Step-Lover Page 28

Jack reaches us and squats in front of me. “Jesus, honey, are you okay?”

“She’s fucking drunk,” Blade snarls.

“Fuck you, Blade,” I bite out.

“You two have been drinking?” Jack asks, looking to Brody and back to me.

“We had a few.” I wave casually.

“Honey, I can barely understand you, you’re slurring that much.”


“What were you thinking?” Blade snaps at Brody.

“Hey!” I yell. “Don’t you dare blame him. He didn’t make me do anything.”

Brody is standing now, and he looks devastated. His mouth is in a hard line and his eyes are full of pain.

“Brody,” I call, and he turns to me. “Thank you.”

Everyone looks at me like I’ve lost my marbles.

“Don’t feel guilt over this,” I say gently. “Because today you helped me more than anyone has ever been able to help me in my life. I don’t care if they’re angry at us. I’d do it all over again.”

He stares at me for long moments, then smiles. I smile back. We’re cool.

“Ripley,” Jack orders, “walk with Brody. Go home and tell Nancy and Melanie we’ve found Aria. Tell them we’re takin’ her to lunch. I can’t bring her home like this.”

Ripley nods, then turns to Brody. “You got anymore of that alcohol?”

“Ripley!” Jack growls.

I giggle.

Brody walks off with Ripley, and they’re both laughing. I turn to Jack, and he’s giving me a stern expression. “You could have killed yourself out there, Ari.”

I wave a hand. “I’m fine.”

“Dad, give us a minute,” Blade says.

Jack stares at him, and then says, “I’m going to order us some food. Nancy is going to freak if you come home like this. Join me when you’re done.”

When Jack disappears, Blade turns to me. “Listen, Aria…”

“Don’t, Blade,” I breathe, knowing exactly where this is going.

He cups my cheek and I close my eyes, fighting back the pain. “I didn’t know honey, and I’m sorry.”


Damn him.

“Please don’t,” I croak. “Not now. Be an asshole, Blade, but don’t stop being what you are because you feel sorry for me.”

“Shit, Aria, I don’t wanna be an asshole to you.”

I meet his eyes and for the first time, I see he’s genuine. It’s the first piece of what he’s kept locked inside that has shined through since we’ve been here.

“Then why the hell are you?”

He closes his eyes for a second, and then looks to the side. “Because I don’t know how else to be. For whatever it’s worth, I am so fuckin’ sorry for what you have lived through.”

He turns us towards where Jack disappeared to, and without another word, walks us up there. My heart aches over his words, and I want to say something more, but I don’t have anything left.

When we arrive, Jack instantly shrugs off his jacket, wrapping it around my shoulders. I feel immediate comfort and a flood of warm memories wash into my mind. My dad used to do this when I was a little girl and I was cold. I snuggle into the jacket and I’m comforted by the fact that it smells like Jack.

“My dad used to do this for me,” I say softly. “Thank you, Jack. I think I might like it if you’re my dad.”

Jack’s face softens immediately, and I know I’m no longer in trouble. Jack wraps an arm around me, giving me a squeeze, and then heads towards the counter when our food is called. While he’s gone, Blade turns to me. “Why did you do that, earlier?”

I blink. “Ride a jet ski?”

His eyes are full of concern. “Ride a jet ski drunk. You could have been killed.”

“Yeah,” I whisper. “And would you have honestly cared?”

He flinches and his face darkens with clear pain. “Don’t pretend to know anything about me, tulip.”

“I know enough about you, remember?” I fire, my drunken head speaking before I actually think about my words. “I know that you’re a good guy and behind this asshole mask, you actually give a shit about people. I know that you loved that weekend with me as much as I loved it. I know that you fucking want me as much as I want you.”

He gives me an unreadable expression, but even behind it I can see his shock.

“Maybe you’re right, Tulip. But because of this situation, you’re never going to know.”

My heart burns.

He looks away and Jack returns with our food. My stomach grumbles at the sight of the burger and fries, not to mention the chocolate shake. We all eat in silence, and Jack’s eyes continue to flick from me to Blade.

“Goin’ to ask you two a question,” he suddenly says.

We both look up.

“Yeah?” Blade says.

“Is there something I’m missing here?”

I shake my head quickly. “No, why?”

“I get the feeling you two have met before, because the way you’re actin’ is strange.”

Oh. Shit.

I look to Blade but he’s got his eyes on Jack. “Never seen her before in my life.”

“Then why all the malice?”

Blade shrugs. “Guess we just don’t see eye to eye. I’m not hungry. I’m going for a walk.”

He stands and disappears. Fuck. I can’t help it. I want to go with him. I feel bad for him, especially after what Brody told me. I push to my feet. “Let me talk to him. Maybe I can work out a way to get along with him better. Thanks for the lunch, Jack.”