Hemy Page 24

When nine o’clock rolls around, I’m standing outside my house waiting on Stone to show up. I’m dressed in my favorite white button down, the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and the top few buttons undone, displaying my tats. I threw on a pair of dark fitted jeans that show off my muscular thighs, black boots and my hair is pulled back out of my face. Hell, I even trimmed my beard a bit to be sure it looks sexy for her.

Stone rolls up in his Jeep and whistles when I walk over and jump in the passenger seat. “Damn, dude. You trying to give the ladies a walking orgasm? You look studdish tonight.” He reaches over and grabs the top of my collar, tugging slightly. “Damn, guy. I need to borrow that shirt sometime.”

Shutting the door, I smirk slightly. “Come on, man. Stop creaming yourself over my clothes and let’s go. No woman is going to want your ass if you walk in with nut stains.”

“Fuck yeah, they would. Once I bust out my moves; the ladies can never resist.” Stone lets out a satisfied laugh while grinding in his seat and pulling back out in the street and taking off. “No worries here.”

We drive in silence for a few minutes, me lost in my own thoughts, trying to decide my best move for tonight before Stone interrupts me.

“You dressing up for someone? You never did tell me why you ran out of Walk Of Shame that night.” He glances over at me and I grind my jaw at the thought of that night. I still can’t get over what I found that night; her being in that place, rubbing all over that filth. She’s too good for that shit. “I’m guessing it’s for some fine ass girl. I’ve never seen your ass try before. Usually the grungy Hemy look is enough, my man.”

“Yeah, man, not this time. Trust me,” I reply. “It’s for the girl. Not just any fucking girl. And she works with this Ash chick so don’t make a fool out of yourself around me. I need to prove to her that I’m a different person. I’m taking it easy on shots and all that hard shit. Got it?”

Nodding his head, he pulls up to Vixens Club, parks the Jeep and kills the engine. “Sure thing, man. I’ve been there once. Good luck is all I can say. Once a woman sees all your fuck ups, it’s hard for them to see you for the good. That shit stays with them forever.”

My jaw ticks from his words as I stare up at the neon sign in deep thought. It just reminds me that there’s a huge chance that Onyx will never forgive me for all the shit I put her through. Doesn’t matter. It won’t stop me from trying.

“Come on, man. Let’s go.”

I jump out of the Jeep and slam the door behind me, with Stone hopping out right after. I didn’t mean to close it to the point of almost breaking it, but I can’t seem to control the negative thoughts swarming through my head. The thought of not having her as mine makes me want to slam my fist through something.

“Take it easy, dude.” Stone flares his nostrils while looking his Jeep over for any damage. “Don’t take it out on my shit. Save it for the assholes in the bar.”

“My bad,” I growl. “I’ll buy you a new one if I fucked it up. Let’s just get this over with.”

We reach the door and some guy made of muscles with a bald, shiny head and long beard about six foot five comes over and asks for Stone’s ID. He gets ready to ask for mine but after getting a glimpse of my face, decides against it and just waves us past.

“Seriously, dude?” Stone complains. “Is it because of my handsome baby face?” He rubs his hand over his face as if he’s all smooth and shit.

I give his dumb ass a push as the bouncer gives him a blank look while crossing his arms. “Real men have beards. Grow one,” I say annoyed.

After getting past the bouncer, we quickly order a couple drinks and take a seat in the far back. The club is fairly busy tonight and the thought of having all these creeps’ eyes on my girl is driving me mad.

I know she hasn’t danced yet because the bartender said there are a couple more girls before her. I don’t really care to watch the show. Onyx is the only one I came to see. Until then, I’m invisible in the background.

Sipping back a Gin and Tonic, Stone pulls out his wallet and sets it on the table. “This club is pretty damn nice. A hell of a lot nicer than ours.” He runs his hand over the table in front of us while admiring it. “Black glass tables, red suede chairs and look at that stage. That’s a sweet ass stage. I wonder if they’ll let me dance here. You know,” he smirks confidently, “To help bring them some more cash in.”

I tilt back my beer and block Stone out. I haven’t been this fucking nervous since before I hit fucking puberty. All I can think about is thrashing all the men in this room. I saw the way that piece of shit handled her last time I was here and it makes my blood boil that I didn’t kick the shit out of him.

I take a look around the room, taking in all the assholes waving money around and screaming out like pigs. This must be the image Onyx has of me in her mind. I’m just like every one of these assholes. Until I can change that; that’s what she sees.

Taking a long swig of my beer, almost finishing it off, I slam it down on the table and look over at Stone. He’s too zoned in on the entertainment on stage to even notice me standing up. “I’ll be back.”

Walking away with a quickness, I make my way back over to the bar and call for the bartender to come over. The beautiful blonde that helped us when we walked in, lifts her eyebrows and adjusts her tiny top while walking my way.

“Can I help you with something,” she looks me up and down while playfully biting her lip, “big guy? You’re looking awfully sexy to be here alone.”

I ignore her sorry attempt to get my interest and pull out my wallet, prepared to make this shit happen my way tonight. “How much would it cost to get one of the girls to dance for me in a private room instead of on stage?”

The girl looks me up and down while leaning over the counter and reaching for my collar. “Why would you want to pay for one of these girls to dance for you when you can get any girl for free?”

“How much?” I growl out, pulling away from her touch. She gives me a confused look. “If you don’t know then ask your manager. I need to know and quickly.”

She takes a step back, her cheeks turning slightly pink with embarrassment. She clears her throat. “Umm. Well, we don’t get that happening very often. If they’re set to dance on stage then they usually can’t do private dances until they’re through. It’s all on a schedule to fill the time.”