The Friend Zone Page 27

Sometimes, I really hate talking to Dex.



Tonight, I met Gray at Palmers again to hang out with his teammates. Because their coach has a strict no-excessive-drinking policy, the guys limit themselves to one beer each. Also in effect is a no-partying rule while they train for the post-season. So sitting around, talking smack, and telling jokes is as wild as they get for the moment.

I prefer this, actually. I like hearing their stories and seeing the obvious love they have for each other. They’re now talking about Thompson, Johnson, and Marshall’s sexcapades, which are varied and a bit disturbing.

“What about the time Thompson left us stranded in some seedy bar in Cancun because he took the car to drive some co-eds to a party?” Gray glares at Thompson. “Without telling us.”

“So wrong,” Marshall says with a shake of his head. “Bros before hos, man.”

“You cut us deep,” Gray adds.

“Don’t let him fool you, Ivy,” Thompson tells me as he rolls his eyes. “Gray is as crazy as any of us.”

Gray shoots up straight in his seat. “Oh, no. Do not be putting me in your neighborhood of Crazy Town.”

“Look at Mr. Nightly Hookup, trying to play like he’s a saint. Boy, please.”

Drew too makes a noise of disbelief. “Are you forgetting the stripper who went down on you in front of everybody at your birthday party?”

Anna elbows Drew’s ribs, and he does a double take, his gaze shooting to Anna and then to me. Understanding sets in, and his eyes widen in obvious chagrin. He coughs and looks away.

Gray, however, waves a hand. “Please, that is nothing compared to these chuckle-heads’ antics.” Despite his light tone, he resolutely doesn’t look at me.

Marshall takes the moment to add, “Man, that chick had a mouth on her. Sucked me off that night too. Bless her heart.”

Only then do all the guys pause and glance at me, wincing a bit as if they know they’ve gone too far. And what can I say? Yay, I’m so glad Gray got a blowjob from a stripper! I sure hope she washed her mouth out in between blows! I take a hasty sip of my soda. Rolondo looks at me for a second, his dark eyes serious. Then he pulls a grin.

“Did your boys ever tell you about Cheerio?” he asks Anna and me.

Instantly all the guys groan. Drew ducks his head into the crook of Anna’s neck, while Gray simply starts to laugh and shake his head as if to say, “No, no, don’t do it.” But how are we supposed to resist that tease? Even more, I’m desperate to hear any story that doesn’t involve Gray and sex.

Anna and I demand that Rolondo enlighten us. But it’s Johnson who answers. His eyes gleam as he settles more comfortably in his seat. “This was back when most of us were freshmen. Dude was a senior. Defensive end.”

“Crazy-ass motherfuckers,” Diaz mutters, though he looks amused.

Yeah,” Johnson says. “Cheerio decided to have a party. You know, introduce us newbies to the team. It’s all cool until the end.”

“Some things cannot be unseen, man.” Dex shoves his fries toward Thompson as if he’s lost his appetite.

“Anyway.” Johnson gives Dex a pointed look of annoyance. “As I was saying, Cheerio—”

“Who we used to call Marcus,” Drew adds, his lips twitching. “Until that night.”

“Marcus,” Johnson stresses, “goes to the kitchen, grabs a box of cereal and a jug of milk and brings it back to the living room.” Johnson starts to snicker, glee making his face turn red as he continues his story. “We think nothing of it. The fucker is hungry, and so what? Until he drops his pants.”

“What?” Anna’s red brows rise high. “Why?”

They’re all choking on their laughter now.

“Dude grabs hold of his nut sack, stretches it out and fucking pours milk and cereal into it.”

The guys roar with laughter, the deep sound of it bubbling over the room.

“Wha—?” Anna, horrified, glances at me and then back at Johnson who is laughing so hard, he’s crying. “Why would he do that? I don’t even understand how he could accomplish it. What do you mean ‘into it’?”

“Like he made a little bowl out of his sack.” Johnson seems to think this makes everything clear.

“He must have had an enormous ball sack,” I mutter.

Which only makes the guys lose it entirely. Gray slaps a hand against the table as he doubles over.

Anna turns to me. “Can you even?”

“I can’t. I really can’t.”

Drew coughs back a laugh. “Which is why he will be forever known as Cheerio.”

I’m never looking at cereal the same way again. But I can’t help laughing too. Even if it’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard. So I don’t see them coming, though I should have expected it. One second, we’re all still chuckling, the next a swarm of girls descends on the table. I try to be charitable about my impression of them, but it isn’t working. Not when they nudge both me and Anna out of the way and drape themselves over every male at the table.

Two of them head for Gray. They sit on his lap, wrapping their arms around him. I find it hard to breathe, my skin suddenly hot and uncomfortably tight over my bones.

“Hey there, sexy,” Thing One says.

“We’ve missed seeing you around,” Thing Two adds, running her fingers through his hair.