. He looks good. “Hey there. Didn’t know if you’d come.” He greets when he stops. “You ladies look great. Come and meet my friends.”

We follow him down to the group of people he was standing with. He introduces them all, but there are too many for me to catch their names. I smile and wave, and Melanie giggles like a flirtatious schoolgirl. I love that about her. There’s never a time when she’s not laughing. Bryce heads over to me until our bodies are touching, side by side.

“How’d you like your first night?”

I smile up at him. “It was great. It’s beautiful out here. I’m jealous that you live here all the time.”

He grins. “Yeah, it’s certainly not a hard life.”

“Ohmigod,” a gorgeous blond girl breathes. “Check out the hunk coming this way.”

“Make that two.” A raven beauty sighs.

I turn and see Blade and Brody heading down the path. My cheeks burn as my eyes slide over Blade’s body. His skin is bronze and smooth, stretching over rippled muscles. My eyes flick to Brody and I’m surprised to see he’s equally as ripped. The only difference between the two is Brody has tattoos covering his chest and stomach. I can’t make out what they are, and I don’t want to stare too long.

“’Sup.” Blade grins at the girls and they all giggle.


The blonde, who I think is named Peyton, sidles over to him. She’s flashing a killer smile that’s to die for. Her yellow bikini is as bright as her. Her long, golden hair is flowing down around her back. Damn her. She’s gorgeous.

“Hi. I haven’t seen you around here before,” she breathes, looking up at Blade.

“Just visiting,” he murmurs, smiling down at her.

God damn him for being so fucking beautiful.

“My name is Peyton.”

He takes her outstretched hand. “Blade.”

“Ohhh.” She giggles and I roll my eyes. “That’s such a cool name.”

“Your step-brother is a charmer,” Bryce mutters.

“Yeah,” I grunt. “Don’t I know it.”

“And are you two staying together?” Peyton asks, looking from me to Blade. Well, it’s clear Peyton has a brain, because she obviously saw us come from the same house. Check one for her.

“Oh no,” Blade says, burning me with his intense gaze. “Aria over there is my step-sister. Isn’t that right, Sissy?”

I cringe, and he must notice because his face cracks into a wide smile.

“Let’s go for a walk,” I say to Bryce, turning and batting my eyelashes up at him.

He grins. “Sounds good to me.”

“Mel, you okay?” I yell out.

Melanie is watching Brody, who has found a spot by the lake and is staring out. Her face is soft, as if she wants to go over and sit by him. I can’t help the warm smile I give her. She likes him. She’s drawn to him. Maybe she’ll be able to get him out of his shell. At the sound of my voice though, her gaze turns to me, and she beams. “Fine here. Off you go. And behave; don’t forget those condoms I gave you. Safe sex, honey.”

I want to throttle her until I see the scowl Blade has aimed in my direction, then I decide I’d much rather squeeze her brilliant cheeks. I hook my arm through Bryce’s and notice his cheeks are red. Sweet.

We walk off down through the path I was on only yesterday. Bryce is easy to talk to. He tells me about his life here and his family. He works at the local marina, fixing boats and unloading. He’s charming and he’s easygoing. I like him. He’s a good distraction.

“What about you?” he asks as we weave through the shrub surrounding the path.

“I’m starting pre-med when school goes back.”

He stares down at me, shocked. “Wow, that’s impressive.”

I shrug. “I always wanted to help people.”

He nods, clearly impressed. “Good for you. I would have loved to have been smart enough to pull that off.”

I scoff and wave my hand. “I have no doubt you are.”

He flashes me a charming smile. “Listen, I know we’ve only just met, but I really hope you make it to the party tonight.”

My lips tip up in a half-smile and I tuck a lock of stray hair behind my ear. “I think I’d like that.”

He nods, pleased. “Good. Now, are you keen for some fun or what?”

He offers me his arm and I take it with a smile. “Oh, bring it on.”