Credence Page 94

Then he twists around and leaves the room, slamming the door shut behind him. What the fuck?

And then I hear it. Metal against metal. A bolt sliding. My eyes widen.

I run to the door, twisting the handle. “Kaleb?”

The door won’t open, and I pound with one palm and jiggle the handle with another hand. “What is this?” I shout. “Are you serious?”

I knew that was too good to be true. His calm downstairs was bullshit. He was pissed.

I yank and pull on the door, beating it with the hand of my healthy arm. “This isn’t funny!”

He bolted my door? There wasn’t a bolt on it this morning. When did he put it on? Is he kidding? Oh, my God.

“Jake!” I shout. “Noah!”

But they can’t hear me, because they’re in the shop.

I hear his footfalls down the stairs, but instead of tears, anger boils my blood. I’m going to fucking kill him. Jealous, immature, batshit son of a bitch. I’m going to kill him!

I kick and pound the door. “What if I have to go to the bathroom?” I bellow.


He circles the bed, not taking his eyes off her dark form under the covers. She exhausted herself. She bellowed for a fucking hour in here when he locked her door, and now she’s passed out.

Streams of moonlight glow across her floor, the silence in the house making the snowfall against the glass doors almost like a metronome. Tap, tap…tap. Tap, tap…tap.

He climbs on the bed, hovering over her on his hands and knees as she sleeps.

Thankfully, his father and brother never knew what happened. They were in the shop, far away from her little tantrum, but even if they weren’t, he was ready if they decided to come to her rescue.

He’s sick of her slutting around. Fucking him today in the barn, letting his father touch her and kiss her tonight, and then about to give it up for his brother when his back is turned.

He’s sick of seeing her smile when she works on her dumb shit in the shop.

Sick of her excited by the snow or happy when she feeds the horses.

Sick of seeing her hair fall across her cheek as she reads at the dinner table or how she twists her lips to the side when she’s concentrating on an assignment.

Sick of her cries at night and how pathetic she sounds during her nightmares.

He stares down at her, cocking his head as her breathing turns shallow and she fists her shirt up at her collar. Her face tenses, and she jerks. The nightmare is starting.

Leaning in, he brushes her nose with his, closing his eyes and feeling her panting and how her body tenses and flexes as she dreams. Her brow creases, and her chin trembles, and part of him wants to do what he always does. Take her in his arms, calm her, and put her back to sleep right.

But this isn’t who she is when she’s awake. She’s mean, and he’s done forgetting that.

Sinking his mouth to hers, he kisses her, her whimper disappearing down his throat as her body tenses and then eases. He almost laughs. He could be anyone right now. He’ll drop her panties and slip inside her, and she won’t even open her eyes to tell which one it is, because it doesn’t really matter.

He trails kisses along her cheek, her eyes still closed, not awake yet. He hovers his lips over her skin, moving his mouth but unable to voice the words. Pretty little cunt.

He grinds on her once. That’s what she is. Cunt.

Climbing off her, he watches her face as he gently pulls her shorts down. He drops them on the floor and comes back to hover over her, watching her face as he slides his hand inside her fucking panties.

His fingers trail between her legs, enticing her to open for him, but he has to pause a moment to fist his hand, because she’s so soft and smooth. He loves touching it. Nudging his way in, he finds her clit, and just like a fucking whore, her knees fall apart. He smiles, coaxing her little nub in circles. Does his dad do this to her? Maybe his brother? She moans for them, doesn’t she?

He brings his finger up, licking it, and then puts it on her again, listening to her sweet little breaths and moans as he rubs her out. He stares at her face. She’s gonna know it’s him soon enough.

She lets out a beautiful groan as she arches her neck back and starts to move into it, wanting it. His dad and Noah are asleep, and he has her all to himself.

“Kaleb…” she murmurs, reaching down to grab his hand but not actually moving it off her. “You’re an asshole.”

He smirks. He is, and she likes to act like she fucking cares. Putting up a fight one minute, and begging for a dicking the next. She won’t stop him, because as long as someone is fucking her, she doesn’t have to remember all the nothing she is.

“Slow.” She pants. “Please…”

But he doesn’t slow down. He pulls her hand off his and forces it up her chest, making her lift her shirt for him.

She pulls up her top, baring her nice tits, and he watches them bob back and forth as she moves into the rubbing. He leans back, sitting on his heels as he keeps one hand on her clit and moves the fingers of his other hand down farther.

He teases her ass, rubbing the tight hole, and watching her breath catch.

“Kaleb?” she says nervously.

But he doesn’t stop. Rubbing her and not stopping, he presses the tip of his finger just inside her and holds it there as he fucks with her clit faster. Her little ass tightens around his finger, warm and making his cock swell painfully, but it just pisses him off more.

He swipes a finger just inside her pussy, wetting his fingers and keeps masturbating her while his finger in her ass stays still. Eventually, she adjusts and relaxes, getting turned on again and comfortable as she moves into his hands. She likes both holes filled.

Because of course she does.

After a few moments, he’s able to slide his finger deeper inside, and they have a rhythm going now, the room filling with moans and pants as she climbs toward her orgasm.

He almost falters. Looking down at her, he almost wants her to have this, because she’s so beautiful, and he loves seeing her smile.

He loves watching her excited by the snow and happy feeding the horses and how loving she is with the animals and how good her arms felt when she hugged him to her in the car today in the barn.

But he pulls his hands out of her little red panties, letting her body shake and her whimpers go unanswered.

“No, please,” she chokes out a whisper. “I was almost there.”

Sweat beads his brow, and he feels fucking sick, but he climbs off the bed, leaving her hanging.

So far, so good.

Now for round two.

“Kaleb…” she begs.

He ignores her, dropping his jeans to the floor and pulling her off the bed. She stands there, swaying in her fatigue, and he squats down to slide her panties down her legs. She steps out of them, her hands on his shoulders.

“Do you like me?” she asks in a small voice.

The question gives him pause.

“At all?”

And if he weren’t looking at a woman’s body, he might think a child was speaking to him with how innocent and sweet she sounded.

She swallows. “I thought part of me might like that you don’t talk.” She raises her arms as he stands and pulls her T-shirt off over her head. “I can say things and not have to hear your response. I hate talking, too.”