Misconduct Page 49

At least that’s the way it had always been.

Pushing away my warring thoughts, I slowly pulled down the sheet, exposing her perfect breasts, full with hard nipples that begged for my mouth.

My cock began to rush with heat and harden, and my chest swelled with the need to be something for her that I had never been for any other woman. I wanted to give her everything. I wanted to never disappoint her.

Reaching down, I took myself in my hand and stroked as I leaned over and flicked her nipple with my tongue and then caught it between my teeth, dragging out the sensation.

She moaned, and the sheet over my cock tented. I loved that little sound of hers.

“Do that again,” I begged, opening my mouth and sucking in as much of her tit as I could handle.

Her hand went to my hair, and I could feel the vibrations of her groan against my mouth as I kissed her body.


I let out a breath, feeling my groin tighten even further. “You got me hard again.”

And I grabbed her hand, laying it on my steel cock.

She mewed like a satisfied kitten, and I looked up to see her eyes still closed but a little smile peeking out.

I didn’t wait. I never fucking waited with her.

I rose and climbed on top of her, nestling between the warm legs she so graciously opened for me.

I grinded up and down her slick heat, feeling her wetness on my cock already.

“Jesus, you’re wet,” I whispered against her mouth as I laid my chest flush with hers with my forearms resting on either side of her head. “Is that what I do to you? Huh?” I teased.

But rather than her usual smart-ass comebacks, she blinked awake and gazed at me, looking so fucking innocent and dreamy.

“Yeah.” She nodded.

My fists balled above her head, and I covered her mouth with mine as I thrust my hips, sliding into her tight body.

What the hell was I doing?

The hot spray cascaded over my head and down my neck and shoulders, sending chills over my skin as my body finally relaxed. I’d woken up again during the night with another erection and realized it was because her mouth was wrapped around my cock under the sheets.

I leaned a hand against the black tiled shower wall and bowed my head, letting out a breath.

Biologically, neither one of us was at our sexual peak, but you wouldn’t know it. I was practically in high school all over again, with an insatiable young woman I couldn’t get enough of, and all she had to do was look at me or breathe and I was as hard as a steel pole.

I hadn’t felt an urge to go more than twice a night in years, and here I was, four times in the last eight hours, with muscles I’d forgotten existed aching.

I couldn’t be more satisfied. Or less.

Plus, I had a shitload of work to do – I shouldn’t have overslept – but if I took her home, I knew I’d only be running back to her in a matter of hours.

I turned off the water and grabbed the towel hanging off the hook. After drying off my face and hair, I wrapped it around my waist and stepped out of the shower.

But as soon as I walked back into my bedroom, I stopped and hardened my glare.

“What are you doing?”

Easton was fully dressed in her wrinkled skirt and blouse from last night and sitting on the edge of the bed, bending over as she slipped her feet back into her flats.

She glanced over at me briefly before turning away again.

“I need to go home.”

I ground my teeth together to prevent myself from shouting at her, instead walking over to yank a pair of dark-washed jeans out of my closet.

“You got a dog?” I asked, ripping off the towel and tossing it.


I peered over at her as I slipped my legs into the pants. “A cat? A kid? You left the stove on?” I went on.

She pursed her lips, knowing I was mocking her. Turning away, she ran her fingers through her hair, trying to tame it.

“Take your clothes off, Easton. They’re dirty,” I ordered, buttoning my jeans. “I have a T-shirt you can wear.”

Her posture straightened, and I could see she was taking a deep breath. I combed my fingers through my wet hair as I walked over to her.

“I’m a gentleman only when I need to be,” I warned. “It’s a monsoon out there. You’re not walking out of here.”

She spun around, her worried eyes pulling at my heart.

“I shouldn’t have come back here.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Christian could come home unexpectedly, or…”

“Christian won’t be home,” I cut in. “Trust me. This is the last place he wants to be.”

She shifted on her feet, refusing to meet my eyes.

I tipped her chin up, making her look at me. “I want you to spend time with me,” I told her. “I’m not saying I want a relationship. God knows, I suck at that. But I’d like us to relax for a day, okay?”

She looked away, letting out a sigh. “I hate not knowing what to expect.” She gave a sad little laugh. “I hate not seeing what’s coming at me, and I get nervous when things go off course. I —”

“You’re on the pill, right?” I shot out, but I managed to keep my voice light.

She blinked, straightening her back at my sudden change of subject.

“Excuse me?” she blurted out, looking confused.

I almost laughed. “I haven’t been pulling out, and you never answered me last night.”

“Well, you didn’t really ask,” she reminded me. “And you didn’t seem too concerned about it, either.”