Safe Word Page 10

“What would your mother think?”

I barely let her finish her sentence before I had her body backed up against the island with my hand gripping the base of her throat.

“Don’t talk about my mother, and don’t talk about the people we used to be. You have no idea who I am. It would be a big mistake for you to think otherwise.”

“I’m sorry.” Her eyes were wide as she struggled to calm her breathing. Her eyes fell from mine to my lips. Her mouth fell open slightly. I pushed back from her, running my hands over my hair in frustration.

“Two f**king weeks, Lily. Then you can go back to pretending I never existed.”

“I never tried to forget you.”

I turned back to her, rage boiling inside of me. I was in front of her again in two large strides.

“I want to forget you.” I searched her eyes with mine. I wanted to hurt her. I wanted to pay her back for all of the pain she’d caused me.

“You don’t mean that.” She lifted her hand and placed her fingertips lightly on my chest. I glanced down at her hand. I thought of the ring some other man had placed on it.

“Don’t f**king touch me, Lily. You don’t get to f**king touch me.” I closed my eyes, not wanting her to see the pure rage, the hatred, the wanting. “Go back in the room.” I took a step back from her.

“What? You can’t…”

“I need to go out. I can’t be here.”

I had to practically push Rose back into the room. I needed to get the hell out of this place. I needed to put as many miles between us as possible. After securing her, I pulled on my shoes and headed down to the parking garage.

As I sat inside of my car, I pulled up the number to Lily’s fiancé and copied it into the search bar. I needed to see what she was running from and why. As the list populated, I realized I had a bigger problem on my hands than Lily’s broken engagement. Her soon-to-be husband was a lawyer and a damn good one. I glanced over his website, memorizing his face.

I put my car in reverse and decided to go check him out for myself. As I put miles between me and my apartment, it became clearer that Lily’s being in that bar was more than just a coincidence. No one would travel this far to get a beer.

I pulled up outside of Miller and Johnson law firm and waited. An hour passed and I saw two clients enter, one leave. I sat up in my seat, squinting to see the man who had just come out of the office doors.

“That son of a bitch,” I said under my breath as Lily’s fiancé wrapped his arm around the waist of a redhead, pulling her flush against his body as her hands slid up to his neck. I clenched my jaw as I thought over the ramifications of my beating the piss out of this man on the street while his woman was locked up in my apartment across town.

One thing I wanted more than revenge was to know why Lily was in my bar that night. I started the car, revving the engine several times before pulling out into the street, swerving slightly toward the couple.

“Get your feet off my chair, Cole.” Rose rolled her eyes at me as she knocked my shoes off her seat in the back of social studies class.

“Why do you always have to be such a raging bitch?” I asked, evoking a smile from her.

“What can I say? You bring out the good side of me.” She laughed as she tossed her pen at me.

“You bring out the whore in me, Rose,” Tyler called from behind me. Rose hung her head and I could see that all playfulness had left her face. I sat up in my seat and turned to face him.

“Leave her the f**k alone.”

“You talk to her like that.”

“Yeah, but she likes me.” I laughed as I turned back around. Rose glanced over at me with a smirk.

The trip home was a blur as I tried to keep focused on the plan and not let my rage consume me. My world was falling apart. I needed to regain control or I was going to blow everything I had worked so hard to achieve.

Chapter Six

Face Down

I hadn’t calmed down at all by the time I set foot inside of my apartment. I pulled the lock from the door and kicked it open. Lily looked up at me through her hair. I strode across the room, grabbing her by the arm and yanking her to her feet as she squealed in protest.

“Why the f**k are you here?” I asked through clenched teeth.

“You — you brought me here,” she stammered. I pulled her from the room and into my bedroom. She stumbled backward as I kept my grip on her arm and my eyes locked on hers.

“You’re playing f**king games with me, Rose.” I pushed her back onto the bed.

“It was a coincidence, Cole. I had no idea you would be there.”

I shook my head as I pulled my T-shirt over my head and let it fall to the floor beside me. Her eyes danced over my chest and down my stomach.

“I missed you,” she said with a sigh.

“You want to see what I can give you? What I have to offer someone like you?”

She swallowed hard as she scooted back farther on the bed, putting a few more inches between us. I undid my pants and let them ride low on my hips as I stepped closer. I took a moment to take in how incredible she looked in my clothes. Her tanned legs tangled in my sheets caused my dick to instantly harden. I reached forward and wrapped my fingers around her ankle, tugging her toward me. I twisted my wrist, forcing her to turn on her side.

“Face down.”

I narrowed my eyes and she quickly flipped onto her belly.

“What are you going to do to me?” she asked, her voice shaking. I slowly slid my jeans down and lowered myself over her until I could feel the heat from her body, smell her fear.

“I’m going to make you regret wanting me.” My voice was calm as my breath blew into her ear and down her neck, causing her to shiver. I shoved her shirt up over her hipbones. My fingers looped in the delicate fabric of her white cotton panties, and I slowly tugged them down her thighs.

“Please let me look at you,” she whimpered, afraid of what I had planned.

“Want to face your fears, Lily?” I palmed her ass cheeks as I nestled my c**k between them.

“Please,” she whimpered, clutching at the comforter. My hand slid from her ass to her hair, tangling my fingers in it and yanking her head back forcefully.

“The fun is just beginning. I thought you liked playing pretend.” I slid the length of myself against her as I kept my grip tight in her hair.

“I’m not pretending.” She struggled to keep her voice level. I was calling her bluff. If she could hold out it would prove me wrong. It could save her. Unfortunately, I wasn’t playing the same game. The rules didn’t apply to me. I hated what Lily stood for, and I wanted to destroy it, piece by piece. I didn’t deserve the life I was given. If she was f**king with me, I would call her out and if she wasn’t I would break her heart. Either way I would enjoy this. I propped myself on my left elbow as I released her hair, trailing my fingertips down her spine. Her back bowed like a cat eager to be scratched. Her ass pushed back against my cock. She immediately lurched forward, pressing herself flat against the mattress when she realized what she was doing. She was enjoying this and it made my dick ache as I became painfully hard. I gripped the base of my c**k firmly in my hand and rubbed the head over her slit. She was dripping wet, which made me throb against her entrance. Whether she was f**king with me or not, she wanted me. No one could deny the primal reaction her body had to mine. A low throaty moan escaped her, bringing me back to the present. I wasn’t trying to please her. I wanted to hurt her. To scare her away. I positioned myself at her backside and pressed against her ass.

“No…” her voice quivered as her eyes shot wide like a doe.

“No?” I laughed sadistically.

Her breathing was erratic and she was on the verge of a fully blown panic attack.

“Well if you didn’t come back to f**k me, then tell me why you’re really here, because I know it wasn’t a coincidence.” I crawled off her body and grabbed my jeans from the floor, tugging them on, then leaving the room before she moved.

I walked to the fridge and grabbed a new beer. I popped the top off and threw it across the room, watching it strike the wall and come to rest on the rug by the front door.

“You didn’t used to be so…” Her voice trailed off and I closed my eyes, trying to keep myself from lashing out at her again.

“What? I didn’t used to stand up for myself? I used to let you walk all over me while you ran off with the whole f**king football team?” I slammed my bottle down on the counter causing it to foam up and froth over my hand.

“They were my friends.”

“As I recall you and I used to be real good friends too. Did you used to grind against them while they pinned you against the lockers too? Or is that still a secret? Don’t want anyone to know you were slumming it with me.”

“I shouldn’t have lied about you, Cole, but everything I said about how I felt was real.”

“Doesn’t matter now. Whatever your motive is will come out sooner or later. This is bigger than your high school drama.” I tipped my bottle to my lips and guzzled down the contents.

“I shouldn’t have come,” Lily said before turning and going back into my room and curling up on the bed.

“We agree on that.” I looked up at the ceiling as I tried to focus on the here and now. I had to figure out what Lily was up to before I called back this lawyer ass**le and asked for money. If he wasn’t who she said he was, years of planning would be for nothing. I glanced around the corner at Lily curled up on my bed. In another lifetime that image would have made me smile.

Lily lived her life being afraid, just like Rose. She didn’t take chances unless forced by gunpoint. Something drove her back to me, and if I didn’t find out what it was soon, we might have another mess on our hands.

My phone vibrated and I grabbed it, answering without looking at the number.


“Tornado warning.” Amber’s voice was shaking and I knew shit was about to hit the fan. The front door opened and the phone dropped from my ear as Whitey waltzed in, grinning from ear to ear. Danny followed, flanked by a small skinny man with jet-black hair. I slid my cell into my pocket as my mind raced.

“What brings you guys back? Whitey was here just a little while ago.” I struggled to keep my voice even.

“Something has come up. I need you for a new job. Crank is going to take over from here.” He nodded to the skinny man beside him, who looked like he hadn’t shaved in a month.

“That her?” Crank asked, craning his neck to see into my room. I took a step over to block his view but it was too late.

“I’ve got this under control.” I widened my stance as Crank pulled off his leather jacket.

“I know you do, but I have a bigger and better job for you.” Danny smiled.

“I’m gonna go try out the merchandise.” Crank rubbed his hands together before stepping around me and heading toward my room. My entire body tensed as I tried to plan what to do next. Whitey cocked his head to the side as he watched my reaction.

“You ain’t got a problem with that, do ya?” He let out a low chuckle and I wanted to bury my fist in his f**king face.

I turned to Danny, putting on my best poker face.

“As long as he doesn’t mind sloppy seconds.” The guys laughed and my stomach turned as I heard Lily speaking to Crank in the distance. I knew it was against the rules to f**k with the girls. Lily was safe, but she wouldn’t know it and I wished I could tell her she had nothing to worry about.

“What’s the job?” I asked, turning my attention back to Danny.

“We need someone to oversee a large shipment coming in. Details to come.”

“Ouch! Fuck!” Crank yelled form my room and I spun around to see what was going on. He was straddling Lily with his fist cocked back. I didn’t have time to second guess as I sprinted to the bedroom and grabbed his arm, yanking him backward with all of my strength. He fell to the floor beside the bed, the wind knocked out of him.

“I never said you could f**k her on my bed. That’s just f**king rude.” I took a step back to let him know I wasn’t a threat as Whitey entered, gun in hand. Danny followed, his eyes going from Crank to me and finally landing on Lily.

“All right. Pissing match is over. Get the f**k off the ground.” Danny kicked Crank with his boot causing him to grunt in pain. “We don’t put our hands on the ladies.” Danny’s eyes flicked to Lily. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure he is sorry.” He gave her a sickening smile before his expression went blank.

“I think I should finish up this job. I can do both.” I glanced over my shoulder at Lily, who looked frightened and was pushing herself against my wooden headboard. “We can’t send her back all f**ked up. Those aren’t the rules.”

Danny thought over what I said as he stared down Lily.

“There are no second chances. I’ll be in touch with details about the job.” He turned to leave the bedroom with Whitey on his heels.

“Don’t forget your junkie.” I glared down at Crank as he pushed himself up from the floor and stumbled after them. Whitey grabbed his arm and pulled him along. I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of happiness, knowing that Crank would probably be floating in a river by morning.

I waited for the door to latch before turning to look at Lily. She looked terrified, and I hoped she knew that I wouldn’t have let him hurt her. I was willing to f**k everything up in that moment to keep her safe. I held out my hand to her. Her eyes drifted from my fingers to eyes before she finally released her grip on the headboard and tentatively reached out to me. As her fingers slid over my palm, I closed my hand around hers. I pulled her toward me and her free arm flew around my neck as she buried her face against my chest. It was unusual being the one to comfort someone who was scared. I was the one who gave the nightmares.