Feeling Hot Page 47

Cash tugged on her ponytail and brought her mouth to his again. “No way. You’re hanging out with us and watching the game. It’ll help get your mind off this Carson situation.”

“You sure I won’t be intruding?”

He chuckled again. “Trust me, Dylan will love having you around.”

Right. Dylan, AKA Cash’s go-to threesome pal. At the memory, a flush heated her cheeks.

Cash clearly didn’t miss the blush because he offered a dry grin. “No threesome tonight,” he assured her. Then he arched a brow. “Unless you want one…”

Her br**sts and pu**y tingled in response. “Are you serious?”

He shrugged. “Just throwing it out there. Dylan’s a bit of a slut, so you never know what’ll happen when he’s around.”

Jen studied his handsome face, realization dawning. “You’d be up for it, wouldn’t you?”

Another shrug.

“You totally would,” she exclaimed. “I can see it on your face.”

“Yeah, I’d be up for it.”

His gruff admission startled her. “Wow. You’re really into ménage, huh?”

The molten heat in his sexy blue eyes disrupted her pulse and sent it careening. “There’s nothing sexier than a woman turning her pleasure over to two men.” Without letting her digest that, he gave her butt a little smack and said, “You taking that shower?”

“Oh. Um, yeah.”

Jen felt slightly dazed as she wandered off toward the bathroom. Did it make her a slut that the thought of being with two men turned her on?

God, and Cash would be up for sharing her with another man. It continued to surprise her how open-minded he was about sex. He didn’t balk at anything. He hadn’t even batted an eye last night when she’d slipped her finger in his ass while going down on him—if anything, he’d come even harder, nearly tugging her hair out by the roots as he exploded in her mouth.

So really, why was she surprised that Cash would be up for inviting another man into their bed?

Her ni**les puckered as the naughty idea crept into her mind once more. She banished it, ordering her head out of the gutter. Cash’s friend was coming by to watch football, not to ravish her, for Pete’s sake.

She ended up taking a long shower, allowing the hot water to ease the muscles that had been tied up in knots all day. She washed her hair, shaved her legs, lathered lavender-scented body wash on her skin. By the time she toweled off and walked into Cash’s room, she felt loose and relaxed.

She spent the next ten minutes blow-drying her hair, then brushed it until it shone and left it loose. She dressed for comfort—black leggings, sports bra and a turquoise top with a wide neckline that caused the soft material to fall off one shoulder. After a moment of hesitation, she applied some make-up. Mascara, subtle eye shadow, a dab of lip gloss.

The effort she went to for her appearance was more for her own sake than Cash and Dylan’s. She always felt better when she looked her best, and there was a spring to her step as she left the bedroom.

Male voices sounded from the living room. Jen’s pulse quickened, a reaction that had her rolling her eyes. Okay, enough. Just because Cash had broached the subject of threesomes didn’t mean one was in the cards. Besides, she didn’t know a thing about this Dylan guy, save for the fact that he was a SEAL, and, apparently, a slut. For all she knew, he was completely unattractive and someone she would never dream of—

The thought died when she entered the room and laid eyes on their guest.

Okay. Well. Unattractive was not the adjective to describe Dylan Wade.

Movie-star gorgeous was more apt. Or maybe female wet dream.

“Hi. You must be Jen,” he said in a deep, easygoing voice. His expression was downright smoldering as he unabashedly checked her out.

A bolt of sheer lust struck her as the blond Adonis rose from the couch. He was around the same height as Cash, six-foot-plus, but fair where Cash was dark. Jen couldn’t hide her feminine appreciation as she swept her gaze over his chiseled face—green eyes the shade of ripe limes, a killer grin, sexy dimples.

His body didn’t disappoint, either. Long muscular legs encased in dark-blue denim, a 49ers jersey stretched over a sculpted chest. The sleeves of his shirt were cut off, revealing his corded biceps and roped forearms.

She was tempted to ask him to do a little twirl so she could assess whether the back of him was as delicious as the front, but she had no doubt that it was.

Jen finally found her voice. “And you must be Dylan.”

She stuck out her hand, but rather than shake it, he grasped her fingers with his and raised her knuckles to his lips, brushing a fleeting kiss over them. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he drawled, his green eyes twinkling.

From his spot on the couch, Cash snorted. “Laying it on a little thick, don’t you think?”

“Can’t help it,” Dylan called without taking his eyes off her. “I’m overwhelmed by her beauty.”

Another snort cut through the air.

Dylan ignored his friend and gave Jen another long once-over. “I’m serious. You’re beautiful, honey.”

Her cheeks warmed. “Um. Thanks.”

“Hey, Romeo, how about you sit your ass back down so we can watch my boys claim victory?” Cash suggested.

Dylan shot her a lopsided grin. “McCoy actually believes his shitty team stands a chance of defeating mine. Clearly, he lives in a fantasy world.” He took her hand and led her toward the couch. “Come on, let’s watch his bubble burst.”