Hemy Page 31

She reaches over and slides her hand up my leg, gripping my thigh just below my dick. I look down at her slender hand and grab it right before she reaches for my package. “I don’t want company.” I set her hand on her own lap and stand up while taking a sip of my beer. “I’m good being alone.”

Leaning forward, she pokes out her chest while running a finger over her half empty glass. Her lips curl up into a smile as she takes a sip and scoots closer to the edge. “I think you just need to release some tension.” She licks her lips. “I’m sure I could help you with that.”

“I said I’m good.” I go to turn around and stop as I almost bump into someone. Not just anyone . . . Onyx.

Her nostrils flare as she stares me in the eyes, not saying a word. I can’t even move. I’m frozen in place from her stare, so I just stare back, waiting for her to speak.

“Here’s your chance, Hemy.” She looks between me and the brunette. “Here’s your chance to speak. That is, if you’re not too busy.”

“Hey!” The brunette sets her drink down on the table next to her and sits straight up as if ready for a fight. “Can’t you see he’s busy, bitch?”

Onyx runs her tongue over her top teeth before placing the heel of her boot into the girl’s chest and shoving her backwards, then leaning down toward her face. “I’d watch who you call a bitch. Got it, sweetheart.” She pulls her foot away and leans into her ear. “Keep your dirty little mouth away from my man or you’ll be eating my heel for a late night snack.”

“Fuck me. That’s hot.” I set my beer down and watch as Onyx turns around to face me. “Your man, huh?”

“Shit!” She walks away from me while mumbling some shit under her breath.

I quickly catch up to her and grab her by the waist to stop her. “Where are you going?” I spin her around and brush a curl out of her face. “Come to my house with me.”

“No.” She places her hands on my chest and pushes me away as I pull her into me. “Dammit, Hemy. See what you do to me?” She lets out a breath of frustration and turns away for a second. “I didn’t mean to call you that. It just sort of came out.”

“It sounded damn good coming out too,” I admit. “Come to my house so we can talk. I’m not taking no for an answer anymore.”

“No, Hemy. We can talk here. We never talk in private and you know it.”

I pull my eyes away from hers and look around to see that a lot of people have stopped to stare at us, including Sarah and one of our other bartenders, Amanda. I flex my jaw at them and they both turn away to resume minding their own business.

“Let’s go,” I say firmly. “We’re going to my house.”

“Onyx! What are you doing here?”

I look beside us to see a pretty girl with dark curls standing next to Stone. The look that crosses Onyx’s face as she takes her in surprises me. She looks sick, as if she’s about to pass out.

“Um . . . Ash. What are you doing here? I thought you were still at work?”

Ash looks between me and Onyx and forces a small smile. “Is this your friend?” She looks me over as if she’s trying to figure something out. “The one you said I might meet someday?”

Onyx looks between the two of us, her face pained before she reaches for my arm. “Yeah, but now is not a very good time. I’m suddenly feeling like shit.”

Ash steps up beside Onyx and grabs for her purse. “I can take you home. I have my car outside and-”

“No,” she cuts in. “You just got here. I’ll be fine.” She turns to face me and her eyes lock with mine. The pain in her expression confuses me. “Let’s go to your house. I think we have a lot to talk about.”

“Alright.” I take one more look at Stone and Ash before following Onyx through the crowd and outside. As soon as Onyx gets outside, she pukes.

This could be a messy night . . .

Chapter Thirteen


After Onyx calmed down and the puking stopped, I took off my shirt and wiped her face off before helping her into my truck. As tough as she thinks she is now, I know she still needs a little taking care of. She deserves it and I want her to know that. I would take care of her for the rest of my damn life if she would just let me.

Onyx lets out a heavy breath beside me. “I can’t do this, Hemy. I can’t fucking do this. Stop the car.”

Pulling the truck over, I grip the steering wheel before slamming my fist into it. I can’t stand those words coming from her mouth. I wish she would stop trying to keep me out. “Dammit, Onyx!” I lean back in my seat and rub my hands over my face in frustration. “I’ve been trying to show you that I’m a different person. Can’t you fucking see that? All you want to do is keep me out and push me away.”

It’s silent for a moment as I stare at the side of her face, taking her in. She looks so pained that it breaks my damn heart. I wish she would just fucking talk and put me out of my misery.

“Hemy,” she breathes, breaking the silence. “I know you're trying to prove that you've changed and you can give me what I wanted back then, but you don't understand. You broke me . . . shattered me. I'm not the same girl I was, and I don't think I can love you that way again. You need to let me go. I refuse to go through that again.”

Grinding my jaw, I try my best to hide my anger. “You won't even give me the chance, Onyx! I know you're not the same girl and I'm not the same guy. We are different, but that isn't a bad thing. We still belong together like we always have and always will . . .”

She holds her hand up to stop my words before tugging on her hair in frustration. “You know how easy it would be for me to give in and believe you, right? You and I, it's never been easy and I can't go down that path with you, Hemy. Please, leave me alone. Maybe we can be friends someday, but I can't handle this now.”

“I can’t just be your friend. I’ll always want more with you, and you know you feel the same damn way.”

She must be done listening to me, because she goes for the door handle and quickly pushes it open. “I'm just going to walk home, and please, don't come after me.”

Before I can say anything, she hops out of the truck and slams the door behind her. She takes off walking as if she’s trying to get as far away from me as she can. The thought crushes me and I feel as if I can’t breathe. I want to be pissed at her for being scared, but I can’t. It’s my own damn doing and I need to fix this. I knew going in that there was a possibility she wouldn’t take me back, but it isn’t in me to give up, not this time.