See Me Page 29

I couldn’t help but like them, even though they were what Mom would call “scoundrels and rascals.” And I felt bad that they didn’t have any kind of guidance, or the presence of females to keep their undomesticated natures in check. Being with them made the world feel off kilter and I wanted to balance it back.

Rock snatched the ball from Cass’s hands and dribbled away, grinning over his shoulder when Cassidy yelled, “Hey!” and chased him.

Playing ball with the Clour was nothing like playing with the Chaun. It was a debacle. A hilarious debacle. It felt good to shed my proper exterior and play hard.

At one point in the game Cassidy screamed, “The next pair of grabby hands that touches my boobs or butt is getting a beatdown!” The guys were hands-on in every way. They would tackle one another, giving wedgies or yanking down each others’ pants. Anything to distract and get the ball. Some of them would even use their magic to shrink small when they were about to be tackled, and then pop back into full form after the aforementioned tackler fell on his face. This was a no rules arena, and we were all panting with merriment, wrestling and cheering when the ball sailed through a goal.

I liked watching McKale handle the ball. He had great control, which was a major turn on for me.

It was the most I’d seen McKale smile. He’d been careful not to be touchy the first part of the game, but as time went on and everyone started getting carried away, he became bolder. During the team choosing, McKale and I were put on opposing teams. I was disappointed at first. I’d wanted us to work together, but it turns out that competition could be a good thing.

When one of the twins jumped on Dashy’s back, I took the opportunity to steal the ball away. I only had it for three seconds before I felt an arm around my waist. In a blink I was yanked down and squashed under a long body. McKale and I were both breathing hard and smiling as he looked down at me. And then two little guys, Jax and Tyke, who’d been barreling forward at top speed, tripped over us and we all grunted. McKale stood and held out a hand. He pulled me up, but before we had a chance to wipe off the dirt, the ball was flying our direction, arching through the sky.

McKale and I jumped for it at the same time, but I grabbed his shoulders to lift myself higher and did a perfect header, sending the ball soaring off my forehead into the goal. The other team groaned while mine cheered. As I came down I brought my arms around McKale for an excited hug. We held each other, caught up in the moment, chests heaving with our rapid breaths, until one of the carrot cousins smacked my butt and said, “He ain’t on yer team!”

And then someone pantsed McKale.

His eyes widened and I covered my eyes with a scream of laughter. When I looked again McKale had his pants back up and was wrestling Blackie, who laughed so hard he could hardly defend himself from the nipple twister McKale gave him through his shirt. Blackie hollered and McKale fell to his back to catch his breath.

All around us the guys were tiring as the sun dipped low behind the forest. Cass came to my side.

“We should probably head back,” I said with reluctance.

Cass stuck out her lower lip. Rock came up behind her and slipped his hands around her waist. He leaned down and rested his chin on her shoulder.

“Will ye return?” asked Blackie, sitting up and resting his elbows on his knees.

“Sure,” I said.

“Look how dirty you are.” Cassidy pointed at me.

“You’re one to talk!” I countered. We were both filthy with leaves and grass in our hair.

“Aye, Cassie-lassie, ya need a good cleanin’!” said Rock. And with that he moved swiftly around Cass and threw her over his shoulder. “To the water wit’ ye!”

“Uh-oh,” I said, watching Rock run off while Cassidy screamed in glee. The rest of the Clour gave chase, pushing one another as they went.

McKale and I stood there as their voices trailed off.

“Are they always this wild?” I asked.

“Nay. They’re usually much worse.”

Ha. Together we ambled through the trees toward the waterfall. I felt comfortable at his side. It’d been awesome to see him let loose and have fun.

We got in the water and I waded out to my knees, bending to splash mud off my arms and legs. The others were further down the stream, hollering. McKale went farther into the water and dove, fully clothed. He wiped his face when he came up, and moved toward me. We shared shy smiles. My heart rate jacked up as he got closer, but at the last second he seemed to get nervous, veering toward the shore instead. He sat on the mossy bank, arms draped over his raised knees. I pushed aside my disappointment. What was I expecting? Him to ravish me?

The very thought made my cheeks warm. I walked out of the cool water to the shore and sat beside him. He was cute with his hair darkened from wetness and his clothes clinging to him. I tried not to stare, but when I stole a peek he was looking at my legs. He cleared his throat and stared down between his knees when he noticed me watching.

Dusk was darkening the sky, and shadows fell around us. We were thoughtful for a moment until inspiration hit and my nerves kicked on.

“So,” I started. “Where I’m from we have this thing called ‘dating.’” My voice quavered a little. “It’s when two people are, um, interested in each other, so they spend time together one-on-one, getting to know one another. Would you… like to do that? Go on a date with me, tomorrow night, maybe?”

I felt nervous as he listened, still with that steady expression. He gave none of his thoughts away.