Cale Page 10

Just walking in the door of this place is overwhelming. My ears are instantly assaulted with the sound of screaming women and I can barely concentrate as the guy at the door checks my I.D. I keep my eyes on the crowd of loud and crazy women as the guy places my I.D back in my hand and greets the group of women behind me.

The crowd is pretty much shoulder to shoulder and I can barely see what’s happening on the stage. That is until Cale jumps down into the crowd and starts grinding his hips to the music while bending some girl over as if he’s fucking her.

He’s wearing a short pair of red boxer briefs and his muscular body is covered in sweat as he continues to grind behind her, working her nice and good, before thrusting her away with his dick and dropping to the floor as if he’s making love to someone below him. He’s working his hips so powerfully and with such a perfect rhythm that it takes my breath away just imagining being below him. Now I know what my sister meant by not being able to handle this place. I’ll never be able to look at Cale the same now, and I’m pretty positive that there’s no way that man is still a virgin. I guess I didn’t really expect him to be . . .

Holy. Hotness.

I SLOW MY RHYTHM AND close my eyes as I picture Riley below me. These women might be imagining me fucking them, but I’m imagining fucking Riley, nice and slow, and taking care of her every fucking need.

I feel hands grab at me and start tugging on my briefs, trying to get me naked. Someone gets my briefs down far enough in the back that my whole ass is hanging out, so I push myself back to my feet, smile at the ladies, and slowly thrust the air, giving them a view of my bare ass flexing.

Right as I’m pulling my briefs back up I look to the left and set my sights on Riley. She’s looking at me with wide eyes, appearing slightly uncomfortable and out of place. My body instantly reacts to seeing her and I have to fight against my erection, knowing that these red boxer briefs will do nada to hide what I’m thinking.

Ignoring all the women around me, I walk toward her, letting her know that I see her. The last thing I want is for Riley to feel as if she doesn’t belong when she’s here to see me. She’s the most important woman in this damn room and I’m about to show her that.

When I approach Riley, I wrap my hands into the back of her hair and bury my face into the softness of her neck, pulling her as close to me as humanly possible.

She’s stiff at first, but loosens up and grabs my forearms as I run my lips up her neck, grinding my hips against her. I hear her let out a little gasp as my erection presses against her stomach, and that little sound alone is enough to make me want her even more than ever.

“You came to see me,” I whisper against her neck. I grab one of her legs and wrap it around my waist as I dig my hips into her. “You’re the most beautiful girl in this room, Riley. I promise you that.”

Reaching for her other leg, I pick her up and wrap both of her legs around my waist, thrusting my hips into her, nice and slow as if fucking her. My hands grip her ass and I hold her as close to me as I can, grinding her against me.

I look up just as Stone slides a chair in front of me, giving me exactly what I need as if reading my mind. Being careful with Riley, I set her down on the chair and then straddle her lap, wrapping both of my hands into the back of her hair and forcing her to look into my eyes. I’m unsure of what she’s thinking, but now is the time to show her what she could have. All she has to do is give me a clue that she wants it just like I do.

Biting my bottom lip, I reach for both of her hands, lightly lacing mine on the backs of hers, before running them slowly down my chest and abs, ensuring she feels every ridge as I grind into her. I lean into her and moan against her ear, showing her just how turned on I am without her doing anything at all.

Her body shivers and she lets out a small moan as well, confirming what I want to know, and letting me see exactly what my body is doing to her. Pleased, I pick her back up and grip her ass as she wraps her legs around me once again.

She leans her head back, getting lost in the moment as my body stills against hers and the song comes to an end.

We stand here for a few moments, holding each other, until finally she lets go and clears her throat, dropping back to her feet. “Told you I’ve always wanted to see male strippers.” She smiles nervously and brushes her hair out of her face. “You should go. The crowd is waiting.”

I press my lips to her forehead and offer her a thankful smile, before turning away from her and finishing up the show.

RILEY IS OUTSIDE WAITING BY my truck when I’m done. She looks up from her phone and smiles when she sees me approaching. “Done shaking your junk for the horny women already?”

I walk up to her and kiss her on the forehead, before pulling away and laughing. “Yeah, my junk is tired from all the shaking. It’s Stone’s turn now.”

She lets out a small laugh. “Well, you were great.” Her eyes search mine before she speaks again. “Everyone loved you.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet, Riley.” I lean against my truck, beside her. “How was your day?”

“Good,” she responds. “I’m just a bit tired and sore.”

I look around the parking lot in search of her car. “Did you drive here or take a taxi?”

She pushes a button on her key ring, making it beep, before holding up her keys. “Drove.” She yawns and leans against my truck, looking exhausted. “I was only planning on stopping in for a few minutes, but kinda got sucked in by the action,” she teases.

I walk around her and open the passenger door to my truck. “Let’s go. We’ll get your car tomorrow.”

She shakes her head while yawning. “It’s fine, Cale. I’ll just drive and meet you at your house.”

Ignoring her request, I pick her up and set her in my truck, refusing to let her drive in her exhausted condition. “Your car will be fine. You’re riding with me.”

Smiling, she leans back and buckles her seatbelt. “Yes, master Cale,” she quips.

“I like that.” I respond with a grin. “Say it again.”

Laughing, she smacks my arm and reaches for the door to close it. “Back up before your junk gets stuck in the door.”

I bite my bottom lip and back away, watching her in amusement. God, I’ve missed this woman. Having her here reminds me of why I chose to wait in the first place.