Kyland Page 29

She looked back and then bit her lip, but pulled the quilt, blankets, and top sheet back and lay back on my pillow pulling them up over her.

I stripped my clothes off so fast I didn't even remember doing it, but the cold hit my naked skin and I climbed beneath the blankets with her. I took her lips again, our cool bare skin finally making contact as we both sighed. I pulled the covers all the way up, almost over our faces, and it only took a few minutes until we were in our own little warm cocoon.

I brought my hand up to her breast and rubbed the nipple lightly with my thumb. Tenleigh gasped out my name and my cock jumped. I wasn't going to be able to take much more of this before I came on myself without even being touched. God, this girl. I needed to make her come and then I needed to take care of myself in the shower.

"Tenleigh, have you ever had an orgasm?" I asked softly, trailing my lips up her neck.

She shook her head.

"Not even one you gave yourself?" I asked.

"Our trailer's really small . . ." she said. I nodded, my eyes taking in her beautiful features. Something warm filled my chest when I considered that I'd be the first one to make her come. I wouldn't be the first one to make love to her, but I had this. This was mine and mine alone.

I reached behind her and she arched her back as I unhooked her bra and took it off her, tossing it on the floor. Her eyes watched my face, looking full of both desire and nervousness.

I leaned down under the covers and put my mouth on her nipple, sucking it gently into my mouth. The taste of her was heaven on my tongue.

"Oh God! Kyland," she moaned. Her hands came up to my head and she raked her fingers through my hair. I licked and sucked one nipple for a minute, laving my tongue around and around it until she was bucking her hips up into me. I moved my own hips to the side to avoid the sweet torture of her pressing right into my erection and moved my mouth over to the other nipple.

"You taste so good," I said between sucks.

"Ahhh," she moaned out. I could hear her moving her head from side to side on the pillow. I trailed my hand down over her silky, flat stomach, my mouth still on her breast, and when I slipped my fingers into her underwear and between her legs, it was me who moaned out.

She was slick with arousal. I dipped my finger inside her and brought it in and out slowly, mimicking the movement I wanted to be making with another part of my body. Her breathing grew ragged. I brought my now-wet finger to her clit, circling it gently as she cried out.

I wanted to put my face between her legs and taste her there, but we had all night—I hoped. If she'd agree to stay, I would make her feel good in every single way I knew how.

I continued to stroke her clit with my thumb as I dipped my finger into her wet opening. She sighed out and pressed upward into my hand.

"Tell me what you're thinking," I begged. "Tell me what's in your mind right now, beautiful Tenleigh." I wanted her. And I couldn't have all of her, but the parts I could have . . . her sweet responsiveness, her pleasure, and the things swirling through her mind, I could have those. For now, at least.

She moaned out. "I can't . . . I can't make sense of any of it." She moaned deeply as I changed tempo with my fingers. "I think I used to have problems and . . . concerns, but I can't remember one of them. All I feel is good, oh God, Kyland, that's so good."

I smiled down at her, tenderness filling my chest. She was so beautiful in every way possible. She was silky and soft and warm and she smelled like heaven. And God, I hoped she wouldn't regret this. I circled my finger faster and closed my lips around her nipple again.

Seconds later, she cried out. Her body tensed and shuddered and I felt satisfaction unlike any I'd known before.

"Oh God, oh God . . ." she groaned. I leaned up and watched her face as she came down, her eyes opening. She gazed at me with some kind of wonder and then she smiled, so beautifully I startled very slightly. Tenleigh was a beautiful girl, there was no doubt about that, but every once in a while she did something or made an expression that dazzled me and rendered me speechless. This was one of those moments.

"Wow," she said.

I chuckled softly and then fell to the side, my head lying on the pillow next to her, my erection throbbing with the need for release.

"I'm going to go take a quick shower," I said, starting to sit up.

"No," she said, sitting up, too, and pushing me back down. "I get to enjoy you, too. Fair is fair."

"Tenleigh," I groaned. "You truly are going to kill me."

She laughed and then moved until her body covered mine.

Somehow, she was well versed in torture techniques. She was applying each and every one to me in this bed. She wiggled on top of me. Case in point.

"I'll tell you whatever you want to know," I groaned. "Anything."

She laughed. "What?" But then her hand moved down over my ribcage and I couldn't talk at all.

She scooted to the side and her hand ran down my thigh. "Touch me, please." Now I was begging. And I didn't care.

Her hand ran tentatively back up my thigh and then finally, finally, she gripped my cock, wrapping her warm fingers around it and squeezing lightly. Goose bumps broke out on my body and I groaned again, pleasure bursting within me. I brought my hand around hers and showed her how to slide it up and down the way I liked. She leaned in and kissed me, her taste filling my mouth again as her smooth body rubbed against mine, her hand moving up and down on my cock. She kissed down my jaw, to the side of my neck, her breath tickling my ear as her hand stroked me. Tenleigh was so innocent and yet every movement, every touch, every gust of her breath on my body was so perfect, so thrilling. I barely made it two minutes before an orgasm exploded, so intense I gasped out and shuddered. The waves of ecstasy slowly diminished, Tenleigh's hand slowing as her now wet, sticky fingers loosened their grip.