Cale Page 32

AFTER TALKING AND MAKING LOVE for about the fifth time, I help Riley get dressed before getting dressed myself, then pull her into my arms and press my lips to her forehead.

“Come home tonight, baby,” I whisper. “Let me take you out on a real date.”

Smiling, she grabs my face and looks me in the eyes. “You making me dinner and taking care of me would be the realest that a date could ever get. If you ask me, you’re the only one that has taken me on a real date.”

My heart swells from her words and a sense of pride swarms through me. “This is why I love you so much, Rile.”

Pressing my lips to hers, I kiss her long and hard, not wanting to say bye for the next three hours. I just want her home and in my bed. “Hurry home so I can make you dinner and make love to you all fucking night. I have a lot of making up to do. I’ll never again lose time with you.”

She smiles and pushes me away as someone knocks on the door. “Okay,” she laughs. “I’ll hurry back. I promise.”

“Home,” I say, correcting her.

She kisses me once more and smiles. “Home. I’ll hurry home. Better?”

I grip her face and bite her bottom lip. “Much fucking better, baby.”

The person at the door knocks again. Smiling so damn hard that I feel as if my face is about to rip, I open the door and step out.

Kylie looks up at me and then at Riley, before grunting and motioning for me to get going. “About time. Damn! Your next client is here.” She turns back to me. “Move along now.”

Grabbing the back of Riley’s neck, I pull her to me one more time and kiss her. “Love you, baby,” I say, making sure that Kylie gets the fucking hint. “See you in a bit.”

Rolling her eyes, Kylie storms past us and goes back to her desk without another word.

“Love you too.” She slaps my ass and gives me a shove. “Now go, before I get fired.”

I throw my hands up and start backing away. “Whoa now. Keep spanking me and I won’t be going anywhere.” I wink at her and then turn around to leave before I’m unable to stop myself.

Fuck me, I love this woman . . .

Two weeks later . . .

I’M STANDING IN FRONT OF the mirror when I feel Cale wrap his arms around me from behind. Like always when he’s around, my heart starts pounding and I feel this rush. That feeling has only intensified since we have become official, and I seriously cannot get enough of him touching me.

“You look fucking beautiful, Rile.” Grabbing my arm, he spins me around and whistles. “So damn beautiful.”

Blushing, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down for a kiss. “Mmm . . .” I run my tongue over my lips, tasting the sweet strawberries that he just got done eating. “Save some of those for later,” I say playfully. “If you keep eating them outside of the bedroom then we’ll never have enough.”

Grinning, he picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. His hands grab for my ass and squeeze. “Do we really have to go?” He questions, while pushing his erection against me. “I want to fuck my woman so bad right now that being with those assholes is the last thing on my mind. I’ll call Slade back and tell him that we’re not coming.”

“No!” I scream as he starts rushing into the bedroom. “Don’t do it, Cale.” He stops in front of the bed and I grab onto his neck tighter, holding on for dear life. “We’re going. We already said we would. My sister is waiting for me.”

Growling against my lips, he wraps his hands into the back of my hair. “Well shit.” He kisses me and smiles. “We don’t have to stay long though, right? I’ve waited all damn day to get you home to me.” He kisses me again, his lips lingering against mine. “Fine, let’s go,” he grumbles in defeat.

He sets me down to my feet and kisses the top of my head, before walking away and letting me finish getting ready.

The last two weeks have been the best days of my life and there’s no denying it. Cale is so much more than I ever thought he could be. If I thought he made me feel special before, the feeling is double that now. This man hasn’t let me go one second without a smile on my face and I have a feeling that if it’s up to him then he’ll never let that happen. Cale truly is the perfect man for me.

My love for him has grown so much that my chest aches just from being away from him. It keeps me happy knowing that he’s always waiting for me, just like he used to before I left. It only proves to me exactly why he waited all these years for me. When Cale loves someone, he loves them with everything in him.

I’m just lucky to say that that girl is me.

Right as I’m in the middle of throwing my hair up, Cale rushes back into the bedroom and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder. “I told you how beautiful you looked, Rile. You don’t need to change anything. Trust me. Let’s go!”

“I’m not done.” I playfully slap his ass, but he keeps walking, not caring. “Damn you, Cale.”

He doesn’t set me down until we’re outside next to his truck and he’s opening the door for me. “We gotta go, baby. The sooner we get there, the sooner I get to bring you home and make love to you in our bed. I don’t know how long I can hold off.”

I bite my bottom lip and sit back in my seat as Cale shuts the door behind me and then runs over to his side of the truck.

I swear I have to be the luckiest girl in the world to have Cale. My Cale . . .

AS SOON AS WE STEP inside the bar, Stone jumps up on his chair and starts whistling for us to come over. “Dude! Over here.”

I laugh as Hemy reaches over and punches him the leg. These guys will never change, and oddly, I’m good with that. Even though they drive me insane half the time, they’re like family to me. No fuck that . . . they are family to me.

Now that I have Riley back here with me, my family is complete. There’s no better feeling in the world than that. Tyler has gone back to Mexico where he belongs and Riley is here with me, where she has always belonged.

Placing my hand on Riley’s ass, I guide her toward the table in the back and whisper in her ear. “Remember . . . we’re not staying long. I’m spending the night pleasuring my fucking woman.”

I see her cheeks turn red from my words, but she plays it off as Aspen walks over to her and hugs her, pulling her away from me and over to where her and Sage are playing darts.