Misconduct Page 102

“Braddock Autenberry?” Blackwell repeated, squinting at me. “Doesn’t your son attend school there?”

And now it was done.

He knew, everyone would know, and Easton and I would have to weather this storm, but fuck it.

“Well, well, well,” he mused. “My night just got better.”

Easton started shaking her head, but I held her with my steady gaze, looking into her eyes.

“I don’t care,” I maintained. “I need you.”

Mason Blackwell could ride this scandal to kingdom come. It would be a small price to pay to have her.

She clasped my forearms, and I grabbed her hand, ready to get her out of here.

“I almost feel sorry for you, Marek,” Blackwell gloated when I turned around. “We all have our dirty little secrets, but most of us have the sense —”

“Yes!” my stepmother gasped, cutting Blackwell off. “You’re the teacher who was a tennis player, right?” She gestured to Easton as my father listened with a stern set to his features.

“I was so sorry to read that part about your parents and sister. Oh, my goodness.” She placed a hand on her heart, giving Easton a sympathetic look.

“Thank you,” Easton choked out.

“What a horrible tragedy,” Rachel consoled. “I can’t imagine being eighteen years old and losing nearly your entire family.”

Blackwell’s eyebrows nose-dived as he listened.

Rachel continued. “And then you and your brother divided your parents’ estate between several children’s charities here in New Orleans?” she went on. “So generous when you had already lost so much.”

I faltered, having not known that part.

“My brother must’ve told them that,” Easton admitted, looking embarrassed.

I raised my eyes, locking on Blackwell’s, and I saw it in his eyes. He could try to sling mud, but Easton’s record and character spoke for themselves.

“You truly have given a lot to this city,” Rachel stated, smiling. “I can’t wait to see where your career goes, Ms. Bradbury.”

Easton nodded, giving her a small smile. “Thank you.”

“Excuse us for a moment.” I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from everyone, rushing out.

Jay was somewhere. Her brother was somewhere. But we were leaving. I dug out my phone and quickly texted Patrick to bring the car around.

“Tyler,” Easton urged as I jogged down to the stairs, holding her hand. “Tyler, what are you doing?”

I pulled her along, hearing her heels clack-clack-clack as she kept up.

Reaching the bottom, I pulled her around the banister and led her out of the hotel and onto the sidewalk.

The Quarter was filled with people, and photographers from a local news station waited outside, covering the ball.

I scanned the area, but I didn’t see Patrick, so I continued to lead her down the street. She pulled her hand out of my grasp, stopping me.

“Tyler!” she burst out. “We can’t —”

But I interrupted her, taking her face in my hand. “I love you, okay?” I rushed out. “I love you like crazy, and I’ve never said that to a woman before, but I’m completely in love with you, Easton Bradbury.”

I breathed hard, moving my hands to her waist.

Bowing my forehead down to hers, I tried to keep my voice low. “You’re going to get me into trouble with that mouth of yours, and I may not get everything I thought I wanted out of life, but if I don’t have you and my son, then the rest of it means nothing,” I told her. “You make me happy, my kid likes you, and I feel like I could do anything if I knew I was going to see you every day. I need you.”

I layered my lips to hers, breathing in her breath and feeling her shake. I didn’t know if it was from me or the chill in the air, but I pulled her in close and wrapped my arm around her waist.

The heat from her mouth and the way her lips quivered drove me wild.

She ran her hands up my chest and circled them around my neck. “People are watching,” she whispered.

“Are you scared?” I grinned.

She laughed quietly, and her sweet smile made my blood rush.

“No,” she answered, and I knew she was lying. “You?”

I shook my head, playing with her. “Not a chance.”

We were both scared shitless, but that was the best part. If there was no gamble, there was no reward.

I heard a camera click, and then I heard a car horn sound. I reluctantly twisted my head, seeing the SUV in the middle of the one-way road.

Taking Easton’s hand, I pulled her into the street and through the car door that Patrick held open.

I let her climb in first, and then I hopped in, Patrick slamming it behind us.

“They took our picture,” she warned.

“Good. I’ll frame it,” I shot back, closing the glass between us and Patrick as he climbed into the driver’s seat and drove.

“Tyler, those pictures will be online soon,” she worried.

But I dropped to my knees in front of her. “I don’t care,” I whispered.

Reaching behind her neck, I unclasped her dress and pulled the top down, gazing at her gorgeous body and beautiful breasts. Grazing my fingertips down her flat stomach, I pulled the dress down farther, meeting her eyes, so she could see mine.

“I need you,” I growled low. “Right now.”

And I yanked the fabric until she got the hint and raised her ass off the seat, so I could get the dress off.